What Janata said to the superheroes on the earth meant very simply, that is, he wanted the superheroes of the earth to save the planet-devourer.

Earthlings have never heard of super artifact or something. Although they already have several Infinity Stones in their hands, very few superheroes know the power of Infinity Stones. The other artifacts are even ignorant.

As for the decapitation tactics, even the three major empires have not found where the top of the Zerg are, let alone these superheroes?

There is only the Planet Devourer, which people on earth can definitely find. Not to mention that the current Hank Pym is close to half a star-devouring messenger, Janata, the star-devouring daughter, must have a way to find her father.

In this way, superheroes on Earth naturally have only one way to save the Planet Devourer.

Of course, the superheroes on earth are not so stupid, and Phoenix was the first to speak.

"Although Planet Devourer is powerful, is it really that important to deal with Zerg?"

"You know, he was defeated by the Zerg in the first place, and now he has been captured. What's the use even if we rescue him? Could it be captured again?"

Hearing this, Janata was a little unhappy. Although this little girl and her father's three views have always been different, she can't tolerate others talking about her father.

"That's just because my father was seriously injured at the time, and there is no energy in his body!" Janata waved his arms and said, "If my father was at his peak, he would be enough to resist the three empires alone!"

To say that swallowing a star alone is equivalent to the three major cosmic empires, it must be nonsense. However, the strength of swallowing a star in a normal state can be at least equal to half, otherwise the three cosmic empires would have eaten this planet everywhere. The guy was beaten to death.

But in fact, even if you add the Planet Devourer, it is difficult to say whether you can beat those bugs. The full state of swallowing stars is known as the air in seconds, but unfortunately Yang Tai has never seen it.

However, as one of the six gods of the universe, the swallowing star itself has a mysterious connection with the universe. The understanding of the universe far exceeds the general universe civilization. Knowing many secrets, maybe there is a way to deal with the Zerg, so Yangtai still supports Janata's opinion.

As for the other superheroes, there's a lot of talk about it, and most people still don't feel much trust in the Planet Eater.

In the end, it was Hank Pym who ran out to protect Janata and the Planet Eater, and a group of superheroes reluctantly agreed.

Although things are agreed, but how to go to the universe is another problem. Janata has a lot of high-tech, but the production capacity of the earth is insufficient. Even if it is built at the fastest speed, it will take a year and a half to build a spaceship, or something like a time-space portal.

Really after a year and a half. You don't have to save the Planet Devourer anymore, 80% of the time the bugs were already on the verge of Earth.

If Yang Tai is alone, he can still fly directly over. With his current speed of improvement, he can directly fly into hyperspace and perform space jumps, regardless of how far the Zerg is, for him, it means no. to a day's journey.

If you bring the Phoenix Girl, the Scarlet Witch, and the Hulk, it will probably take too long. As for bringing all the superheroes on board? Then everyone should do a good job of defense on the earth and wait for the Zerg army.

Some superheroes simply do not have the ability to fight in the universe, and forcibly participating in the universe war is just asking for trouble.

Finally, after discussing it, Doctor Doom, the villain who was called again this time, came up with a solution.

Some time ago, after Gu Yi "died", Doctor Strange became the Supreme Mage for a period of time, and then there was another battle for the Supreme Mage.

Doctor Doom, the master of magic, naturally went to participate, and naturally met Doctor Strange. The two fought for 300 rounds, no winner or loser, and each vomited blood. Afterwards, they all felt that using magic was too hurt, so they wanted to solve the problem peacefully.

Doctor Doom asked Doctor Strange to go to **** with him, this is really hell, ready to rescue his mother's soul from **** lord Mephitos.

Naturally, Mephitos is in hell, just like the Supreme Mage Gu Yi on earth, Dormammu is a concept in the dark dimension, these two ignorant and fearless newcomers are of course beaten up. It took a lot of hard work and a little luck to make a **** path and barely escaped hell.

The matter of saving people is naturally avoided, but Doctor Doom also followed his initial promise and did not compete with Doctor Strange for the position of Supreme Mage.

Because of this, the two of them can be regarded as not acquainted with each other, and they can be regarded as a little friendship. Although Doctor Doom is not as much in magic as today's Doctor Strange~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you count technology, it is especially good. There is no exaggeration.

But as a wild mage, his knowledge of the world is far less than that of Doctor Strange, and because of that experience, he has some understanding of the magical forces on the earth.

"Maybe we can take the rainbow bridge from Asgard. I remember Kama Taj, the space road to Asgard should be recorded."

Gu Yi can open a portal at will, and go directly to Asgard. Today's Doctor Strange has no such ability. He doesn't even know where Asgard's door opens.

Fortunately, Kama Taj's record is very complete, even including various space passages to the Nine Realms, although Doctor Strange just talked with Doctor Doom casually. The location of the space channel was not told to Doctor Doom, but at this juncture, when so many superheroes came to the door together, Doctor Strange would not shirk.

"Kama Taj, where is that?" Some superheroes, like Captain America, Spider-Man and the like, have a confused look on their faces.

However, there are still many people who know the information about Kama Taj. Like Storm, Professor X, or Tony Stark who experienced the Quake incident.

This group of people explained it a little bit, and gave other superheroes popular science. After listening to Spider-Man, he couldn't help but say: "Mage, gods or something sounds cool, but is our world so dangerous now?"

"It shouldn't have been this dangerous before," Black Widow said with a half-smile on her face. "Since we have some super scientists here."

Richards immediately shrank his head, but in fact, Black Widow didn't know that the Zerg was attracted by this Mr. Fantastic, and this was actually talking about Tony Stark!

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