With a loud bang, Yang Tai punched out, and a terrifying explosion erupted in the air, like a bomb.

Wan Snake roared in pain, and a large amount of blood flew in the sky, falling like raindrops. A huge pothole was smashed through its entire tail, and it was almost smashed into two pieces.

"It seems to be a little harder." Yang Tai was a little ashamed, just when he was excited, he shot too hard.

"Furthermore, this guy's physical fitness seems to be a little weak! If it wasn't for Chakra to strengthen his body, his physical fitness might not be comparable to those monsters in the One Piece world!"

Yangtai was still muttering to himself here. The extremely painful Ten Thousand Snakes, whose eyes were already red, bit Yang Tai with their mouths open.

"Is this trying to find death?" Yang Tai snorted coldly. Snake creatures have only a few fangs, but no teeth for chewing. Therefore, snakes seldom swallow living creatures. They always have to kill animals before starting to eat. They are afraid that animals will make a big havoc in their bodies.

Now Wanshe's head is dizzy and he bites Xiang Yangtai, and Yangtai doesn't mind giving him a lesson. He didn't want to be touched by Wanshe's saliva.

Before Ten Thousand Snake was bitten, a large amount of black energy poured out of Yangtai's hands, and a brain swarmed into Ten Thousand Snake's mouth. Wan Snake suddenly let out an earth-shattering hiss.

The strange gravitational force of the dark fruit absorbs all the internal organs, chakra, and vitality of the snake in the body. Soon, the whole snake began to dry up and wither, and finally disappeared into a white smoke with a bang.

As early as when Wan She and Yangtai started to fight, Orochimaru jumped off his head very shyly. Seeing that it was less than two rounds, Wan She had already been completely dismissed by Yang Tai. If it wasn't for the inverse psychic technique to save his life, he would probably have lost his life. While Orochimaru was happy, he was also a little worried.

This guy doesn't know what's going on, but just now, Tsunade and Jiraiya have both attacked him first. But his attention was all on himself, and it would be hard for Orochimaru to escape now.

Fortunately, Orochimaru was ready before coming here this time.

"Although it's not perfect yet... but I can only use it first!"

"The art of reincarnation from dirty soil!"

Two coffins instantly rose from the ground. Yang Tai narrowed his eyes slightly: "Has the technique of reincarnation been developed by now?"

Soon, the coffin board was opened, and the figures of Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama emerged from inside.

"Orochimaru, you bastard." At this time, Tsunade, who had just healed his own injuries and recovered from hyperphobia, immediately cursed at the scene in front of him. "I actually even used this forbidden technique!"

Jirai didn't react at all. He had already obtained information from Yang Tai. Now it's just confirmed again.

Orochimaru's face twitched, and he said quietly, "This forbidden technique was developed by the second Hokage..."

"I believe that when the second generation of Hokage was developed, the number of people who died would definitely not be less than the number of people who died in my experiment..."

This is the truth. The lives of Qianshou Tobirama will never be less than Orochimaru, nor is it much better than Orochimaru in terms of character. It can be said that, apart from not thinking about immortality, these two people are actually There are many similarities.

If Orochimaru is from the same generation as the three generations of Hokage, then he will definitely be the best disciple of Senju Tobirama. At that time, the position of Hokage will not be anything else at all.

Yang Tai carefully looked at the two Hokage who had been turned from the dirt, frowned slightly, and saw that the two of them had dull eyes, and they didn't seem to have much sanity.

"Orochimaru's filthy reincarnation should not be perfected yet. I don't know how far it will go." Yangtai thought to himself, but he had already seen the first Hokage's hand seal.

"Woodun - the birth of the tree world."

This Qianshou Zhujian's eyes were blank, and he made the seal for several seconds, and only then did the tree world come out, and he felt like a dementia.

The second Hokage over there was the same. After forming a seal for a long time, he performed a water escape ninjutsu.

Yang Tai curled his lips and folded his hands together: "Mu Dun, the tree of darkness is born!"

Countless trees emitting a pitch-black mist burst out from the ground in an instant. Orochimaru was surrounded by trees without even shouting out a groan in his heart.

The helpless Orochimaru pulled out the grass pheasant sword and wanted to make a way out of here, but found that every tree exudes a strange attraction, and the chakra in his body was sucked out almost instantly.

Mu Dun itself has the effect of absorbing chakra, coupled with the power of the dark fruit, even if the chakra in Orochimaru is not weak, it will be sucked dry in a short period of time.

As for the first Hokage and the second Hokage who were reincarnated from the dirt. Because of his slow response and lack of wisdom, he was caught in a tree in an instant. Even if he had infinite chakra, if the speed of recovery was not fast enough to absorb, he would still have little resistance.

Not only Orochimaru, where the black forest permeates, Tsunade, Jiraiya~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Several other Konoha ninjas, Kato Mute, and even the little fragrant pig were caught. net.

"This... what is this thing? Is this really Mudun?"

Tsunade asked weakly. At this moment, the chakra in her body was sucked clean, and she had no ability to resist. She looked at Jiraiya next to her and asked.

Jirai, who also lost the power to resist, also shook his head. "Although the normal Mu Dun is powerful, it is impossible to drain our chakra so easily... This should be the ninjutsu that he combined Mu Dun and Dark Dun."

"However, there are too many people who know how to use wooden escapes now! It feels like it's already rotten." Jiraiya couldn't help complaining in the end.

Tsunade rolled his eyes, "It's not all because of those guys in Konoha who studied my grandfather's cells!"

"In the end, in the end, their idiots killed a lot of people. Nothing was researched, but they were robbed. In the end, all the results fell into their hands."

Tsunade yelled at him here, and Jirai could only follow him with a wry smile. Although these things had nothing to do with him, who told him that he was the closest to Konoha in Sannin? When Tsunade couldn't find his head, he could only scold him.

On the other side, Sara watched Yangtai's tree border descend, her mouth opened into an O shape, and it was precisely because she was also able to escape, she knew how outrageous Yangtai's move was now.

"How does this trick work? Can you teach me?" Sara looked at Yang Tai, her eyes lit up, and asked.

"Sorry, my unique bloodstain boundary will not be rumored." Yang Tai refused directly. The key is that he couldn't spread it if he wanted to. This is a devil fruit, and it has nothing to do with Xueji Bianjie Mao.


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