Liufeng, who opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, had already seen Yun Ren rushing over, and Liu Feng found that Yun Ren was really not a person, and he didn’t even probe if there was a trap, and rushed over like a reckless man.

“So floating, you are seeking your own death.”

Liu Feng looked at Yun Shinobu who was either killed by the detonation charm or pierced by the flying Senbon or shuriken, calm and indifferent.


The three generations of thunder shadows roared angrily, using the thunder chakra mode, the body was wrapped with thunder and lightning, so that the flesh was activated, and the body was like an extra layer of armor.

This was the strongest shield, and with his body that was arguably the strongest defense, he rushed to the front and helped Yun Shinobu destroy those traps with his body.

The detonation charm exploded in front of the three generations of thunder shadows, and they couldn’t cause any injuries, but this guy was able to hard catch the wind spiral shuriken, and this attack couldn’t help him at all.


The blue Chakra instantly turned into a Chakra warrior holding two swords and wearing armor, but unfortunately only had the upper body.

“Chop !!!”

The two swords slashed forward, one blow went straight to the third generation of Thunder Shadow, and the other slash attacked Yun Shinobu in the rear.


The earth in front of him was torn apart by the sword qi, and the three generations of thunder shadows who rushed over as pioneers directly slammed into Susano’s slash.

In front of Susano, the body of the three generations of Thunder Shadow can be called small, and he was directly cut out by one blow.

At the same time, Yun Ren in the rear was also killed by Liufeng with a sword.


“Lord Thundershadow.”

Seeing the three generations of thunder shadows that were cut off, whether it was Ai or Tutai and other Yunnin, they were a little panicked.

Susanoo of the flowing maple greatly boosted the morale of the ninja of Konoha Village, and looked at the terrifying monster in front of him, that is the legendary Susano.

They are all ninjas of major families, so they are well-informed, and although they have never seen Susanoo, they have also heard rumors.

The divine art that can only be used by the kaleidoscope chakra eye, the world will inevitably die when it sees it.

“It’s really worthy of the third generation of Thunder Shadow, this body is hard enough.”

Liufeng could see that the three generations of Thunder Shadow were not dead, and even the injuries of the three generations of Thunder Shadow could not be seen from the outside.

The third-generation thunder shadow, who was chopped off for tens of meters, got up from the big pit on the ground, and the momentum on his body was not reduced in the slightest, and he was majestic in the eyes of others without any injuries.

However, after the three generations of Thunder Shadow himself knew that he was not uninjured, and if he hard-wired Susanoo with a sword, even the Nine Tails would definitely not feel better.

“Rush with me.”

Kaede’s voice came from inside Susano, and the surrounding Konoha ninjas could hear it.

Then he began to move, Susanoo did not have legs, but this does not mean that Susanoo could not move, Susanoo could move with Rukaede.

I saw Susano, who was comparable in size to the tailed beast, rushing towards the Yunnin troops, and this time Susanoo did not slash, but came with a sweep.

“Hurry up and get out of the way.”

The third generation of Lei Ying calmed the internal injuries that had been cut out, and roared at Yun Ren.

Although the three generations of Thunder Shadow have been reminded, there are still many Yun Ninja who have been beheaded, and the dead Yun Ninja this time can be killed several times more than before.

And there were several upper Shinobi who were killed by Liufeng , in fact, what lower Shinobi, middle Shinobi, and upper Shinobi, in front of Susanoo are all treated equally, all belong to that kind of cannon fodder.

“I’ll stop Susano, you deal with the Konoha ninjas.”

After that, the three generations of Thunder Shadow went straight to Liufeng, and Yunnin and the ninja of Konoha Village all subconsciously made room for Liufeng and the three generations of Thunder Shadow to fight.

They didn’t dare to blend in, Susanoo would let them die if he moved, even if they were Konoha ninjas, they didn’t dare to approach Susano.

Liufeng also instructed them not to get too close to themselves, otherwise, they would have to worry about accidentally hurting their own people.


The three generations of thunder shadows use thunder instantaneous, moving like thunder, if you remove the art of flying thunder god, I am afraid that the three generations of thunder shadows can be called the first speed.

The fist bombarded Susano, and the terrifying force cracked the armor outside Susano.

“This attack is really terrifying.”

It almost broke through Susano’s defenses, but just hitting a rift was fine, and it could be repaired in an instant.

“The defense is so terrifying.”

While Liufeng lamented the horror of the three generations of Thunder Shadow’s attack, the three generations of Thunder Shadow were also shocked by Susano’s defense.

This punch used all its strength, even Yao could smash it out with one punch, but hitting Susanoo only knocked out some slight cracks in the armor.

At this time, Susanoo abandoned the long sword in his hand, clenched his fist and blasted towards the third generation of Thunder Kage.

Sensing the crisis, the three generations of Thunder Shadow had to retreat, Lei instantly left the place, the speed was like thunder streaking, Susanoo seemed to be a little clumsy in the face of the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

“Hide? You can hide and count me as losing. ”

Liufeng sneered, how could you easily dodge my attack.

“Go back in time!”

The three generations of Thunder Shadow, who had originally escaped the range of the fist, were pulled back by the power of time regression, and then the fist smashed head-on on the body of the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

The ground shakes, and this punch can break a small mountain.


Liufeng controlled Susanoo to raise his fist and look at the three generations of thunder shadows, and after seeing the three generations of thunder shadows safe and sound, Liufeng was a little disappointed.

“Definitely get the Lei Dun Chakra mode over.”

This defense is really terrifying, and the terrifying physique of the third generation of Thunder Shadow should be practiced by cultivating the Thunder Dun Chakra mode.

“One punch can’t kill you, I’ll punch again, I’ll see how many punches you can block me.”

Ryuke controlled Susano’s fist to fall again, and as long as the three generations of Thunder Shadow escaped, Ryuke used time to go back in time and let the three generations of Thunder Shadow who escaped return to the same place.

“It seems that this defense is not invincible.”

After more than a dozen punches in a row, the three generations of Lei Ying also looked miserable, his ribs were broken several times, his arms were also broken, and there was not a single intact place on his body.

However, Liufeng’s eyes were also a little sore, and the pupil technique consumed a lot, especially the eye that used time backtracking, which made Liufeng feel as if he had stayed up late for three days.

Time goes back to this pupil technique that consumes too much pupil power, and after using it more than a dozen times in a row, Liufeng can’t eat it, and he also opens Susano, who is also a big consumer of pupil power.

After lifting Susano, Ryukede was slightly tired, but his condition was definitely much better than that of the third generation of Thunder Kage.

“Daitama Spiral Pill.”

This is an enhanced version of the spiral pill, the larger spiral pill, and the power is indeed stronger.


The third generation of thunder shadow was smashed by a blow, and Liufeng looked at the third generation of thunder shadow in surprise, he was beaten all over his body, and the three generations of thunder shadow who were fractured no less than ten places could actually get up.

With his relatively intact left arm to block Liufeng’s big jade spiral pill, he was also smashed out.

“I’ll see how long you can last.”

Don’t look at Liufeng’s pupil technique consumption is not small, but Chakra is still very terrifying, and now Liufeng has enough chance to kill the three-generation thunder shadow in front of him.

“You are Uchiha Rukaede?”

The three generations of thunder shadows made a hoarse voice, constantly spitting blood in his mouth, internal injuries and external problems, if it were not for his body being terrifying enough, I am afraid that he would have died a long time ago.


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