The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

173. The graduation exam is over (please order in full)

Although Ryuko Tanabe was a little annoyed by her pursuit of Yujiro Miyake. Google search to read but... As an older leftover girl, it would be nice to have someone to pursue her.

Especially a female writer like her...

There are really not many men who dare to pursue her.

Men who are not as good as Tanabe Ryuko will naturally not dare to pursue her, and most men who are better than Tanabe Ryuko would prefer to find a woman who is in her prime, in her prime, like Yamato Nadeshiko...

"Tanabe-senpai, you can ask Suzuki or everyone else. It was Mr. Miyake who broke in by himself. Not only did I not stop him from pursuing you, I also asked him to cherish this relationship..."

Bai Gui said helplessly.

In fact, he really didn't intend to get involved in this matter at the beginning. It's human nature for a man to marry a woman. But who would have expected that Yuzaburo Miyake would happen to provoke him in front of him, and he hadn't done anything yet. ..., Miyake Yujiro himself was scared first...

Not a good match!


Tanabe Ryuko glanced at Bai Gui suspiciously.

This expression doesn't seem to be fake.

She frowned slightly, lowered her head, and looked around for evidence.

Then her beautiful eyes saw the fine porcelain powder on the desk and the spoon missing the handle...

Her face darkened.

The scene at Mori Ogai's private house in Setagaya Ward immediately came to mind.

Good guy, if Yujiro Miyake dares to pursue me after showing this hand, he is really risking his life...

"That's all, anyway, it just depends on whether I get married or not in this life."

"Forget it this time..."

Tanabe Ryuko covered her mouth and yawned. After glaring at Bai Gui with her beautiful eyes, she stood up from the office chair and left.

She was used to being single anyway, so being single for a little longer would be like that.

It's approaching April.

The final exam for the first grade of high school has finally arrived.

Outside the examination room.

Everyone whispered.

"That guy Saburo Fujiwara can't sit still now. Brother Miwa, you have written many masterpieces and become famous in Japan. Now you are the most popular after graduating from high school. But...when it comes to academic evaluation, Saburo Fujiwara has always been the first..." "

Liu Mingda deliberately lowered his voice and said.

Three people in the same dormitory gathered together in a relatively remote corner, waiting for the exam to start.

"He's probably on pins and needles right now. It's not that easy to get a position in the literature department. He's not worthy of the position."

"I don't know if Fujiwara will give up one person this time..."

“It’s just too much attention.”

Wu Huaixian said.

"Minister Fujiwara has already received so many cold looks. It is impossible for him to lose one at this time."

Bai Gui thought for a while and made a judgment.

Ichigao deliberately gave Fujiwara Saburo extra points to outdo him. Without Fujiwara Saburo, there would still be Fujiwara Shiro. Moreover, Fujiwara Saburo is a very powerful person and will not give up the benefits of being a leader easily.

Although there is not much difference between the first and second students from the preparatory school to Dongda, scholarships, etc., both the first and second students are definitely available, but taking out the first one is also an extra honor, which will be used for future qualifications. It is of great use...

Especially one for the final exam.

Soon, the exam will begin.

Bai Gui also entered the examination room, and he was next to Fujiwara Saburo.

Seats will be assigned based on rankings in the last midterm exam.

Sensing Saburo Fujiwara's gaze, Bai Gui also smiled and signaled. Saburo Fujiwara was slightly startled and smiled back. There was no deep hatred between the two of them, and they were neither jealous nor talented.

"Just work hard, maybe you can do something..."

Bai Gui thought.

There are many elites in the high school, not to mention the top students selected from various places in Japan. As for these preparatory students studying in Japan, who is not an outstanding prodigy from all over the world? They have achieved fame at a young age. Some objective There is no way to make mistakes or lose points in memory questions. Only subjective questions in liberal arts and some science questions will be ranked.

The first subject in the Ministry of Education examination is Japanese history.

Bai Gui calmed down and began to write furiously. The Professor Shiraishi he followed was a professor who specialized in the history of Japan. Not to mention that he had spent so long in the library and classics room of Tokyo University. The topic of Japanese history was too simple for him.

One after another Mo Yi questions were written quickly.

Come to the subjective question.

The first big question is: "Please briefly describe the reasons why Dahua's reform failed?"

If you have only briefly read some Japanese history textbooks, most people's impression of Dahua's reform will only remain that on the first day of the first lunar month of the second year of Dahua, Emperor Xiaode issued the "Edict on Reform", and then Japan began to reform, following the example of The three provinces and six ministries system in the Tang Dynasty abolished the hereditary clan aristocracy system, established the eight provinces and one hundred official system, etc...

But in fact, in history, there is no such so-called "Edict of Reform". Dahua Reform is almost the same as the changes in the long history of Chinese institutions. It cannot be achieved overnight, but was formed after a long period of changes, and The changes are not thorough...

"To get a high score on this question, you must compare it with the history of China..."

"Studying Japanese history cannot avoid Chinese history..."

Bai Gui sighed.

He did not use a plug-in to obtain the test papers. With his current level of knowledge, he could answer the content of the college graduation exam with ease without any further trouble.

He replied in a deep pen: "The failure of Dahua reform is similar to the system in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. After Dahua, there was the regent Guan Bai, and in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were kings and horses who shared the world..., imitating the Pantian system in the Tang Dynasty, but also because of the private property of the nobles. Possession and disuse is like the economy of the Southern Dynasty manor..."

Before the Dahua Reform, the aristocratic Suga clan stole the emperor's power. After the Dahua Reform, the emperor followed the example of China in creating the Eight Provinces and Hundred Officials system to increase the imperial power. The emperor's power increased, but at this time, new aristocrats appeared. That is, the Fujiwara family took away power from the emperor. This is the famous "Shoseki Masaharu" in Japan.

Guan Bai, this word comes from the biography of Huo Guang in the "Book of Han", "Everything must be Guan Bai Guang first, and then report to the emperor." This Guan Bai, who was reported to Huo Guang in advance, immediately went to Japan and became the name of an official.

Regent comes from the Yan Zhaogong family in "Historical Records", "When the king was young, Zhou Gong took the regent."

In modern philosophy and history, there are two types of analysis of historical issues, one is historical materialism and the other is historical idealism. In academic circles, there are people who support both views of history.

However, Bai Gui has already written "Guns, Germs, and Steel". This book is obviously historical materialism. So naturally he must keep his words consistent with his actions, and he can no longer write about idealistic views of history, as that would be a slap in his face.

He answered this question. What this sentence means is: The reason why the Dahua reform failed is that it is somewhat similar to the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. As for how it is similar, it is necessary to imitate the class made by the Tang Dynasty from the Dahua reform. Speaking of land system...

In the early Tang Dynasty, the system of renting and renting was implemented, and the system of equalizing land was combined with the renting and renting. Rent means land rent or field rent, Yongze means employment, which can also be understood as corvee, and Tiaoze means reconciliation. To put it simply, rent modulation is the economic measure of the Tang Dynasty...

Economy is the foundation of all superstructures!

If you want to answer why the Dahua reform failed, you have to answer the economic reasons. This is the way of answering from the historical materialism.

Progress step by step.

The Dahua reform modeled the land equalization system of the Tang Dynasty into the class land system, which was more advanced than the land equalization system. For example, the land equalization system of the Tang Dynasty stipulated that the land would be returned to the state after the death of farmers. During this period, the land was privately owned, while in Japan it was every other Farmers must be allocated land, which is called pantian, every six years.

But... Japan followed the old path of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The number of nobles increased and private lands were divided, forming the manor economy of the Southern Dynasties. As a result, the economic reforms of Dahua reform collapsed first. Public land became private land, citizens became private citizens, and economic power was seized by the nobles. The same is true for the superstructure. The emperor's power was lost, so the Dahua reform failed.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Gui finally finished answering the first question.

With ease.

Other subjective questions are not difficult in his writing. If even he can fail the test, then the teacher who set the test does not give these students a way to live, and sooner or later they will be hacked to death...

Question after question, I finally finished answering them all before the end of the exam.

At this time, there were also many top students who submitted their papers in advance. This was not because Bai Gui could not compare with these people, but because the answers written by these people were too superficial. How could he analyze the various causes and factors in such a thorough way?

"Mr. Bai, I'm sorry. I just happened to get a knowledge point that I'm familiar with. I might still be the best this time..."

When leaving the examination room, Saburo Fujiwara said with a smile.

"Fujiwara-san comes from a rich family, so it's normal for me to be the second. It's not a big deal for me to be the second for a while. I'm used to it."

Bai Gui replied smoothly, not caring.

No matter how good-hearted Saburo Fujiwara was, he was being talked about behind his back and slandered by fellow students over and over again. He couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He ran to him to find a sense of presence... to prove that he could maintain his position. Really capable.

This time it happened to be his family.

Therefore, Fujiwara Saburo is confident that there is no one present who can write better than him, even Bai Gui...

"..." Saburo Fujiwara.

His forehead was immediately covered with black lines.

Bai Gui's words may seem modest, but it seems that you and I are no longer on the same level, and it is not that important to him whether you are one or two.

The two quarreled.

It didn't reach the level of jealousy.

This is also common in schools.

The following subjects were also passed smoothly, and there were no obscure or difficult questions.

However, compared to the first semester of the first year of preparatory courses, English subjects are added in the second semester of the first year of preparatory courses. The rare invigilator this time was Natsume Soseki. He taught English in the first grade of high school, but there were other English teachers on weekdays, so it was a bit unqualified for him to be the invigilator.

Although Natsume Soseki didn't stare at Shirogi very much, he always felt like a light was on his back...

The three-day exam ended in such a leisurely manner.

"I am still ranked second in the first grade in public courses, and I am ranked second in the Ministry of Education..."

"As expected."

Bai Gui shook his head and chuckled.

He tried his best to answer the question brilliantly, but the school still appointed Saburo Fujiwara as the first high school student. I don’t know if he was flattering or not.

After the rankings came out, some media came to interview Yigao.

In fact, in the past, the final exam of No. 1 High School also attracted much attention from the world. After all, it was the best high school. This time, the famous writer Bai Gui answered in the final exam. Many media called on the school to make the test papers public so that they could see Bai Gui's answer sheet.

It’s just English test papers.


Subjects such as French history, Japanese history, Chinese and Western philosophy, etc. are the subjects that attract the most attention to them.

Everyone wants to see how this famous writer expounds on some historical issues. This includes Bai Gui's reputation for writing the book Guns and Guns, and his reputation as a columnist in the historical academic column of Asahisha... …

The media, led by Asahi News, naturally wanted to pull a stunt.

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