“Is there such a stubble?”

The seven stars gathered in the Jade Pavilion and looked at each other.

Is there really something? Why haven’t they read the records?

If it’s true, why haven’t they heard of it? Why should the contract be in duplicate?

And if it’s true, how can Mond not be the territory of Liyue for so many years, and the knight, as the god of contract, can’t be without movement.

“Is that fake?”

“Bastard Barbatos, An dares to insult my knight!”

If it’s true, forget it, fair trade, if you dare to buy it, I will dare to ask for it.

There is no right or wrong in this, even if to outsiders, they look like villains, but there are no positive and negative things like between countries.

A group of people are angry and rushing to the crown, and they are about to send troops …

“All calm down!”

The owner of this place, Tianquan Xing, stared out.

“It’s no better now, knight… The knight has just passed away, and there is nothing we can do about Barbatos…”

After hearing this, the other seven stars sat back weakly.

Local wars are nothing, once they really want to start a war with Mond, they will not be able to please.

If there is no wind god, they will win easily, and if the knight is still there, they will also win easily.

But…… The knight immortal passed away…

The green wind blew into the Jade Pavilion, and the figure holding a spear stopped here.


“Great Saint!”

“Dharma Protector!”

Seven Stars used their customary title to address the person in front of him.

“Wait for the seven stars to protect Liyue, I will go to Mond and ask for an explanation!”

Now is not the time for the immortals and the seven stars to clash, the knight’s reputation is humiliated, and the two sides can temporarily put aside the dispute and unanimously go out.

Even if the wind god is kind to him, for the sake of the knight’s reputation, he has to talk about it.

Where did the name on the contract come from!?


The music on the statue of the god of wind stopped abruptly, and the break was so abrupt.


Cold sweat, cold sweat crept up the cheeks of the wind god.

Yes, this matter almost forgot, after all, there has been no accident for so many years, and he did not let this matter pass it down, and deliberately deleted this matter.

I forgot about it, and now it was turned out by the video, and Wendy instantly recalled.

“Old man, old man, you are all “dead”, but don’t crawl out of the coffin to cheat the corpse, otherwise you won’t “die” in vain!? ”

The god of wind kept praying.

“Worship God, worship God…” Wendy was a little incoherent.

He suddenly thought of something and turned to look at the cathedral behind him.

“Worship God, worship God… Fengshen bless! Fengshen bless! ”

Liyue, the erudite Mr. Zhongli paused.

“Forget it, the Rock King knight has “died”, another day as a guest secretary of the former life hall, interview the bard of Mond, and ask him if he needs to order a coffin…”

[In order to protect this hard-won everything, the dependents of the wind god Barbatos, the guardians of the winds of the Mond Quartet, met and built.] ]

[Vanessa founded the Knights of the Zephyr; The dragon Twalin, enchanted by the unruly winds and songs of Barbatos, descended on the earth and pledged allegiance to him; The Knights of the North Wind ended their wanderings in Mond and settled in the Wolf Forest. ]

[Vanessa the Knight of the Lion’s Teeth, the Knights of the Zephyr, the Twalin of the East Wind Dragon, and the Knights of the North Wind, these are the original Four Winds Guardians of Mond.] ]

[Dongfeng Dragon——]

[The mountain gate is sandwiched, and the canyon seems to be a drunk staggering, but anyway, the east wind does not need to walk, it uses flying.] Almost the height of a fruit tree flies, and its wings carry the harvest and fruity aroma. ]

[Wind Dragon – Twalin! ]

[Lion of the South Wind——]

[A lion walking in the wilderness in summer, I want to praise it but can’t think of another word: more sweat, more refreshing drinking ice wine?] Is it so hot because its mane is like the sun? ]

[Liontooth Knight – Winessa! ]

[Wolf of the North Wind——]

[The north wind sleeps quietly in the forest, and it stands to reason that it should be surrounded by wolves.] But no one has ever seen them, because they know that no one likes winter. The wind god knows that it must have a warm reverie in its dreams. ]

[King Wolf of the North Wind – Boria (Andreus), old demon god, dependant of the wind god! ] ]

[Zephyr Eagle——]

[Thanks to the west wind for so long, the spring flowers bloom so delicately.] Sparrows, ducks, rabbits, and small wild boars, Mond recovers, and everything begins to grow. ]

[The Knights who guard Mond – the Knights of the Zephyr!] ]

[Today, the Eagle of the West Wind guards Mond, and the dependents of the Wolf of the North Wind are its leader, and the Lion of the South Wind is the acting leader.] ]

[And the east wind… but has been forgotten…”

[Dragon of the East Wind – Twalin.] ]

[Twalin was originally a powerful but ignorant elemental creature, but after meeting Barbatos, he gradually learned the language of humans, guarded Mond, and was listed as one of the guardians of the four winds.] ]

[During the Canrea disaster, the poisonous dragon Durin attacked Mond, when the lineage of the Knights of the Lion’s Teeth was vacant and the Knights of the West Wind withered, and in response to the prayers of the Monds, Barbatos’ will called out Twalin.] ]

[Twalin bites Durin’s throat and kills him in the Dragon’s Back Snow Mountain.] ]

[But Twalin also swallowed Durin’s poisonous blood and suffered from it.] ]

[Years later, the Tivat continental meteor crossed and a traveler from a foreign land arrived in Mond. ]

[During the journey, a dragon was glimpsed in the forest.] ]

[Dragon Calamity! ]

[This is the vocabulary travelers hear when they arrive in Mond. ]

Off-screen, many Monds bowed their heads in shame.

[After the travelers arrived in Mond, Twalin once again caused another storm. ]

[The road is uneven, the Traveler fights Twalin, and under the love of the wind, the Traveler repels Twalin.] ]

[After that, the traveler learned everything from the wind god and prepared to retrieve the wind god’s weapon in the hope of awakening Twalin.] ]

Barbara: “Lord Barbatos, you told me earlier, won’t I give it to you…”

Then Barbara seemed to have thought of something and fell to her knees.

“Lord Barbatos accidentally destroyed the Sky Lyre… How does that count!!! ”

“Lord Barbatos, Barbara is not working…”

[At this time, Twalin was being transformed into a weapon of war by the Abyss Order.] ]

[To save Twalin, the Traveler and the people of Mondstadt set into action.] ]

[Thanks to Wendy’s efforts, the travelers, and the people of Mond, Twalin is freed from the curse.] ]

[With the blessing of the wind god, truly free to live…]

[Mond’s drinking buddy, drink non-stop.] ]

[Honor freedom, worship the god of the wind.] ]

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