The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 214: Show off muscles

"Time waits for no one." Xiao En said meaningfully, "We have proven our sincerity, and the rest is up to your choice."

   Although he didn't say it clearly, Xiao En appeared, and the smell of rushing people was ready to come out.

   On the third day after the two met, Amelia Red Rose took her team members and embarked on the way home.

   Two years.

   sounds very long, but for a big action involving hundreds of kilometers and millions of people, it is too short and too short, and they must race against time.

   As to whether the Yongye Group Army can re-flow the Jacob River, the question Red Rose Amelia has an answer in her heart.

   I have to admit that in the past three or four months, what I have seen and heard in the Yongye Army has broken many of the perceptions of Red Rose Amelia, and the impact has been greater than that of Darnell.

   After all, when Darnell came to the Yongye Army, many things were in the starting state, and they had not reached the level of earthshaking.

   And when Amelia arrived, many things were already on the right track, in order.

Especially when they passed through the Manyu Army who was just scoured by the war, all they saw along the way were villages and arable land destroyed by the war. They suddenly entered the prosperous villages under the rule of the Yongye Group Army, as if they had reached a paradise. , There is a strong contrast shock.

Like Darnell at the time, before arriving at the Yongye Army, Amelia saw that the Andis with Shaun’s kind of conversation should be one of the few, after all, the other party was a warlock with good possessions. The inheritance system is not surprising.

  The Andeans in the Andes Mountains belong to the aliens, with vulgar language, chaotic management, and hard life. They all want to hold the thigh of the regent Princess Sophilia.

   The so-called re-flow of the Jacob River is just a point of alarmist talk and deliberate throwing out to attract the regent princess.

  , she has seen people like this, but she doesn't know how many, and she doesn't remember how many they dealt with.

Followed by Sean back to the Yongye Group Army for inspection, it was also Amelia who took the initiative to propose. At that time, she made up her mind that if Sean showed him a dilapidated refugee camp in the mountains, she would definitely not say anything else and draw a knife. Cut him off.

   But the people and affairs of the Yongye Group Army completely shattered this idea.

   Amelia and Darnell saw different things.

   It is true that Darnell travels north and south and is knowledgeable, but his character and past experience make him look at things only from a personal point of view.

   Amelia is different. She is not only a good spy assassin, but also a good politician.

   The New Deal in the territory of Princess Sophia, the regent, was presided over by her.

   She actually saw the New Deal shadow of the regent princess in the mountains where she had previously thought to be poor. That's not true. To be more precise, many of the other party's governance methods were more advanced and more subversive.

   It happened to them, and there was no resistance like the New Deal in the princess's territory. Everything was full of vitality beyond imagination.

   At the beginning, her purpose was very simple. It was to examine the strength of the Yongye Group Army and the actual situation in the upper reaches of the Jacob River, and theoretically determine whether there is any feasibility for re-flow.

   If it’s just this, you don’t need to spend a whole winter, just walk around the river and mountains directly.

   Lai Zai Yong Ye's army did not leave with a faceless face, in order to see the other party's unique governance model and see if there is any reference value.

   Although Ralph guarded her strictly, Amelia still felt that she had gained a lot.

   Some things are on the bright side, and the Yongye Army from top to bottom believes that there is no need to keep it secret.

   Just relying on the things in hand, even without the premise of Jacob River re-flow, Amelia also believes that the Eternal Night Army is a worthy partner for the regent Princess Sophilia.

   What's more, there is still a possibility that the Jacob River reflows in advance.

   Whether it is from the words and deeds of the Yongye Group Army’s internal personnel, or from the architectural layout, the other party is actively preparing for the re-flow of the Jacob River, especially the Twin Cities that have begun to take shape.

   That is not a castle fortress at all, but a port, a port in mid-air.

   Had it not been for the news of the re-flow of the Jacob River in advance, Amelia would have thought that the members of the Yongye Group had collectively lost their minds.

   From the top to the bottom of the Yongye Group Army, no one doubts whether the Jacob River can re-flow, it's just a matter of earlier and later.

   Only those people under the river and mountains are really not enough to dig it up.

   There is only one possibility that the other party still possesses such a strong self-confidence, and that is that the other party has secret means that they don't know and are unwilling to disclose to them.

   There is no certainty in this world, let alone this kind of extensive involvement, which is a gamble in itself.

   Amelia’s personal judgment is that what the Army of the Eternal Night Group now shows is worthy of their admission to the market. The specific bet still needs to be judged by the Regent Princess Sophielia.

   On the same day with Amelia Red Rose, there was also Eriksson, Chief of Staff of the Military Staff of the Eternal Night Army.

   But one is from the mountain pass of the ancient river of the Jacob River, and has been running wildly along the ancient river, passing through the Manyu army and the plains of Asia Minor, returning to the capital of Valesta.

   One is the Silver Wolf tribe that goes through the mountains and ridges, exits from the northern fortress and heads straight to the Kogel steppe, accompanied by Tagore the Tiger of Andes, and the barbarian mercenary Bear Yale.

   Two champion knights and a prospective champion knight, this kind of envoy team can be called luxurious, the meaning of which is self-evident, showing their muscles to the Silver Wolf tribe.



After leaving the northern fortress, Tagore and the tiger mount he had just tamed not long ago did not stop. They seemed to have inexhaustible energy. They ran around, one person and one tiger echoed each other. Not only did Tagore ran around in surprise, Even the flock of Odin orcs, like the pan was fried, was everywhere.

   Tagore laughed triumphantly, which was exactly what he wanted.

   has a unique mount, of course it must be dazzling.

   Compared to him, both Eriksson on horseback and Xiong Yale on the back of Kolymon are relatively dull.

   However, the moods of the two are different. The Bull Eriksson is because after entering the endless prairie, he is touched by the scene.

And the human bear Yale is constantly looking around, with unconcealed greed in his eyes, screaming in his heart, what a fertile land, if the Kentana barbarians also own such a pasture for grazing the Klei beasts, it will not need much. In years, the barbarians will use their mighty force to make the world tremble.

   I don’t know when they started, the Kentana barbarian and the Kolymon have been tied together. Mentioning the former will inevitably think of the latter, and vice versa.

  Ke Lei beasts are unique beasts on the Kentana Ice Sheet, and they are called wild aliens. It is said that their race history is as old as the Kentana barbarians and can be pushed back to the age of giants.

  Before the barbarians were driven to the wild Kentana Icefield, they had lived here for the time.

   It is hard for ordinary people to imagine that in this uninhabited and wild land with extremely rare plants, there is such a huge beast. In the end, he can only praise the magic of the Creator.

   In the course of years of evolution, the Koremon found a way to survive on the ice sheet. They changed from pure vegetarians to omnivores like bears.

The extremely harsh environment makes their stomachs extremely terrifying, and there is nothing they can’t digest. Whether it’s marine fish, or those walrus seals, or the moss on the ground, there is really no way they can eat the ice, especially Those ice layers with a long history are their love.

   The drastic changes in climate at the beginning caused a lot of good things to be frozen in these ice layers. They don't have the concept of spoiling and decayed things in the ice.

   When the Kentana barbarians were driven here, Shuangyi became a close companion.

  Kelemon is the basis for the survival of the Kentana barbarians.

   They are the mounts and vehicles of the Kentana barbarian.

   Their milk is the best tonic for the Kentana Barbarians.

   Their dung is the main heating fuel for the Kentana Barbarians.

   Their meat helped the Kentana barbarians through the toughest frozen period.

   Their fur is the raw material for the Kentana barbarian's cold protection.

   Their bones were made into weapons by the Kentana barbarians.

   Regardless of whether they were alive or dead, their whole body, every minute and every single bit, was used to the extreme by the Kentana barbarians.

   Their significance to the Kentana barbarians is far higher than that of hounds to the Andeans.

  Without the hound, the life of Andean people will become sad and dangerous, but they can still live.

   If there were no Kore beasts, the Kentana barbarians would have been extinct as early as the ancient Andean Empire.

The Koremon followed in the footsteps of the Kentana barbarians. After all, the use of hunting tools by humans allowed them to hunt more widely. For example, the giant whales that gave birth to the coast of the Kentana ice sheet were beyond their reach before. food.


   The sound of thunderous horseshoes, the shouts of various strange accents came from afar.

   "Close the formation." The Bull Eriksson was extremely experienced and gave the assembly order and stopped moving on.

   The Silver Wolf tribe has given up on the Odin Grand Canyon. It is actually loose and tight inside. There have been wandering sentries wandering around. Counting the time, the opponent should have reacted.

   If they wait until they have been looking for the door, the other party will react.

   Chief of Staff Eriksson wants to reconsider the alliance with the other party.

   I heard the sound of horseshoes in the horizon at first, and then I was close at hand.

   The non-digital string Odin Orc appeared out of thin air, riding a horse galloping, forming a huge encirclement. The strange drink in his mouth was more vigorous, and he half-opened his bow, all aimed at Erickson and his group in the encirclement circle.

   "Wow!" Tagore slapped the mount's head, and one person and one tiger roared again.

   "The law of the law..."

   There was a wave of horses neighing one after another, and many war horses stood up surprisingly.

   The knights above were in a hurry, but the Odin orcs were known as the nation on horseback, and they did not get ridiculous. One by one, they turned their horses' heads urgently, or stood up with the horses, and soon reassured them.

  On equestrianism alone, the Odin orcs do have an inherent advantage over the Byrons. It is said that the first thing the Odin orcs do is not to learn to walk, but to learn to ride a horse.

   Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is true that Odin orcs have grown up on horseback since they were young and can ride horses alone at the age of three or five.

   A typical Odin orc spends half of his life on horseback. This gives them the common characteristics of a prairie nation. They are all looped legs, so dismounting is not so convenient.

   said that practice makes perfect, their riding skills can no longer be described by familiarity, but a passive skill integrated into their bones.

   But even if they were familiar again, when they calmed down the horses again, the uniform formation had all been disrupted. Some Odin orcs were in a panic, and even failed to control their bows and shot their arrows.

   But the bow is not full, the arrows are weak, and I can't talk about the accuracy of the head. I don't know where to fly.

   Eriksson and his party surrounded by them did not even blink their eyelids.

I don’t know if it’s their own illusion. The string-controlling Odin orcs saw a faint smile on the opponent’s face, a mocking smile, making them want to give them another arrow and let them know about Odin. Ding Orc's bow rider is famous all over the world, and it's not because of it.

   Originally wanted to give the other party a predicament, but it turned out that he wanted the other party to give him a predicament.

   "Stop it, it's not too shameful, don't disturb the distinguished guests." An energetic voice stopped the eager Odin orcs.

A man with greyish hair on temples, tall but not A middle-aged Odin orc, who is striding forward to old age, rode out and said with a hearty smile: "I've heard about Andis Mountain Beasts a long time ago. Majestic and extremely majestic, especially the giant tiger is an unrivaled predator. Seeing it today, it has a well-deserved reputation. It is an eye-opener today. The Silver Wolf tribe welcomes everyone. I am the chief of this tribe, Laksh.

   Laksh said to Eriksson, not at a glance that he recognized the opponent as the leader of the team, but recognized him as the Odin orc, he used Odin's animal language.

  Whether it is Byron, Andis, Yang or Odin animal language, tracing the roots, it is actually a language, all evolved from the ancient Andean imperial language.

   But language is easy to be mixed with some life customs in the process of inheritance, and it is slowly transformed into a language with its own national characteristics, especially spoken language. Due to the ethnic structure and pronunciation, the differences are even greater.

   For example, the Byrons like to use trills, the Andeans like to use phrases, and the Odin orcs like to add some inner guttural sounds, which are very low, like a roar.

   Whether it is Tagore the Tiger Tiger or Yale the bear, they are all ducks listening to thunder. They don't even know that the other party is boasting his mount, otherwise Tagore would be very interested in communicating with each other on this topic.

   Eriksson said quite well: "Thank you for the praise of the chief. I am Eriksson from the Yongye Army. I have brought the friendship of the Andean people."

   "I've been waiting for a long time. If you don't come again, I will come to visit you. Several distinguished guests, please come with me." Laksh said half-truth.

   The speaker has no intention to listen to it.

   Eriksson suddenly thought of many things.

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