Captain Dahl could feel from the alliance's banned warriors that the banned war was in a bad mood at this moment.

Once annoyed the banned warrior, the outcome is definitely not optimistic.

Therefore, for the personal safety of the imperial aristocratic lady, Captain Dahl will immediately drive them away.

Feng Xi glanced at the behavior of Captain Dahl of the Royal Guard and didn't say anything.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, and soon left the imperial monarch's palace, took out his personal aircraft, and returned to the Imperial Royal Military Academy.

Alliance Star, Alliance Second Military Academy.

A few days have passed since the last time the academy cleared the parasites of the Zerg race.

These days, even if there are colorful birds sitting in the academy, people are still in panic.

It's really the scale of the zerg parasitism last time, which is too lingering.

And the cause of that incident was found to be related to a high-level parasite tribe "Princess" who had sneaked into the Alliance, and the Alliance conducted various investigations on this "Princess".

In fact, after the Alliance had a mental paralysis potion, the trajectory of the parasitic worm race in the Alliance has become quite clear.

Seven or eight parasite tribes were found.

It will take some time for the remaining parasite tribes that are hidden deep to find them.

But now the appearance of the ‘princess’ has made those parasite tribes who lurch and have little influence in the alliance become active!

In addition to the Second Military Academy, other parts of the alliance also happened secretly by the parasitic worms to kill humans.

In today's alliance, external warfare has to fight against a huge number of zergs, and internally it is necessary to prevent parasitic worms from making trouble, which can be described as uneasy.

Fortunately, the number of colorful birds multiplied by the Alliance Biological Research Institute is astonishing. Nowadays, there are many colorful birds in every important place of the Alliance, as well as in various battle groups on the border of the Alliance, to assist in the detection of parasite tribes.

Before the colorful birds were popularized by the whole alliance, the people of the alliance could not imagine that there were so many colorful birds in the alliance!

When the colorful birds appeared widely in the sight of the Alliance people, the Alliance people were quite proud of it.

Soon, there was a lot of discussion about this matter on the Alliance Star Network Forum.

——It is said that the cultivation of colorful birds is quite difficult! Our alliance has so many colorful birds, the alliance is really strong! As a member of the alliance, I am very proud!

——Yes, I’ve heard before that the cultivation of colorful birds requires more than one million Union Coins to cultivate one. The number of colorful birds that our alliance now discloses has reached more than one million! This shows that our alliance is too rich!

——Thanks to the foresight and courage of the leaders of the alliance! I spent a huge amount of money to cultivate the colorful bird early, otherwise, now, I feel scared when I think that the Zerg parasites might be around.


Because the discussions on the Xingwang forum were too enthusiastic, the mainstream media related to the alliance soon made an appointment with Professor Mu Yunshan, the deputy dean of the Union Institute of Biology who is responsible for the research on the colorful bird project, and conducted an interview with the deputy dean Mu.

When the people of the alliance saw the deputy dean of the Institute of Biology and were asked in the video footage of the interview, the difficulties encountered in the cultivation of colorful birds and the methods to overcome them, the deputy dean Mu Yunshan said such a paragraph. words……

In the recording, Vice Dean Mu Yunshan in a white researcher's coat is not young anymore. He is middle-aged, and he can tell from his appearance how high his appearance was when he was young.

Mu Yunshan looked at the camera and said with a serious expression, "Here, I want to thank someone. If it weren't for her existence, our Alliance Institute of Biology would not have made a breakthrough in the cultivation of colorful birds! "

Hearing what Vice President Mu said, everyone in the alliance was very curious about who Vice President Mu said?

I saw Vice President Mu continue to say.

"More than a year ago, the number of colorful birds in our Alliance Institute of Biological Research was only more than 600. This is what the alliance can provide. All colorful birds have research funds."

"Because of her appearance, her words have allowed the Institute of Biology to reform the cultivation of the colorful bird! In more than a year, the colorful bird has grown at a geometrically multiplied speed! It has its current scale."

"More importantly, the funds consumed by so many colorful birds cultivated by the Institute of Biological Research in our alliance are very small. Compared with the previous breeding methods, they can be ignored at all."

The words of the deputy dean of the Alliance Biological Research Institute were seen by the people of the alliance, and everyone is looking forward to hearing from the deputy dean Mu telling everyone that with his own efforts, the cultivation of the colorful bird becomes simple. , Who is the hero who changed the current situation of the alliance?

Soon, everyone saw that in this recorded video, the deputy dean of the Union Institute of Biological Research smiled slightly, and You Rongyan told everyone, "Although she is young, she is a person I admire."

"Her thoughts are eclectic. In addition to the cultivation of colorful birds, she has also made great contributions to the alliance in other ways! She is my little friend-Lan Jiao."

In fact, Professor Mu still has something to say. Lan Jiao is not only his friend, but also his sister's future daughter-in-law, and the relationship with him can be described as close!

This is the end of the recording of the interview, but the discussion on the Alliance Star Network Forum quickly entered a boom!

-Lan Jiao? Which Lan Jiao is it, young? Could it be... little white flower?

--how can that be! It must be the same name and surname! Xiao Baihua is just a student of the League’s Second Military Academy. How could it be of great help to the research project of the Institute of Biology?

——In other words, does Xiao Baihua know the profound knowledge of biological research?

——So who Lan Jiao, vice-president Mu said, is a genius in scientific research?

The name Lan Jiao really impressed many people in the league.

But no one thinks that the person who made the breakthrough progress in the colorful bird breeding project mentioned by Vice President Mu is the Lan Jiao they know.

——Isn't it a little white flower? The Second Military Academy also has a biology training course, Xiao Baihua should have the opportunity to go to the Institute of Biology...

——It is absolutely impossible to be a little white flower! The vice-president of the Institute of Biological Sciences can't break through the cultivation of colorful birds, how can little white flowers be possible?

——Those who take this opportunity to hold small white flowers, your small white flowers are also worthy of being the heroes of the alliance that Vice President Mu said?

At a time when everyone was trying to deny Lan Jiao's "little white flower", at this time, several comments that were different from the opinions of the majority of the people in the alliance were paid attention to by many people.

——As a researcher at the Institute of Biology, I admire Miss Lan Jiao. Although she is only a student, she has a much better understanding of biology than anyone in our Institute!

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