[Gurangi appeared in the Eastern Meridian.] ]

[A police officer received a message.] ]

[“Don’t transform, Godai!”] ]

[A police officer kept praying.] ]

[The order has been given from above, as long as the situation is not right, the other party will be shot first.] ]

[“Five generations, what are you doing, why can’t you get in touch!?”] ]

[Ichijo was constantly anxious, he didn’t want to see that big sunny boy have an accident.] ]

[Bang! Bang! Bang! ]

[In the Eastern Meridian, the Five Generations have transformed.] ]

[Surrounded by police.] ]

[The police shot…]

[The attacked cheetah Gurangi tried to kill the policemen with bullets, but was dragged back by the empty self.] ]

[The two men who ignored the bullet fled.] ]

Off-screen, Sugita Mamoru said: “…”

On the screen, he “whistles” and orders to shoot.


Later, he was saved by the empty self, and later found out that the fifth generation was the empty me, and apologized to the fifth generation.

However, now that I see this scene, I still feel ashamed.

[After some twists and turns, Goyo returned to Sakurako’s location.] ]

[“Last night, the ‘unknown lifeform’ reappeared.”) ]

[Goyo spoke to Sakurako casually.] ]

[“Is it in the east?” ]

[“Well, so I transformed again and fought him, and then I was hit by a pistol in the body, and I was itching and dying.”) ]

[The five generations of giggling did not see that Sakurako’s expression had changed.] ]

[“I said, how are you like a nobody, five generations, if you don’t get it right, you’re going to die!”] ]

[“No problem!”] ]

[I wanted Sakurako to know that she could even defend against bullets and not worry about herself, but now it seems to have backfired.] ]

[Goyo smiled and said, “I won’t do anything to find death.”] “]

[“Stop transforming, it’s too dangerous.”) ]

[“No problem.”] ]


[If you say more, it’s definitely fine!] ]

Yusuke Goyo is in fear!

A lot of people can hear it.

He was never unafraid.

Afraid of death? Fear! Still want to fight? Want!

If I can fight, will others die less, be injured less, or even be fine?

Many people were silent, especially the people of the empty world, the people of Tojing, the people of Nagano Prefecture…

They have Gurangi here, and they are killing people non-stop.

There is an “unknown lifeform No. 4” fighting with them, and they want them to lose both and die.

Now, they hope that the “empty self” can win, he is not an “unknown lifeform”, it is like counting the name of the video, fighting for love – people!

Doozhen: “Good boy. ”

[Sakurako went to parse ancient texts, she can’t persuade Goyo, she can’t help him fight, all she can do is parse a little more ancient texts, know what those things are, what the power of Goyo is, hope to get this information, hope this information can help Goyo.] ]

[A phone call came, he came to Dongjing on a business trip, attended a meeting, hoped to meet the fifth generation, and talked to the fifth generation.] ]

[Goyo said goodbye to Sakurako and set off.] ]

[As a result, the road encountered the galloping, murderous cheetah Gurangi.] ]

[Goyo “borrowed” a policeman’s motorcycle and chased after him.] ]

[It’s so fast, the cheetah’s speed is much faster than the speed of the motorcycle, and this ordinary motorcycle can’t catch up with the cheetah walking down the stairs.] ]

[After that, Goyo was arrested by the police who chased him, but fortunately a police officer followed and took Goyo away.] ]

[“I’m really sorry.”] ]

[On the police car back, Goyo looked apologetic.] ]

[“I thought I could catch up, just a little bit close.”) ]

[“You’re so sloppy, are you going to catch up and transform into battle again?”] ]

[Just now, Miss Sakurako just called and let herself organize the fifth generation transformation, which is also her own idea. ]

[“Yes.”] ]

[“Beware of losing your life that day.”) ]

[“So, just look at it like that?”] ]

[He knows it’s not his job, and it’s not what he’s supposed to do, but—how can you just look at it!] ]

[“You should think more about yourself.”] ]

[“I have.”] ]

[“Are you sure?” ]

[“Because I want to protect what I personally think is very important, don’t you do the same?”] ]

[a]: “…”].

Douzhen: “They’re all good boys.” ”

[Metropolitan Police Department parking lot, one just parked car.] ]

[A blast of radio came from the police liaison system in the car.] ]

[“Call all police cars, “Unknown Lifeform” No. 5 fled west from Hongo Road, entered Ome Avenue through Waibori Road, and now fled near Chaota Wushi, so far 23 people have been injured, 11 police cars have been damaged, and 8 police motorcycles have been damaged, please go to the surrounding police stations as soon as possible! ] “]

[“Repeat one side, call all police cars…”].

[The two big men were silent after listening.] ]

[The fifth generation finally couldn’t stand it and broke the silence.] ]

[“A police officer…”]

[There are still people waiting for him over there, he can’t delay much.] ]

[One ignored the five generations, pushed the car door, and walked out.] ]

[After getting off the bus, there was silence, and Goyo was also waiting quietly on the side.] ]


[Ichijo thought of something and put his hand in his pocket.] ]

[I felt something in my pocket, a note, a message looking at it, it was a message after Goyo sent him to the hospital when he was beating spiders and bats, he was unconscious, and Goyo sent him to the hospital.] ]

[…… I won’t give up halfway, I’ll stay the course…]

[…… Won’t stop halfway … I will stick to the end…]

[I will stay the course!] ]

[Yusuke Goshiro…]

[It seems that he wants to remain so silent, dragging down the five generations with silence and preventing him from transforming.] ]

[Finally, Ichijo let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had made up his mind.] ]

[“Yusuke Goyo!”] ]

[“In!”] ]

[“You come with me!”] ]

[One took the fifth generation to a warehouse with a brand new and handsome motorcycle.] ]

[“This is!”] When the fifth generation saw the motorcycle, he touched it with excitement, “It’s so cool!” “]

[“Experiment Tracker Moto 2000, the latest police motorcycle testing machine, with all the performance that was thrown away due to insufficient budget for popularization.”) ]

[“The handle is here.”) ]

[One took a handle out of the box next to it and inserted it into the missing side of the motorcycle, even though the handle was the key.] ]

[Looking at the excited Goyo, one entered the start code of the motorcycle.] ]

[“I’ll be there later!”] ]

[Witnessing the red warrior speeding out, one sighed.] ]

[In the end, he still involved civilians…]

[Go, gallop, Yusuke Goyo!] ]

[You must win, you must come back alive!] ]

PS: The nucleic acid is normal, and the manuscript will be replenished today, guys, please ask for tickets and flowers

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