August 15, 2017, 9:30 a.m.

The young reporter of the football newspaper, nicknamed George, the backdoor keeper, finally appeared at the gate of Molde's training base.

As the security guards at the door asked their superiors for instructions, George yawned again, carrying camera equipment in one hand and coffee in the other.

Complained: "The boss is also true, nine o'clock is inevitably too early, you should make the time a little later, trap me!"

After getting permission, George was dragged all the way by the staff and walked inside.

Since the third round of the league will start on the 20th, Mowe gave the players a holiday today, which caused Molde's training base to be empty.

The more George went in, the more contempt he felt in his heart, sure enough, people are greedy for pleasure!

During the holidays, no one will come to train!

The two little guys I'm going to interview today should be playing in a lounge somewhere... Go for it!

Bang -

just thinking about it in my heart, the sound of a ball hitting the goalpost was heard in my ears.

Take a closer look, gee, something unexpected.

Chen Feng and Haaland are practicing shooting on the field, while Mua's assistant coach, Strand, is constantly recording the data of their shooting.

Looking at the sweaty appearance of the two, it seems that it has been a long time since they came.

"Hey, early!"

George approached slowly, and after taking a sip of coffee, he said hello with a smile, but he didn't want to respond to his vicious eyes!

Strand was a little dissatisfied: "Didn't you say that the interview started at nine o'clock?" It's half past nine, why did you come? "


"Isn't this a traffic jam on the road!"

George Pi smiled and didn't smile, and casually pulled a reason.

Strand also didn't want to dwell too much on this matter, so he asked George to go to the living room first, turn around and let Haaland and Chen Feng go to take a shower and then come for an interview.

The three had no objection and left separately.

However, when Chen Feng left, he looked and looked in the direction of the gate, but he never saw that familiar figure!


"Boss, another bottle!"

"Today, I am happy, I must get drunk!"


In the time-honored Chinese restaurant, Wilson, whose hair was messy and full of alcohol, was yelling.

Fortunately, today is a working day, and he is the only one in the restaurant at the moment, so he has not 'delayed' business.

Hearing this, Chen Fu, who was busy in the back kitchen, put down the kitchen knife in his hand, took out his treasured bottle of 'Erguotou', and walked out calmly.

Wilson's eyes lit up when he saw the wine!

Laughing, he snatched the wine and drank it with a grunt... Cough, just drank two sips, the spicy tingling sensation made him have to put down the wine bottle in his hand and cough heavily!

Chen Fu sat quietly on the opposite side, listening to Wilson talking to himself, and did not disturb him.

I still remember that a few days ago, Wilson had been lying here and not leaving, insisting on interviewing Chen Feng, and Old Chen was a little 'convinced'!

[The main thing is that this guy only orders a bowl of noodles every time he comes, or the cheapest kelp tofu noodles, and when he sits for a day, one person 'occupies' a table, which really affects business! ] He

started talking to Wilson.

Only then did I learn that this work is very important for this reporter who is almost middle-aged!

If you do a good job, you can be promoted and raised, the life of the Wilson family will be easier, and he himself will feel less guilty!

Busy for more than 40 years, but not a famous one!

Shame on his wife, who has been with him since he was seventeen years old, but has never left him!

This is, the original words of this middle-aged man!

A very simple story poked Lao Chen's heart, that night, he found his son and explained the situation, and the next day, Chen Feng reported to Muer.

After that, the team director also asked Chen Feng's true will.

Chen Feng's answer is, of course, willing to accept it!

Finally, the director and Wilson will meet at the café to discuss the interview!

Wilson drank and cried bitterly on the table, his mouth slurred: "Why? Why? Why did such a bad thing happen to me?!

Chen Fu sighed lightly and slowly patted Wilson's back... The collapse of adults is often instantaneous, and he experienced this feeling two years ago!


Molde Training Base.

Mue, team director Garland and the two read the interview script one after another, felt that there was no problem, so they signaled that they could start.

George set up the camera, took out his pen and notebook, and was just about to start asking questions.

Chen Feng suddenly interrupted, "Wait a minute, can I ask a question?" Why didn't Wilson come today? "

Hmm... Yes?

George was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Chen Feng to ask such a question.

Hastily explained: "He is sick today, so I will replace him, if there is nothing wrong, let's start!" "


Haaland, who was interviewed for the first time, was very excited and a little impatient.

When Chen Feng heard this answer, he seemed to understand something in his heart, the unspoken rules, Zhente Niang is everywhere.

George: I'm an interview reporter for the football newspaper, I'm excited to meet you both today, can you introduce yourself?

Haaland: Of course, everyone, I'm Ellin, Molde's striker!

Chen Feng: ...+1!

George: Huh?

George is not the first time to go out for an exclusive interview, calmly skipping this topic, and automatically ignoring Chen Feng's crude self-introduction.

George: The two of you have been in the limelight lately! Ellin is two games, 4 goals and 1 assist, Chen is two games, 1 goal, 6 assists, there are many fans who call you the Molde Twins, the future supergiant!

Excuse me, what do you think of this?

Asked here, Garland was a little nervous in his heart, if the two accepted this title, it was arrogance, if they refused, they were unscrupulous!

This is the new change brought by the new media of the Internet, and this answer must be cautious!

Haaland was just about to speak, but was preempted by Chen Feng... Bar, la-la, according to the previous exercise, the official words said a lot, bypassing this problem!

Hearing this, both Muir and Garland showed knowing smiles.

After that, some sharp questions were also avoided by both of them according to the words of the exercise.

Near the end of the interview, George, who frowned, was a little dissatisfied with the results of today's interview, so he took out a killer app.

"The last question is about Chen!"

"I hope you can answer positively!"

Chen Feng's brows frowned slightly, with some bad premonitions.

I saw George smile and asked: "Excuse me, what is the reason for your previous expulsion from Bruges, is it really the same as the outside world says, because violence hurts people!" Or is there something else! "

This question is very sharp!

It also made Chen Feng, who has lived in Huaxia for ten years, think of a sentence to give to George - you are really that rotten peanut, not a good person (ren)!

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