The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

192. Get an Akita dog! (Please order in full)

"Chiyo-chan, don't learn from Tanabe-senpai and Higuchi-senpai..."

"how to say……"

Bai Gui couldn't help but hold his forehead.

In this era, most female writers do not have a happy life. As the saying goes, historians are unfortunate to have poets flourish, and famous female writers suffer from emotional torture, so that they can write a popular masterpiece. Writers who have not experienced the world will write in a superficial way, and it is difficult to sell well... …

Of course this is not necessarily absolute.

It's just that after becoming a female writer, her vision is inevitably much higher than that of ordinary women, and she will not be embarrassed to marry. And a man with status is more willing to marry a gentle and considerate wife than a woman with a strong personality...

From ancient times to the present, most talented women have been unfortunate, such as Cai Wenzhao, Yu Xuanji, Li Qingzhao, etc.

"But if you become a female writer like Tanabe-senpai, you can work with Onisan..."

Chiyo said casually.

As if she realized something, she added: "Becoming a female writer is a better way out for women. Generally, companies are not willing to recruit female employees, and we are encouraged to do so..."

"Then...just work hard."

Bai Gui thought about it and could only encourage him.

At this time in Japan, few students who graduated from women's colleges and universities could find a suitable job. Although there are female workers, most of them are in factories, where physical strength is squeezed and labor is exploited. Becoming a writer is indeed a good way to make a living in the future.

Especially for these women who have received higher education...

He stood up, left Chiyo's side, and walked two or three steps away.

Looking back.

The girl was wearing a well-fitting kimono, with a few strands of hair hanging down beside her delicate melon face. She raised her head slightly, and her tall eyes, as clear as a spring, were filled with the shadow of his tall figure. She smiled sweetly, with two dots at the corners of her mouth. The dimples are looming.

It has a charm that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

"Onii-chan, let's...get a dog. I like Akita dogs..."

She spoke softly.

Later, she wrote in an essay: You should not meet a man who is too good when you are young, otherwise his shadow will be reflected in your eyes for the rest of your life.

The next day.

Bai Gui went to school at Dongda University.

The content taught in the first year of college is closely connected with the two-year preparatory course for high school, and there is no deep separation. Similarly, the first-year academic pressure is not great and is relatively relaxed. The purpose is to adapt to college life first.

This class is the history of France.

Lecture-style classroom.

Bai Gui sat in the front row.

"In 1814 AD, the Bourbon dynasty was restored in France, and Louis XVIII promulgated the "Charter"... In 1824, Louis XVIII's brother Charles Anyone who eats food or communion will first have his right hand cut off and then be put to death..."

"The July Monarchy..., Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans became a thing of the past, Louis-Philippe swore "allegiance to the Constitution", and the tricolor became the flag of the Orleans Dynasty (July Monarchy)..."

The two classes were completed in a hurry.

Bai Gui closed his notebook and prepared to go out.

Although he has a photographic memory, this refers to memory. Some condensed knowledge points must be memorized to achieve the point where practice makes perfect and quick response. Moreover, taking notes is also one of the course tasks.

Credits are earned only when course tasks are completed.

"Mr. Bai, please wait a moment."

Fujiwara Saburo stopped him.

"Brother Fujiwara, what do you do for me?" Gu

Bai Gui raised his eyebrows and said curiously.

After he and Fujiwara Saburo settled their differences, their relationship was neither warm nor lukewarm. They just didn't hate each other and hadn't reached the level of friends. They were considered acquaintances.

"I heard that Mr. Bai is currently preparing to apply for early graduation..."

"And if you want to complete the credit system..."

Fujiwara Saburo looked at Bai Gui and stopped talking.


"Brother Fujiwara guessed it right. I applied for early graduation."

Bai Gui nodded.

He didn't know whether Saburo Fujiwara had inquired about this from the Academic Affairs Office or guessed it on his own. But it doesn't matter, there is nothing to hide in this kind of thing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that he will most likely apply for early graduation.

Time will not be wasted.

"Like Mr. Bai, I also applied for early graduation..."

Fujiwara Saburo smiled.

It is very common for top students like them to apply for early graduation. However, even if the average person applies to graduate early, they often have to stay in school for three or four years. They just come out a year or a few months early and enjoy some small preferential treatment in general course tasks.

“Credit is more difficult for first-year students like us to obtain.”

"Undergraduate courses at Dongda require a total of sixty credits."

"The French history we just took is an important subject and only has 1.5 credits... So according to the conventional route, if we want to complete the credits as soon as possible, in addition to taking major courses in advance and choosing more minor courses, there are also A shortcut is to join a hobby club..."

Fujiwara Saburo said slowly.

"As long as you win awards in the annual competitions of interest clubs, you can get certain credits. For example, the kendo club has the kendo award, the judo club has the judo award, the literature club also has the literature award..."

Bai Gui waved his hand, "I have also considered this, but I have already signed up for the literary club. Although Dongda does not prohibit students from signing up for several interest clubs, if you sign up for too many, you will be busy. If you do not participate in the activities organized by the interest clubs, …”

"You can't get any credits either!"

Naturally, he knew about Dongda’s credit system.

There can be no obvious loopholes.

"Bai Jun, I used to be the student director of the first high school. I can ask some interest clubs to give us concessions. In addition to some important activities that must be attended, some activities organized by the interest clubs can be absent..."

"It saves time."

"The hobby club is divided into two categories: sports and culture. The sports club has the track and field club, swimming club, judo club, kendo club, etc., while the cultural club has the flower arrangement club, Go club, and English speaking club..."

"Each interest club has certain information in the student department that can be researched to select the most suitable interest club..."

Saburo Fujiwara said.

Bai Gui understood what Saburo Fujiwara meant.

Fujiwara Saburo has a certain background and connections in the student department. He was once the student director of the first high school. Now after entering Tokyo University, there are senior seniors who are suppressing him. He is only the deputy director in the student department and is no longer the full director. But even the deputy minister still has a certain amount of power. He can access the information of these interest clubs in advance. Some interest club activities can also be excused by the affairs of the student department...

"The credits are suitable and the time is suitable. I currently choose archery clubs, shooting clubs, track and field clubs, and Go clubs..."

"Brother Bai is a Confucian gentleman, capable of civility and martial arts, and he is probably skilled in archery..."

Saburo Fujiwara revealed his purpose.

He himself is not very outstanding in competitive sports.

But that doesn't matter. In addition to individual competitions, there are also group competitions in the sports category.

What he is interested in is the credits added in the group stage.

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