[I want to take you there, without a sad future, and put the smile you gave me in my pocket.] ]

[I want to be that blue sky.] ]

[“Ah~ so bright.”) ]

[Goyo and Sakurako are in a small restaurant, and the tired Goyo sits up from the sofa with all his strength.] ]

[“Of course it’s on, you slept for 11 hours!”] ]

[Listening to Sakurako’s words, Goyo smiled awkwardly, it seems that the girl has been with him when he rests.] ]

[“Thank you, this is the first time in my life that I feel like I’ve exhausted my physical strength.”) ]

[“I can’t sleep at all, okay?”] ]

[God knows how much information she looked up in those 11 hours.] ]

[Miss Sakurako was very dissatisfied. ]

[“You became like that, there was no discomfort, did you!?”] ]

[“No problem, you see I’m not very good now, if I don’t die, it’s okay.”] ]

[Sakurako: “…”]

[Miss Sakurako is angry! ] ]

[“You have such a big heart, and I become very uneasy at the thought that if you transform into no one of you.”] ]

[“I feel like when I want to fight, I become that look, and when I don’t want to fight, I return to the way it is…”].

[At that time, the fifth generation put on the belt and instantly felt that the entire waist was not his own.] ]

[Huge pain.] ]

[Usually the fifth generation does not scream when he is injured when he is on an adventure, but at this time he shouts, as if all the nerves in his waist are hurting.] ]

[The belt, the whole was sucked into the waist by the fifth generation.] ]

[Seeing this scene, Spider Gulangi threw the five generations out.] ]

[The belt was absorbed?] Is he empty me? ]

[No matter, just treat him as he is, beat up, out of breath! ] ]

[Bang! Boom! ]

[One blow, every punch and kick hit Goyo’s body.] ]

[I don’t want to kill him for the time being, so Goyo’s body is not shattered by a punch like those officers.] ]

[Five generations, constantly beaten, he can feel that the bigger this monster is, the more excited it is, because the force of the fist is increasing. ] ]

[You can’t go on like this, you’ll die if you go on like this!] ]

[Must fight back!] ]

[This is the idea of the fifth generation.] ]

[When the idea of the fifth generation rose, a force came from the waist, and along with this force, the fifth generation punched. ]

[Bang! ]

[Caught off guard, Spider Gurangi was punched back a few steps.] ]

[White. ]

[The arm that punches turns white, like white muscles, with gold lines on it.] ]

[With the continuous attacks of the five generations, white covered the whole body, and the whole person became as vicious as Gulangi.] ]

[Newborn warrior, present life.] ]

In the world of Ajituo, Ozawa Orange was stunned when he saw this.

“Unknown Lifeform No. 4” turned out to be a human being? Or a passerby, with a belt to become?


Ozawa Orange hurriedly found out the information of the guy who helped them fight Unknown.


He and the warrior transformed by Yusuke Godai in the video seem not to be color, but to shape and feature.

The point is that they all have a peculiar belt-like item.

This guy wouldn’t be someone to become, would he? It’s like Yusuke Goyo.

Nagano Prefecture, Police Department, Countermeasures Group.

The entire office fell silent.

Until, a voice broke the silence.

“Ah, it turns out that No. 4 is a human become.”

“yes, yes.”

“What about Mr. Yusuke Goshiro.”

“yes, yes.”


To be honest, in fact, they didn’t know about it, but this group of people are all elites, and if they are not elites, they can’t enter the countermeasure group.

They were followed by front-line personnel, who had many close contact with “Unknown Lifeform No. 4”, and through some clues in ordinary times, they found Yusuke the fifth generation, mainly because they didn’t think much about hiding….

But guessing it doesn’t necessarily mean saying it, not to mention how can it be reported if you guess it, you say? How can something without evidence be said nonsense!

“He saved my life…”

“Ahem, what are you whispering about?”

“Sir, it’s nothing!”



“Sir,” a police officer came in from outside the door, “sir, let’s quickly find Mr. Yusuke Goyo.” ”

“Did you say what to do?”


The chief thought for a moment and said: “Why are you still stunned, go find someone quickly, do you still want me to urge!?” ”


A group of people left the office, and as soon as they reached the door of the police station, they saw Yusuke and Yusuke Goshiro standing not far away under a tree on the side of the road.

A police officer and Wushiro also looked over when they heard the movement….


The chief of the countermeasures team took out a pair of sunglasses from his clothes and brought them with him, and the other police officers did the same.

A group of people walked past the two.

“The sun is not so bad today, why is the sight so bad…”

One and five generations vaguely heard such a sentence, confused, this group of people … Why?

[The fifth generation wasted the power of nine bulls and two tigers, repelled the spider Gulangi, and the whole person slept tiredly for 11 hours. ] ]

[“Hurry back to Tokyo!”] ]

[This has nothing to do with you, go back quickly, Sakurako Sakura Sawagoe is worried about the safety of Yusuke Goyo.] ]

[He doesn’t need to be a warrior, this big sunny boy just needs to explore everywhere and have fun every day.] ]

[“Don’t be like that again, okay.”] ]

[Goyo nodded, and there was nothing, and he didn’t want to do it.] ]

[“Well, it’s nice to be an adventurer, I really don’t like that feeling.”) ]

[“What does it feel?” ]

[Goyo was silent, looked at his hand, and slowly clenched his fist…]

The audience of Ten Thousand Worlds was silent. (Note: Generally refers to most ordinary viewers, after all, I can’t say that xxx is silent, xxx is silent and so on.) )

This is a gentle man who does not like violence, and he has never been a warrior and does not like to fight.

Some people feel it the most –

(: Be an ordinary cook.) )

(: Everyone, don’t fight. )

(: Don’t stop others from chasing their dreams.) )

(…… )

(: Be an ordinary detective.) )

(: Grab my hand.) )

(: Don’t despair.) )

(…… )

(: Curing diseases, children’s smiles.) )

(…… )

If they could, they would never wear a mask.

This armor never existed for itself.

Love and peace, in reality, is a weak word, even so, it is necessary to praise that love and peace are not brought by anyone, but everyone cherishes that belief to create a world to survive, this armor, Kamen Rider fought for this.

If you can help others, you will feel happy in your heart, and then laugh happily, although you can’t see it through the mask, if you expect something in return, it can’t be called justice.

But who knows how bland their own ideals are?

[“These things have nothing to do with you!”] ]

[That’s what Mr. Police said to him.] ]

[“You hurry back to the east longitude and go here.”) ]

[A note with the address of a doctor who hoped that Goyo would check his body, after all, the belt was integrated into the body.] ]


[The fifth generation also wants to return to the East Meridian.] ]

[But ah-]

[In the raging fire, a police officer was hit to the ground by a bat monster.] ]

[How can I just leave!] ]

[“Please take a good look!”] ]

[“My transformation!”] ]

PS: The collection of flowers is not moving, fish fish, move quickly.

PS: I wrote only one chapter yesterday, I can’t write it today… Now I use all the saved manuscripts, distressed, there are only a few chapters, and I do a lot of nucleic acid

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