The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 90: Little Gary is my daughter!

"Angelo, are you sure that little Gary is your biological daughter?" Angelo said with a strange look as he raised the test report in his hand as soon as he entered the laboratory.

"No, even though Little Gary is not my biological daughter, it doesn't affect my love for Little Gary." Angelo breathed a sigh of relief, "Man, is it possible that you still have paternity testing equipment here?"

"No, man, I think you need to look at this test report..."

Stark was also relieved to hear that Little Gary was not Angelo's biological daughter. However, this is not some kind of **** drama, it's even more **** than being a dad!

Angelo took a look at the report printed out by Stark, and the dense data on it made Angelo's scalp tingle.

He shoved the report back into Du Stark's hands with a headache, "Man, I don't understand this at all, just tell me if there is something wrong with Little Gary's body, and what should I do? "

Stark was not surprised that Angelo didn't understand the report, and said in a somewhat horrified tone, "Dude! Little Gary's body is in good shape, and there is no problem. However, the problem I want to talk about now is comparable to that of Little Gary. Li ate something badly bad!"

"Little Gary is not a person on earth! Not even a creature on earth!"

When Stark said this, Angelo was also a little surprised. It wasn't that he couldn't see the specialness of Little Gary and Tachibana, but at most he thought that Little Gary might have something special to eat. Ability, in the Marvel universe, it is really that the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology.

All kinds of strange things can produce a mutant superhero.

Possibly, little Gary also encountered a special time to become especially edible, I'm not sure.

But now Stark actually told him that Little Gary was not a creature on Earth! This made him feel a little weird.

There are aliens in the Marvel universe, this is what Angelo knows, such as Thor and Loki, the Asgardians...

But last time, Gary and Tachibana missed out in front of Koichi! According to Mage Gu Yi's temper to protect the earth, if Little Gary and Tachibana were not mutant superheroes, why did Mage Gu Yi not only didn't take action to expel them, but also specifically told himself to take good care of Little Gary and Tachibana?

How do you think Little Gary doesn't get along with Thor's naivety? Asgard doesn't have anyone who can teleport. In the movie, they need to use the power of the Rainbow Bridge to come to Earth.

"What the **** is going on here?" Angelo stared solemnly into Stark's eyes.

"This is the blood test report of a normal Earthling." Stark sighed and handed another piece of paper to Angelo. He knew very well Angelo's feelings for Little Gary, and he liked it very much. Little Gary, this lovely goddaughter, is really hard to accept when she suddenly comes out like this. "You'll know by comparing the blood report of Little Gary for yourself."

This time, with the standard template comparison, Angelo can finally understand the difference between the two reports.

The abnormality of Xiao Jiali's blood report is that each test result is different. Basically, except for the color of blood and the fact that blood is liquid, the components are completely two things.

Little Gary's blood is completely composed of an unknown ingredient!

Angelo quietly looked at the two reports in his hand, no one knew what he was thinking.

Stark, Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner were silent on the side, and they didn't know what to say to persuade Angelo. Although Little Carrie could make the seven orifices of Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner anger into smoke, but No one really hates this cute little girl.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Angelo's face, "What about that bone, is there any result?"

Everyone looked at Angelo in astonishment. Dr. Ethan hesitated for a moment and said, "Angelo, what are you going to do with the little Gary? Although the current test results prove that the little Gary is not from the earth, but... …”

Looking at Dr. Ethan who was trying to argue for little Gary, Angelo said with a smile, "Dr. Ethan, don't worry, it is enough that little Gary is my daughter, as for whether it is an alien, does it matter? Dr. Na can become the Hulk, Dr. Ethan, you are an undead creature, I don't know what mine is? It used to be called Nephalem. Even the most normal Stark, he is also A reactor was pressed on the chest, do we have normal people here?"

"So do I have an extraterrestrial daughter?"

Angelo shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me whether Little Gali is an alien or not, it doesn't matter what animal the bone is. This bone doesn't have anything like ancient bacteria, right?"

Hearing Angelo's words, everyone burst into laughter. If you think about it, it's true. It seems that there are not many normal people in the whole church. Maybe only Uncle Long and No. 1 can be regarded as pure human beings. Come on.

"The bones also have test results. This is not any known creature on earth. The energy contained in the bones is amazing!" Stark said after putting down the question of Little Gary. "The hardness of the bones is also much higher than ordinary steel. As for why Xiao Jiali can eat it, I think this should be Xiao Jiali's special ability, right?"

Angelo couldn't help Why is little Jiali's special ability related to eating? Is it true that God is destined to be a foodie?

Oh! correct. Xiao Jiali can still teleport. Could it be that she evolved the ability to eat food faster?

"Does that have any effect on little Gary's body?" Angelo asked the question he was most concerned about.

"At the moment, it doesn't seem... No, but because of the particularity of Little Gary, it is a new species, so follow-up research is needed." Stark hesitated before continuing, "I will speed up the construction of the laboratory in the church. With the progress, little Gary can cooperate with the experiment at home."

"Well, that's fine." Angelo suddenly thought of a question. "By the way! Guys, let's not let little Galie know that she is different from others. Today's matter is a secret limited to the four of us, please."

Some people use childhood to heal their whole life, but some people need their whole life to heal their childhood.

As a father, Angelo obviously didn't want Little Gary to spend her childhood under the strange eyes of others, which was undoubtedly a huge harm to Little Gary.

As for whether Little Gary will harm the earth or human beings when she grows up in the future, Angelo is very sure that under his influence, it is impossible for Little Gary to do so.

And as a father, he will definitely stop Little Gali from harming the earth, and is always ready to pay the price for it.

Little Gary is his daughter and his family, and the appearance of Little Gary gave him the goal of living. Although he always cried with Stark about being poor and complained that Little Gary was eating too much, he never thought of letting Little Gary leave.

Little Gary is my daughter! I will keep the wind and rain out for my daughter!

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