The Original Vampire

143 Burning Mountain (Tenth, seeking subscription!)

Chapter 143 Burning Mountain (Tenth, seeking subscription!)

When the sun bloomed again, the thorns were suddenly angry.

At this time, when the autumn and early winter, when the sky was dry, the leaves and branches of the mountains made the fire make the fire again.

Looking at it from high altitude, the foot of the thorns at this time has risen into a dragon, and spread towards the mountain at a very fast speed.

Those who have experienced the fire will understand that the fire is really terrible, but even more terrible, it is actually a thick smoke caused by the fire.

It is the most mighty real murderer.

As the fire and thick smoke continued to reach the top of the mountain, the screams, horses hissing, and shouting finally made the thorn mountain boiling instantly.

The army on the mountain finally couldn’t continue to hide, without the order of the officer, and immediately rushed down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the Tianma Corps has long been waiting.

But when the first soldier rushed out of the fire, the generals of the east were suddenly found that the other party was not wearing the military uniform and armor of the Black Army at all.

Even he is not human.

It’s a semi -elf!

As more and more semi -elf soldiers rushed down the mountain, the east people were confused -Isn’t it that the Black Cavalry was hiding on the mountain?

Why is it all the semi -elf now?

However, the people in the east were doubtful, but they were not slow in their hands. They immediately shot their arrows towards those half -elf and rolled on the ground.

There are always some lags on the information transfer on the battlefield. At this time, the generals of the generals have not realized the seriousness of the problem. Most people are still thinking:

Perhaps the Black Cavalry rushed out of other directions …

However, they didn’t know that at this time, it was almost all semi -elf that rushed out of the mountain.

It is “almost”, because there is only one direction in the foot of the southwest mountains, a team of Black Army is rushed out.

There are not many people, only one hundred riders.

But this has excited the east generals there, not to mention, there is still a big fish in this team of the Black Army!

“That’s Collin Angle! Hurry up, don’t let him run!”

The Black Army led by Collin was like a tiger down the mountain at this time, with a momentum of imposing, hitting the position of the Tianma Legion.


Blood splashing, broken limbs fluttered.

At the beginning of this confrontation, it entered the worst stage.

However, after all, the Black Army was too small. Although they rushed the line of defense of the Malaysian Army, most people were trapped in the enemy’s position, and only a few cavalry rushed out of tenaciously behind Collin.

“Quick, inform the cavalry, chase!”

The Tianma Legion also has a cavalry. Although the number is not large, the fame is not as good as the Black Army, but it is more than enough to use the black rider scattered soldiers to chase the head of the mountain foot.

The sharp whistle kept echoing in the forest, and a team was arranged in the east of the surroundings of the surroundings of the Wheat Mountain.

Collyl and his party did not dare to turn back, and kept drilling into the forest, trying to make trouble for the chase behind him.

However, there are still too many troops.

A branched arrow kept flying around them and took away the life of a companion from time to time.

I don’t know how far running out.

As soon as Collin turned around, he found that there were only three last three black club soldiers behind him.

However, the chase behind him is like a sacrum, how can you not throw it away, and even the sharp whistle is even vaguely ahead, it should be the surrounding East Cavalry team.

Facing the desperate situation, the last three black -troops exchanged a look at each other, and suddenly tacitly stopped the war horse.

When Collin heard the horse’ssing, he quickly turned his head and saw that the three of them were slowly turning their heads and put on a backbone posture.

“What are you doing?”

“Master Viscount, let’s help you block the chase!”

咴 咴 ——

Collin also stopped immediately and walked back towards the three.

“Master Viscount, you run quickly!”

Collin shook his head: “I promised you to fight you to the last moment.”

“Master Viscount …”

“Don’t say anymore. I just hope you don’t hate me and bring you into this death place.”

“No, Master Viscount, this is willing to be willing. As long as your plan can be carried out smoothly, as long as the revenge of the Shadow Canyon can be reported, it is worthwhile to pay any price for this.”

Collin didn’t know what to say at this time.

With a deep breath, he quickly pulled out his sabers and yelled, “Don’t worry, they have to die!”

With the roar of Collin, the four rides rushed towards hundreds of people’s East Cavalry team like this.


Heroes are respectable, but heroes are not invincible.

Soon, only the four heroes left alone in the surrounding circle of hundreds of East Cavalry.

“Angle Viscount, let go of the weapon, kneel and surrender. According to the rules of the aristocracy, we will give you a preferential treatment. You can also write to the Angle family to redeem you back.”

The head of the East Cavaliers shouted loudly towards Collin, with an indescribable pride on his face.

But soon, his face changed.

Because Collin ignored his persuasion at all, he looked at the arrow feathers inserted on himself indifferently, and pulled it down one by one.

The East Cavaliers frowned, and the slow attitude of the opponent obviously made him very unhappy.

“Angle Line, don’t struggle fearlessly, you have lost this battle!”

“Are we defeated?” Collin finally spoke, and he couldn’t hear any fear or loss in his tone. “So, do you think you have won?”

The East Cavaliers were speechless for a while, and felt that the young voice in front of him would not be broken by his brains. How can you ask this stupid question.

Collin had already gone the arrows on his body at this time, and then he stretched his fingers and pointed at the body of the three black troops at his feet. He asked: “There are these warriors, what do you win in the east?”

The East Cavaliers hummed coldly, stepped forward, and was going to wake up the enthusiast of the northern realm of the northern realm that was still intoxicated in the fantasy of self -fantasy.

But as he approached Colin step by step, he found that the opponent’s momentum was rising rapidly.

Even let him have the illusion of the opponent’s body rapidly.

However, this is not an illusion.

Collin is really growing.


The original armor could no longer accommodate the swelling body, and it was instantly rising.

Dongjing knight stared at the little giant who appeared suddenly in front of him, and forgot to escape for a while.

“Did you win?”

Collin opened his blood basin and roared with a punch.


Instantly flesh and flesh, the East Cavaliers were completely smashed into a piece of meat!

“Devil … Devil!”

The remaining East Cavalry was suddenly frightened. It wasn’t until Collin waved the huge bat -wing and killed them before they realized that they would run away.

However, how can you run over the sky by running on the ground.

Collin behind the transformation seemed to be a life -threatening one after another.


When the other East Cavalry rushed here, he could only be stubborn at the blood and the broken body on the ground.

“This … what happened to this? Is it slaughter?”

(This chapter is finished)

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