The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

196. Sayang Nala (please order in full)

In the quiet office, there was the rustling sound of the pen tip sliding.

It's pleasant to the ear.

This pen was specially selected by Mitsuko Yamada. Although Kaweco pens are not popular in Japan, next year, this pen brand won the gold medal at the Leipzig International Fair.

Mitsuko Yamada felt itchy and couldn't help but take a few steps in, ready to take a closer look.

At this time, Bai Gui's brush strokes stopped, and the hard-stroke calligraphy on the plain paper appeared like a work of art.

"Sayanara - to Mitsuko Yamada."

"The most tender thing is the gentleness of bowing one's head."

"Like a water lotus that is shy in the cool breeze,"

"Tell me how to take care of you,"

"Tell me how to take care of you,"

"There is sweet sorrow in that cherished voice... Sayanara!"

Looking at the poems on the paper, Yamada Mitsuko was a little crazy.

Sayanara means "goodbye" in Japanese, but this goodbye generally does not appear in daily life and is used very rarely. This kind of farewell is mostly used when saying goodbye for a long time or on formal occasions.

For example, moving to a new house, graduation, and students saying goodbye to their teachers.

It cannot be abused at will.

At this moment, Bai Gui wrote this Sayang Nala, just in time to suit the occasion, after graduation and a long separation.

And this poem is also one of Yun Zhonghe's more famous poems.

The original poem is called "Sayang Nala - A Gift to a Japanese Girl".

"Photon, this is a poem I wrote specially for you..."

"Just think of it as a parting graduation gift."

Bai Gui closed the pen, inserted it into the left pocket of his suit jacket, and fixed it with a pen clip.

The original pen was placed in his pants pocket.

While he was talking, a sudden gust of fragrance hit him, and soft and slightly moist lips were pressed on his lips. Bai Gui, who had experienced many things, responded not to be outdone. The two kissed for a while, and Yamada Mitsuko panicked. , and quickly pushed him away.

"I'll wait for you in Kyoto..."

"Don't break your promise, otherwise..."

Yamada Mitsuko straightened up her scattered kimono, a hint of embarrassment flashed across her pink face, she glared at Bai Gui with her beautiful eyes, and walked out of the office angrily without looking back.

After a while.

Bai Gui licked his lips with unfinished meaning, not knowing how much rouge he had just eaten.

All in all, it's quite fragrant and soft.

It looks very much like the Mitarai dumplings that Mitsuko Yamada loved to eat in Kyoto.

Out of Professor Shiraishi's office.

Bai Gui walked to the gate of Dongda Hongo Campus and called a rickshaw.

After a while, he returned to his private house.

When he was a few steps away from the door of the private house, the sound of barking dogs could be heard from inside the door.

open the door.

A jute-colored Akita dog and a black Shiba Inu came out of the door and kept rubbing against Bai Gui.

"Luey, you two give way..."

Bai Gui said helplessly.

These two dogs are just a little too enthusiastic. valley

After tutoring Xiao Chiyo on her homework that day, Xiao Chiyo proposed raising an Akita dog. Bai Gui agreed and discussed with Xunzi that it would be good to have a dog in the mansion as it would add some popularity.

Bai Gui also likes to raise dogs.

It's just that I don't have time...

With Chiyo's request, he is not tired of raising dogs. So he asked some friends to see if there were any suitable Akita dogs available for adoption recently.

Many people misunderstand the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu as the same dog breed. In fact, this is not the case. The Akita Inu is larger and is a large dog. At the same time, only the royal family and nobles in Japan keep them, while the Shiba Inu is a small dog, equivalent to a native dog. Dogs are raised in many places in the countryside.

At first, I couldn't find a suitable Akita dog, so I had no choice but to adopt a black dog sent by Eiji.

But a few days later, another Akita dog was sent over by the editor-in-chief of Nagano.

Originally, Bai Gui planned to raise a dog, but it was difficult to refuse the kindness of editor Nagano, so he could only raise two dogs. The two dogs are one big and one small. The big one has a naive face, while Hei Chai smiles and narrows his eyes like crescent moons. He is extremely cute and has often been made into emoticons in later generations.

Two years have passed and the adopted puppy has grown up a lot.

"Wangcai, Laifu, you two come here and don't disturb Ounisang..."

Little Chiyo shouted to the two dogs.

She shouted in Chinese.

The dog name was given by Bai Gui. At first, both Chiyo and Xunzi thought that the dog name Luey sounded good and quite foreign. However, after Bai Gui understood the true meaning, they also changed their words and called it Chinese.

Only Bai Gui kept calling the two dogs by their foreign names.

Enter the house.

"Bai Jun, you finally graduated."

Xunzi said.

"Well, I handed in my graduation thesis a few days ago and received my diploma today."

Bai Gui sat cross-legged on the ground and said.

"The day after tomorrow, we will travel to Izu together to see Ajun. Don't worry, I will go back to China and I will come back in the future. You can study with peace of mind now..."

He saw that Xunzi was a little sad and comforted him.

He also understood how Xunzi felt at this time, fearing that he would never come back. This kind of situation also happens occasionally among students studying in Japan. Xunzi obviously noticed this and was afraid of worrying about it.

"Traveling to Izu?"

When Xunzi heard Bai Gui mention Ajun, his face lit up and he said.

"Yes, I still have some work to deal with in Japan. I will write letters to newspapers and publishing houses today and tomorrow. I will go to Izu to stay for a few days. When I come back, if there is nothing major, I can leave Japan..."

Bai Gui nodded and explained the reason.

He now has a certain job and status in Japan, and has been back in China for a relatively long time. It is impossible to just leave. There are some remaining issues that need to be dealt with. For example, he is now the follow-up history columnist of Asahi News. After his absence, who should he let? I am competent for the time being, but there are still some copyright issues with publishers that are yet to be resolved.

Therefore, he wrote to these newspapers and some friends early.

After returning from a trip to Izu, if there are no urgent matters to deal with, you can safely return to your country.

As for Ajun in Izu, thanks to the success of Rongji's family in opening a restaurant, he no longer has to be a girl in the arcade. Instead, he raised money and opened a small hotel in Izu.

The business is still good, and I keep inviting Bai Gui and the others to travel.

Although Ajun did not borrow money from Bai Gui, what really changed the fate of Rongji's family was the sum of money Bai Gui gave him at the beginning. This money was difficult for them to accumulate. Only with the original funds can some ideas be put into practice. In practice, otherwise you can only rely on meager physical labor and be exploited, and then the money you earn can only be used to feed your belly...

They still had sex at night, but Xunzi took the initiative this night.

The next day, early morning.

Bai Gui went to Asahisha to check in.

Writing letters at home is also writing letters, and going to Asahisha to write letters is also writing letters. It's just that on the way to work, using public resources to complete one's private affairs will give a higher sense of pleasure.

In addition, people tend to be lazy when working in private homes.

"Mr. Bai, it's your fault."

The female assistant Suzuki Miyuki served him a cup of hot, freshly ground coffee as usual.

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