A light rain fell in the sky, and there was no trace of sunlight in the gloomy and dim sky, as if the light was blocked out, and only darkness remained.

“You won, Uchiha Rukaede.”

The ape flying sun’s body looked so old, as if it had aged several years in an instant.

Uchiha Rukaze had already committed an unforgivable sin by killing more than a dozen Konoha ninjas, but he eventually endured it and stopped the Konoha ninja who was about to attack Uchiha Rukaede.

All this is for Konoha, and Uchiha Ryukede completely turned his face, Konoha will never have another chance, and even Konoha will be destroyed by the combined forces of the Three Shinobi Village.

“I knew you would admit defeat, why do you say this, those thirteen ninjas died in vain you know, these are all killed by you.”

Ryukede lifted Susanoo and walked over to Sarutobi Hinata.

“Uchiha Liufeng, you are turning black and white upside down, these people died in your hands, do you think that everyone is blind and can’t see?”

Jiraiya rushed over angrily.

“But that’s also your reason, if you throw in the towel earlier, will they die?” No, they won’t, they all died for the sake of the regiment. ”

Liufeng glanced at Zi Lai Ye indifferently, and then walked past and walked towards Tuan Zang.

“Tuanzo, Tuanzo, Sarutobi has abandoned you for Konoha Village, now even if I kill you in front of everyone, no one will avenge you, what do you feel now?”

Liufeng, who had an indifferent face just now, suddenly smiled and asked Tuan Zang with a smile.

In the hearts of many people, Liufeng is like a demon, hatred? No, it’s fear.

Tuanzo didn’t speak, just stared at Uchiha Liufeng deadly, he wouldn’t tie his hands, and even Tuanzo was preparing how to kill Uchiha Liufeng with one blow.

“Don’t do those little actions, you are not qualified to kill me.”

“But don’t worry, I won’t kill you either, Konoha Village still needs you this smelly, otherwise who will balance the ape flying sun?”

Liufeng didn’t hide this, and said it directly in front of the ape flying sun, in front of all the Konoha ninjas around him.

“But well, it’s okay if you don’t die, but the Shimura clan has to die, you just let them die for you, I think you are willing, anyway, you don’t have any feelings.”

Comforted Tuanzo and told Tuanzo that you don’t have to die, you don’t need to be so nervous.

“Three generations of Naruto-sama, now that the war is so tense, the ninjas of the Shimura clan, as well as the old and weak women and children, will come to the battlefield to help Konoha.”

“For Konoha to die in battle, that is also their glory, without their burning, how will the descendants of Konoha Village grow, right?”

Liufeng smiled and said words like the devil.

“Don’t you think it’s too cruel?”

Sarutobi turned his head and looked at the terrifying Uchiha Rukaede.

“Cruel? What is it to sacrifice a clan for Konoha? Don’t pretend to be a good person, isn’t the Thousand Hands clan the two of you united to collapse, and the strongest family that was once the clan is extinct. ”

“I see that your heart is more ruthless than mine, so isn’t it ridiculous for you to talk to me about cruelty now? I think I still need to learn from you. ”

At this time, Liufeng had an expression of bowing down.

After all, he could kill all the people of his teacher’s clan, and Liufeng felt that he might not be able to do it, but he was still far behind.

“Uchiha… Liufeng, what you said… It’s true? ”

Tsunade looked at Ryukede tremblingly.

Such a large Senju clan, just gone, Tsunade said that it was impossible not to doubt it, and the powerful Senju clan withered away when it was not a war.

However, in this Ninja World War, several clansmen under the promotion also died on the battlefield, and now the Senju clan really left her and Rope Tree.

“Tsunade, don’t listen to him…”

“I said, isn’t this a normal thing, when the ape flying sun slashed as the Hokage, the Thousand Hands clan was the first to disagree, and after the ape flying sun sat down, isn’t it normal to exclude dissidents.”

“No, it’s a bit of a slander to say this about the image of Lord Naruto, this should be called for the stability of Konoha, the elimination of unstable factors, and the sacrifice for the prosperity and development of Konoha, the great of the Senju clan.”

After Liu Feng interrupted Ape Flying Sun’s words, he said in a playful tone.

It may seem like a joke, but is it really a joke?

In fact, Liufeng had investigated the matter of the Thousand Hands Clan, so it should be to satisfy his curiosity, after all, the Thousand Hands Clan was quietly declining, and he must want to know some insider information.

After the ape flying sun slashed the Hokage, the strong people of the Thousand Hands clan began to die due to various accidents, many of which were confidential tasks given by the ape flying sun.

On the surface, the Senju clan is reused, and the dangerous tasks are handed over to the Senju clan, and the powerful Senju no Senju is gone.

“Uchiha Ryukede.”

Ape Fei Ri stared at Liufeng deadly, he couldn’t wait to kill Uchiha Liufeng now to prevent him from saying something again.

After all, he and Tuan Zang did a bit of unsavory things, which is why he tolerated Tuan Zang.

After he became Hokage, some of the dirty work that was unseen was done by Danzo.

“Don’t be so excited, I’m just joking, after all, the atmosphere was not very good just now, I made a joke to enliven the atmosphere, how could we Naruto-sama do such a dirty thing.”

Liufeng waved his hand and said with a smile.

Some of the ninjas around who heard Ryukede’s words breathed a sigh of relief, how could their Hokage do such a thing.

However, some ninjas still had doubts in their hearts, of course, they were all smart and did not speak.

Especially the patriarchs of the major families, all of them looked at their noses and noses and their hearts, and they were all old foxes.

To die the decline of the Thousand Hands clan, they were the first to suspect, but the decline of the Thousand Hands family was also a good thing, after all, the Thousand Hands family at that time was a real giant.

The other families are under the suppression of Senju, and their demise is something that all families like to see.

“After three days, I hope that the Shimura clan, whether men, women or children, will come to the battlefield for me, even if it is a dog, otherwise, you understand the consequences.”

Liufeng didn’t want to talk nonsense anymore, and left directly, and the Uchiha clan people who rushed around left with Liufeng’s footsteps.

“Let’s all disperse.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn’t want to say anything anymore, he knew that after this time, he would inevitably be questioned, and his reputation would definitely fall to the bottom.

But there is no way, for the sake of Konoha Village, it is necessary to tolerate Uchiha Rukaede.

However, Sarutobi still let the ninja in the dark department order down, and gave everyone a gag order, although there were many Konoha ninjas who surrounded them, but some of them did not hear anything at the back.

Those who hear it, let them shut up, and those who can’t shut up just be honest.

“Tsunade, why don’t you leave yet, you won’t really believe what Uchiha Rukaze just said, right?” Jiraiya looked at Tsunade, who was standing motionless, and shouted at her.

“There are some things I have to ask.” Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya coldly, and then went to find Sarutobi Hinata.

Zi Lai also wanted to say something, but was pulled by the big snake pill, and at this time, if Zi Lai also persuaded again, he might be killed.


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