[–Zila, zila.] ]

[Firelight, spreading in the darkness.] ]

[The red figure moves forward on the battleship.] ]

[Like a spark in the plains, like the dawn of dawn.] ]

[She will eventually bathe everything in flames.] ]

[Bring light!] ]

[Walking against the crowd passing through, the armor is already on-]

[“When you put on this armor, the Gem of the Lawyer will begin to corrupt your mind!”] ]

[The voice is echoing.] ]

[This armor is a relic of the pre-civilizational era, a time when a civilization was highly developed.] ]

[Now it has been fused with the Core Disease Gem of the Law of Flame from the previous era to create a military uniform that can fully reproduce the power of the Law of Flame.] ]

[This is their only means of fighting the Lawyer at the moment.] ]

[Himeko took out a tube of serum and looked at it.] ]

[Ten minutes ago—]

[Himeko and Dr. Tesla come to Otto’s lab to check on Otto’s experimental records-]

[Experiment number: TBOS2000-0106].

[Succeeded, although some accidents occurred, the role of the “Law Killer” is already undoubted, Cecilia’s blood has undoubtedly reached an extremely high degree of completion, only one step away, I can complete the Shania Holy Blood!]

St. Freya College.

“Cecilia? Is it mom? Hearing the name of her mother, whom she had never met, on the screen, Kiana was a little excited.

Teresa was a little worried, and only hoped that something would not be mentioned in the video.

Marvel Universe.

“Same name?” Tony Stark looked at the red-haired girl on the screen, “Is it the same name?” Don’t tease, Tesla looks like this? You and I haven’t seen (photo)! ”

But Tony is still interested, will Tesla in other worlds really be women, right?


[Listening to the voice of the experimental journal Rito, Tesla’s expression gradually became serious.] ]

[“The Lawyer Killer, that was Otto’s secret weapon against the Lawyer in the Second Collapse.] Tesla remembers what happened. ]

[“Keep reading.”] Himeko said. ]

[After rummaging for a long time, the two gradually found all the information.] ]

[Tesla also obtained a rough idea of how to make the God Killer Gun.] ]

[While Tesla was thinking, Himeko took out something.] ]

[HSN-b46 serum!] The raw material of the God Killer Gun! ]

[“Can you make it?”] The Gun of the Gods. “]

[Tesla: “…”]

[I guess it’s time for it to come in handy!] “]

[Holy blood samples can be found in the laboratory, what is missing is this rare serum, if you gather the materials, according to the experimental records, with Tesla’s ability, it is not impossible to imitate the God Killer Gun.] ]


[Tesla: “…”]

[This tube of serum should have been reserved for Himeko, and the body that was constantly eroded by the collapse energy was already in ruins.] ]

[If it were used to make a god-killing gun, her body would be…]

[“You, you’d better not expect too much, but the amount of serum in this tube is too small, and it can only be experimented with once.”] ]

[“Then Dr. Tesla, I’ll leave it to you.”) ]

[At this time, an alarm suddenly sounded, and it was the armored troops of Heaven’s Mandate who arrived.] ]

[Himeko gives the serum to Tesla, and she goes to block the invading enemy.] ]

[Tesla watched her leave speechlessly, holding the test tube in his hand, which still had the temperature of Himeko’s palm remaining.] ]

[She still didn’t say that after all.] ]

[Because she knows that even if she says it, it won’t change anything.] ]

[‘I hate you guys who sacrifice themselves when they don’t agree with each other, hate!’] ’]

[After a while, Tesla finally completed the production of the God Killer Gun, and then only the experiment remained-]

[She broke up Himeko, who had returned from the battle, and…]

[She took a deep breath and pulled out a syringe filled with purple liquid.] ]

[“It’s 15:44, the sample is ready, and the next step is to move on to the experiment. ]

[After that, she put all the liquid in the syringe into her arm in one go.] ]


Kiana off the screen was stunned, you didn’t think so just now!

Shouldn’t people with anti-entropy be crazy!?

Why? Why is it like this!? We don’t know each other, why pay so much? Shouldn’t such a person be an idiot in your eyes !?

“Stupid Kiana, Bronia used to be an anti-entropy person!”

“That’s what I said… Wait, I just said it? ”

“So it’s an idiot!”

“Bronia! Bad! “Sure enough, there are no good people in reverse entropy!


“Dr. Tesla, don’t take such risks in the future!” In one of the bases of reverse entropy, Dr. Einstein looked at Tesla, and she didn’t want to be left with an “old friend” named Otto.

Joyce, Edison, Planck… Einstein’s eyes darkened.

“Know… Got it…”The head of the chicken nest is so scary now.”

“But will we actually cooperate with Saint Freya in the future?” Einstein saw them rampaging through the headquarters of Destiny and remembered the possibility of working with St. Freya.

Quantum space, Walter Young stared at Tesla’s arm deadly, relieved until it became white and flawless again.

[Before that, Einstein on the bridge looked at Teresa and Bud Yi, who were fighting hard against the Void Lawyer, and hesitated.] ]

[“The situation is worse than expected…”


[“Do you want to start it here?”] ]

[In that case, the gap in combat power can be reduced in one go…]

[No, that system is a killer app that can only be used once.] ]

[I can’t use it yet, I’ll have to wait for a more suitable opportunity…]

[While Einstein was thinking, the bridge elevator door opened.] ]

[A figure slowly emerged from the elevator, and the Doctor frowned at the sight of the man.] ]

[“Are you awake?” ]


[“What?” The other party seemed to have said something amazing, “This young lady, do you want to die in vain?” “]


[“…… Well, it seems that you have made up your mind. But at least let me give you a suggestion. “]

[“Bring this weapon, you’ll use it!”] ]

[“No thanks, just remember to give it back to me.”) ]

[Don’t die!] ]

[“Don’t lose it!”] There was a hint of reluctance in Einsta’s eyes. ]

[Taking the weapon in the Doctor’s hand, the girl revealed her face-]

[Bronia! ]

[The pale-faced girl’s eyes are firm, she has no way to recuperate her injuries at ease, and there are still people waiting for her!] ]

[Bronia’s pale face, Teresa and Bud Yi who are fighting, Fuhua who has turned into a phantom, Tesla who experimented with herself, Einstein who sits in command, and the staff who have survived all kinds of chaos and remain on the Hyperion battleship, the Valkyries who uphold the tenets of St. Freya…]

[The camera swiped across them one by one, and finally locked onto the fiery figure.] ]

[“Coming!”] ]

[Kiana! We’re here to take you home! ]

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