The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

171. It’s just that I have admired you for a long time (please order the full version)

"Nagano-senpai is so complimentary."

Bai Gui smiled and pointed at the manuscript, "If there are no problems, then I will resign first."

He is the pillar of the newspaper. Although Nobuo Nakajima is the proofreading editor, the editor-in-chief Nagano will read the submitted manuscript first and follow it. After reading, the proofreading editor will check for typos and irregular sentences. And other issues.

Nagano is the editor in chief.

He reads manuscripts as a matter of routine.

Now with Bai Gui's reputation, even if he imitates the number of water characters in Gu Long's line, many people will buy it.

After handing in the manuscript, Bai Gui didn't stay at the newspaper office for long.

Instead, he walked towards Asahisha.

He is now also a columnist for Asahisha.

Be a monk for one day and hit the clock for one day!

Murayama Ryuhei offered him a high price of two hundred and fifty yen. Although... specific affairs will be handled by a special editorial department, he only needs to put up a name and write a short historical science popularization story once a month, but if it is true If you do this, your reputation in the industry will inevitably be somewhat bad...

I still have to go there once in a while to work hard.

Leave no one speechless.

Shortly after.

Bai Gui walked to Asahi Society.

The Asahi Shimbun was first published in Osaka. The founders were Kimura Teng and Murayama Ryuhei. However, two years after its establishment, the Asahi Shimbun in Osaka suffered serious losses, so Kimura Teng transferred it to the Murayama family and the Ueno family for joint management. The family is also called the owner of the community. Then, Asahi Shimbun bought Tokyo's "Awakening News" and settled in Tokyo. It also entered Kyushu and Nagoya and other places, becoming Japan's leading newspaper...

The Asahi Newspaper Office is much more luxurious than the Minjin Newspaper Office. It is a three-story Western-style building with splendid decoration.

The main door is a rotating glass door with a central axis.

Extremely high-end.

Walk in.

"Hello, Mr. Bai!"

"Hello, Mr. Bai..."

"I didn't expect to see you again, Mr. Bai, in the company..."

In the office on the second floor, several employees who were walking in the corridor saw Bai Gui coming, and they immediately nodded and bowed to salute.

Japanese workplace culture is highly hierarchical.

Bai Gui nodded slightly, nodded slightly, and walked to the third floor.

The office on the second floor is where the small staff work. There are small grids and a small space. But on the third floor, this is where the management and columnists of Asahi News handle official business.

He just went up the steps.

I met an acquaintance.

"Hua Yuan, why, are you coming to work today too?"

Bai Gui smiled.

Flower Garden is the pen name of Ryuko Tanabe.

When he was first led by Tohei Saburo to Okakura Tenshin's Betsuye to participate in the literary club, he knew that Tanabe Ryuko's pen name was Hanabao, but he was a humble person at the time and had nothing to do with Tanabe Ryuko. Friendship, I dare not shout randomly.

But now that his status in the literary world is rising day by day, and he is an old acquaintance with Ryuko Tanabe, he dares to shout about the flower garden.

"What a coincidence?"

"Did you get together?"

Tanabe Ryuko was a little surprised, and then she pointed carefully at Natsume Soseki, who was sitting on a chair in the corner of the public area reading a book. The meaning was self-evident.

Then he hurried into the office.

Bai Gui raised his eyebrows and didn't care. He also met Natsume Soseki a few times when he checked in at Asahisha. However, both of them were well-educated people and would not quarrel wantonly or speak coldly. Just say hello.

He walked to his office.

"Mr. Bai, please use some fertilizer."

A good-looking female staff member came over carrying a plate with a cup of hot coffee.

Still steaming.

Coffee is made by soaking freshly ground coffee beans. valley

Full-bodied flavor.

"Suzuki, what was Tanabe-senpai doing in such a hurry just now?"

Bai Gui asked curiously.

Similar to Nobuo Nakajima, Miyuki Suzuki is the editor-in-chief of the historical academic column editorial department, and incidentally his female assistant.

Quite capable.


Suzuki Miyuki hesitated for a while and said: "It's Mr. Miyake in the company who is pursuing her. It's just that Mr. Tanabe doesn't intend to accept him, but Mr. Miyake has been pursuing her. I just saw Mr. Miyake on the second floor... I guess. I'm trying to hide from Mr. Miyake."

"Miyake Yujiro?"

Bai Gui thought of a name. He was a well-known critic from Asahisha. He also graduated from Tokyo University and was considered his senior.

If the commentator industry is done well, it can also have a great reputation.

Yujiro Miyake is a well-known commentator in the industry.

"Yes, it's Mr. Miyake."

Suzuki Miyuki nodded quickly and replied carefully.

Although she had not seen Bai Gui for a long time, she faintly heard some rumors in the society, saying that Bai Gui and Tanabe Ryuko seemed to have some unexplained relationship.

"Mr. Miyake is a bit old, he is already in his forties..."

Bai Gui frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

But it suddenly occurred to him that Tanabe Ryuko was now nearly thirty years old, and it didn't seem too outrageous for forty-year-old Miyake Yujiro to pursue thirty-year-old Tanabe Ryuko.

"Forget it, you go out first."

Bai Gui shook his head and asked Suzuki Miyuki to go out.

He didn't intend to pay too much attention to this matter. Tanabe Ryuko had some small ambiguities with him, but it was not to the point where he could intervene. Moreover, Tanabe Ryuko also expressed rejection to Miyake Yujiro. This matter is probably It can't be done.

He took a sip of fat and turned to read the submission documents piled up in the historical academic column.

"This manuscript is good. It explores the history of the demise of the Indian people in Ameiken. It's pretty good..."

Bai Gui reviewed the manuscript.

In fact, these are manuscripts that have been selected by the editorial department. From his perspective, they are just a pastime after dinner.

"When I have free time later, I will write a little popular science article and then go home..."

After grinding for a while, Bai Gui thought to himself.

But before he could start writing, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

he said.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes opened the door.

It was Yujiro Miyake.

Some are bald and stocky, with ordinary looks.

After all, in this writing profession, if you work for a long time, you will get a little fatter, and you will sit still all day long, working hard instead of hard work.

"It's Mr. Miyake. What do you want from me?"

Bai Gui narrowed his eyes. He and Miyake Yujiro were just acquaintances and had barely exchanged a few words. He must have been looking for him because of Tanabe Ryuko's affairs, and with such a menacing appearance, nothing good could possibly happen. .

"Bai Meihe..., I hope you..."

When Yujiro Miyake was about to scold Bai Gui loudly, he suddenly shrank his eyes and saw Bai Gui holding a coffee cup, drinking coffee in small sips, and the white porcelain spoon that stirred the coffee seemed to be crushed into powder by his two fingers. .

Finely divided porcelain powder is sprinkled on the desk.

A chill ran down his spine.

"It's nothing, Lord Bai. I just admired Lord Bai for a long time, so I wanted to come over and make some friends..."

"It's really nothing..."

He kept laughing and stepped back quickly.

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