The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 491: Firearms Bureau

Although most of these magical energy will be recovered by the energy reaction chamber, some will always be taken away by nature, and Sean still cherishes it.

The magical energy reserves in the energy reaction chamber are amazing, but there are also limits.

The Yongye Army leader is now being developed and utilized on a large scale, and the consumption rate is quite astonishing, especially those absorbed and fused by the human body, and will be taken out of the northern fortress forever.

Its importance to the Mage Tower is like gasoline to fuel equipment. Without this, the consciousness space created by Sean will all stop functioning.

Now Sean has begun to plan ahead and find a way to increase the energy storage in the energy reaction chamber.

However, there is no good way to calculate.

The energy reaction chamber is always in operation, constantly absorbing the magical energy around it.

But it has its own farthest draw distance, and the spell energy it can draw has long been firmly absorbed by it.

Unless it is within its envelope, an energy reaction chamber that can overlap with its extraction range is established, and its extraction range is increased, otherwise it can only maintain the status quo.

And this is back to square one.

Sean has not been able to fully understand the energy reaction chamber, and there is no way to build his own energy reaction chamber.

Having said that, if they can build their own energy reaction chamber, then there is no need to limit this place.

Speaking of the energy reaction chamber, Sean recently had another whimsical idea, which was connected with the Soul Beast Card.

When the soul beast card is in the state of summoning energy, it can use its own soul consciousness as the carrier to transmit magical energy.

Does it mean that as long as one's soul consciousness can absorb the energy of spells, it can replenish the consumption of soul beasts. Once the replenishment speed exceeds the consumption speed, they can maintain their permanent existence even if they leave the mage tower at a distance. Once he came, even if he didn't get out of the mage tower, he could still do enough.

After thinking about it, Sean tried non-stop.

He hasn't fully grasped the energy reaction chamber, but it does not prevent him from re-enacting in the state of soul consciousness. At most, it is intact. The arrangement of each basic rune is exactly the same as the original.

Apart from the cumbersomeness of this matter, there is really no big problem for Sean. There is not only soul programming in the front, but also a conscious space like a dream.

Using soul consciousness to compile things, he is already familiar with it.

When discussing the final draft of the mage tower with Ferdinand, the first soul energy reaction chamber that Sean had compiled had already taken shape.

After leaving the supervision of the mage tower group to Ferdinand, Sean couldn't wait to stuff the soul into the thundering golden eagle, and then his main consciousness was transferred to it.

"Success!" Sean's whole soul consciousness was cheering.

The moment he entered the Thunder Golden Eagle, he felt that this time was different from before.

When the front body is in the soul beast body, Sean feels like he is wearing different styles of clothing, he can only control them, and cannot do anything for them.

This time it was different. Sean's soul consciousness was like a whirlpool, continuously absorbing the magical energy around him, and then injected it into the soul beast body.

Sean can tell that this is not the magic tower injected into the soul beast body through his own soul consciousness, but it is indeed injected through the soul consciousness to absorb the magical energy around it.

Because when the magical energy circulates in one's own soul consciousness, there is a mysterious and unspeakable feeling, as if you have peeped into something, but when you think about it carefully, you can't say anything.

On the contrary, the cognition of the energy reaction chamber has improved to a higher level.

Maybe they thought about the energy reaction chamber too complicated, in fact, whether they can fully analyze the meaning of the basic runes and magic circuits on the energy reaction chamber is not that important.

This is not really writing an article, it needs to be integrated.

They only need to recreate the energy reaction chamber like the soul consciousness.

As long as it works normally, why do they need to care about what principles are followed?

They can build and research in parallel.

What you can do with your soul consciousness can be done with actual materials.

He can even disassemble the energy reaction chamber into different structures, give them to different arsenals for forging, and then assemble them where needed.

But this matter is not the focus of this time, this time the focus is to test the effect of the soul energy reaction chamber.

After all, the distance to the Mage Tower is too close, and the magic energy here is too strong. The energy skeleton itself has a certain absorption for the magic energy, and the perception is not accurate.

With a thought on Sean's heart, the thundering golden eagle rose into the sky and flew towards the mountain in the direction of the Andis Inland Lake.

He had been notified a few days ago that the artillery developed by Yong Yejun led by himself, because it solved the biggest technical problem, has been successfully cast and entered the test firing.

For this kind of event that has a trans-epochal impact on the entire military structure, Sean should be there in person.

Only limited by the current state, can only give up.

It is possible now, and Sean still wants to witness this in person.

After all, under his own influence, the artillery research and development led by the Yongye Army has passed the precipitation and accumulation of the years, and directly crossed the ages of matchlock, flintlock, smoothbore, etc., rushed in the direction of the rifled, and the bullets and shells also directly passed the no In the era of shells, head towards a shell.

The advantage of this is that they don't need to spend too much energy and time on these wrong roads.

The downside is that the correct development path requires very high material requirements. Just a steel material that does not meet the standard will trouble them for several years.

Fortunately, this world still has the black technology of magic techniques to help solve this problem, otherwise the Yongye Army leader would have to retreat and study those technologies that will be eliminated sooner or later as temporary substitutes.

Artillery manufacturing is difficult to say, but simple is not easy.

It mainly depends on what level you want to make.

If it were a simple shot or iron ball push smoothbore gun, the Yongye Army leader would have successfully developed it in the second year after the establishment of the Firearms Bureau before the large-scale application of black powder.

Because it's just a barrel, stuffed with black powder and cannonballs to ignite the launch process.

But this kind of artillery is basically useless.

Because it is too bulky, has a short range, is slow, and has poor accuracy, its manufacturing cost is dozens of times that of a catapult.

The skill of making a gun of this kind, Yongye army leader has long taken local materials, made hundreds of catapults, and threw the ignited black powder barrels out. The effect is basically the same, and the requirements for black powder itself are not so high. high.

Don't forget that there are inhuman great knights and champion knights in this world. Once they are spotted, artillery, a heavy and large weapon, is very vulnerable to targeted treatment.

This means that when they are engaged in war, they must start at a higher level, and the direction of research and development cannot be exactly the same as in the previous life.

The problem of inadequate combustion of black powder also needs to be solved. This not only affects their power, but also produces smoke that will be filled with gunpowder after the shelling, which greatly affects the soldiers' sight.

This is all for the future, and everything must be done step by step, especially the high-tech artillery, which is not just a handy. To what extent it can go depends on the overall development level of Yongye Army Leader.

While Shaun was thinking about the future development direction of the army, the Thunder Golden Eagle had already climbed over the mountains and left the maximum range of influence of the energy reaction chamber.

The energy that the Three-body Mage Tower injected into the soul beast body through the soul consciousness was already nothing.

At this time, Xiao En fully felt the mystery of the soul energy reaction chamber.

Wind, water, earth, fire, light, and darkness.

The five kinds of magical energies, drawn by the soul consciousness, penetrated in, and then circulated in one's own soul, with various ingenious combinations and reactions, until they merged into a non-attribute magical element. Infused into the energy skeleton of the soul beast.

Only after leaving the northern fortress can one feel how scarce the magical energy between heaven and earth is.

Even if there is a soul energy reaction chamber, the speed of absorbing spell energy is not ideal.

According to Sean’s experience, it is able to maintain the thundering golden eagle at full speed and consume, like the high-intensity battle outside the mage tower, basically don’t think about it. At best, it is the same as before. After a short burst, it will enter a long time. The state of energy storage.

But for Sean, it was enough.

Even if every soul beast body can be used as a champion knight, there are still very few situations that really require him to participate in the war.

He just uses it as a clone, don't affect the control of the entire army leader just because his body is trapped in the mage tower.

Attend necessary occasions and meetings.

With more and more good things in his hands, Xiao En's confidence is getting stronger and stronger, and the things that originally needed to be hidden have begun to gradually let go.

The fact that at least five soul beasts represent the clone of Sean is already an open secret in the leadership of the Yongye Army.

During this time, when they went to the northern fortress to participate in academic exchanges, they all met with him.

This is what Sean deliberately did in order to prepare for the use of soul beasts more frequently in the future.

Shaun's actions in the Mage Tower of the Northern Fortress during this period are too great, and there are too many eye-catching things.

A space of consciousness can make many people shocked by aphasia, let alone those martial arts routines, system knowledge, and a series of things that have broken their cognition, making them excited and unable to control themselves, the soul beasts mixed in it On the contrary, it was not so maverick. The senior leaders of Yongye Army accepted it naturally, and did not delve into this issue.

People in this world, regardless of race, are committed to the existence of souls, and Sean just proved this in disguise.

This is just another application of magical energy. For a person who can introduce the soul consciousness of others into a new world, what is this?

At the speed of the Thunder Golden Eagle, Sean appeared over the territory of the Firearms Bureau in only three hours.

The firearms bureau headed by the Yongye Army is completely located in the deep mountains and old forests, and the degree of closure is still above the northern fortress. Except for the convoy that transports military supplies, there will be no outsiders coming in and out of this place all year round. Once discovered, they will be thrown directly into prison.

Speaking of top secrets.

Enchanting equipment is far from being counted.

Enchanting equipment is at best to bring cold weapons and personal combat power to the extreme. For those great knights and champion knights, it is the icing on the cake.

With or without enchanting equipment, they are the mainstays on the battlefield.

Artillery, a new type of weapon that crosses the age, is the same as the energy reaction chamber. It is the top secret. Once the test is successful and mass production starts, even if there is no way to directly subvert the existing war mode, it will cause a fatal impact. , High and low judgment.

The same is true for the energy reaction chamber. Once the Yongye army leader can be manufactured on a large scale, it will directly influence their future direction.

Another reason for putting it away from the crowd is that this thing is too dangerous. It has been six or seven years since the establishment of the Firearms Bureau, even if they have formulated strict internal rules and regulations, as far as Sean knows. Yes, there are no fewer than ten safety accidents involving dozens of casualties, not to mention the various small accidents that have been suppressed.

In addition to various test accidents and accidents caused by human factors, the stability of black powder has many defects. If it is stored carelessly, it is easy to cause an explosion.

Over the years, the Yongye Army leader has been working hard to improve the black powder formula or develop new and more stable powder. This research work is even more dangerous. Every year there are reports of casualties in this area. It is also one of the work of the Firearms Bureau. .

The Firearms Bureau is definitely the most dangerous research unit led by Yongye. There is no one. Even the Medical Research Institute has to be ranked behind. After all, under the leadership of Ms. Elena, the main direction of the medical research base is various finished products. Medicine, not virus biochemistry.

Speaking of the history of the Firearms Bureau, it is also considered long in the Yongye Army. Its predecessor is the Independent Engineer Corps. Its main task is to blast and block the rivers and mountains of the inland lakes of Andes.

After the Jacob River resumed, they retired and were hid by Sean Xue. Using him as a team, they formed the current firearms bureau. The main attack direction is how to use the power of black powder.

Except before the re-flow of the Jacob River, the regent princess Sophie Liya who had secretly visited the Yongye Army leader, the world did not know their achievements.

It is like an invisible giant crocodile, always hiding at the bottom of the deep pool of the leader of the eternal night, and from time to time it will reveal its sharp fangs launching deadly attacks on the enemy of the eternal night.

Not to mention it, just talk about the various black powder weapons used by the Yongye army leader in the battle with the Kingsley family.

No matter the black powder barrel, black powder mine, black powder water mine, black powder grenade, etc., they all came from their hands.

Of course.

Here only refers to the method development.

The Firearms Bureau, like the medical research base, is a standard scientific research unit. After various methods are developed, they are only responsible for subsequent improvements, and mass production is handed over to the arsenal of the subordinate unit.

When Shaun controlled the Thunder Golden Eagle to hover high in the sky, he attracted the attention of the firearms officers below.

Soon after the two main persons in charge of the Firearms Bureau, Director Tobias and Master Baker came over, seeing these two people who could prove their identities showed up, Xiao En slowly lowered his figure and landed.

It would be a big joke if you were bombarded from the sky by your own people!

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