How could there be people outside the spacecraft? !

Lan Jiao looked at the side where the exclamation was made, and saw a girl with a ponytail in front of the spacecraft's vision window, looking out the window with a shocked expression.

This girl, Lan Jiao, knew her.


After the alliance exchange students came to the empire, she still brought people to give the alliance exchange students off the ground, and almost taught the alliance exchange students to "be human"!

Lan Jiao also had a few contacts with Ziqian afterwards. She is a nice person, and she doesn't play imaginatively when she speaks and does things. So at this time, Ziqian's words are definitely credible!

Lan Jiao immediately got up from her seat and walked quickly towards Zi Qian, wanting to see what she was saying and what was going on.

Human beings in the void of the universe, relying on a solid body, can survive in a short period of time, but time is limited.

So what Ziqian saw was a corpse, right?

But Lan Jiao leaned over to take a look, and there were no human figures in the cosmic void outside except for galaxies and stars.

Seeing Lan Jiao coming over, Zi Qian gradually recovered from the shock.

Knowing Lan Jiao’s question, Zi Qian said to Lan Jiao, “I seemed to have seen a person flying in the universe just now! I...maybe it was wrong, right?”

She was quite sure of the fact she saw, but this fact sounded too absurd!

That's why Ziqian has uncertain thoughts.

After Lan Jiao heard it, she didn't think it was true. How could a person fly in the universe...

and many more!

It is impossible for ordinary people, but there is only one person Lan Jiao knows who can fly in the universe!

"Ziqian! What is the person you saw?" Lan Jiao asked.

Ziqian frowned slightly.

She thought for a while, and then replied, "That person flies too fast, and I didn't see it clearly. I only saw him with long blue hair..."

Lan Jiao:! ! !

It really is "Uncle Grandpa"!

‘Grandpa Uncle’ was originally from the birthplace of the Star Beast, relying on his own ability, flew to the Alliance Trash Star and rescued Lan Feng.

So he is probably the only human being who has the ability to fly in the universe.

But at this time, "Uncle Grandpa" appeared here, what are you going to do?

"Uncle Grandpa" was also surrounded by the eight-level star beast plush bunny. Did they know that a large number of zergs appeared outside the border of the empire, so they rushed to the rescue?

At this moment, Lan Jiao can only hope for this.

Perhaps this is the Sixth Army on the border of the empire, the last hope of those soldiers...

In the cosmic void in the distance, ‘blue’ was dressed in a light-colored aristocratic dress, and his blue soft long hair flew lightly with the speed of his flight.

His face was calm, standing in the vast and unpredictable space of the universe, his whole body exuded an invisible temperament, which made people feel as if he was born to travel in this universe.

It seems that he belongs here, and he is a king in this universe.

On the shoulder of ‘blue’, a white plush bunny happily made the sound of gently grinding his teeth to show his happiness.

As a star beast, even if it is a star beast evolved from the source of energy, the plush bunny also has the instinct of a star beast-likes the void of the universe.

For star beasts, the void of the universe is where they should live.

Here, the plush bunny seems like a fish in water, extremely cheerful.

As for where it and the owner's "Uncle Grandpa" are going, the plush bunny doesn't care.

It just came passively, simply enjoying the space and environment where it is now.

The purpose of ‘Blue’ here is not because the Zerg is about to invade the realm of human existence, but because he has sensed the breath of his sister——

Although there was only a faint breath that was almost imperceptible, it was still sensitively caught by the ‘blue’.

My sister still exists in the void of this universe!

This made "Blue"'s calm heart instantly excited!

He immediately set off, left the heavenly star, and went away in search of his breath--

In the middle of the way, I ‘passed by’ the spaceship Lan Jiao was riding in, so there was a scene where Zi Qian saw someone flying outside the spaceship.

Outside the realm of the empire.

The soldiers of the Sixth Legion, after a fierce battle against the clock, finally solved all the star beasts and beasts in sight.

In the distance, more Zerg star beasts have come flying towards them overwhelmingly.

There are a large number of Zerg star beasts, so dense and terrifying...

Before getting close, I could hear the hum of some Zerg star beasts flapping their wings while flying.

Neatly and densely shock people's eardrums.

The invisible pressure brought by the sound made the hearts of the soldiers of the Sixth Army heavier.

"Everyone retreats!—"

On the Public Communication Channel of the Sixth Army, the deputy commander received an order from the station headquarters and immediately led the soldiers back to the station.

At the same time, all the combat-type spaceships on the other side of the station burst out, already on their way to the front line.

The nearby Seventh Army and Fifth Army also sent support.

Each legion dispatched half of the combat spacecraft.

Faced with the Zerg Star Beast this time, the empire did not dare to be careless at all!

In the void of the universe, although the Zerg is small in size, its flight speed is not slow at all.

Countless two- and three-level zergs, over a foot long, covered in pitch-black hard shells, with wings, are chasing behind the mechas driven by the soldiers of the Sixth Legion, and the distance is getting closer...

In addition to this kind of zerg, there are other kinds of zergs in the worm tide, and they are chasing in groups of distinct races.


The soldiers of the Sixth Legion in front could hear the sound of the Zerg’s flapping wings getting closer and closer, until it sounded around them——

‘Crack, crack——’ Small sounds appeared densely, as if something was making a sound when biting a hard object.

Behind the soldiers of the Sixth Army who withdrew from the battlefield, there were already several mechas, gradually being covered by some Zerg.

I saw countless bugs falling on the mecha, visually as if the object had melted, and the mecha was ‘getting smaller’ very quickly...

In the end, the mecha, which was more than 20 meters high, was swallowed by the influx of Zerg.

The imperial legion fighters in the mechs didn't even have time to let out an exclamation, they were bitten by the engulfing Zerg!

Wherever the Zerg goes, a drop of blood is definitely not wasted.

One mech, two mechs...

As the ‘buzzing~’ sound approached, one after another mecha, together with the imperial warriors in the mecha, was eaten away by the Zerg.

Because the buzzing was too loud and the interference caused by the sound, the mecha flying in front didn't even know that a warrior had been swallowed by the Zerg in the rear.

This feeling of dying without knowing it, only when you face it in person can you know what the fear of death is like.

It turns out that despair and extreme fear are like this...

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