The Original Vampire

148 Bloody (Part 2)

Chapter 148 Bloody (Part 2)

The Yinyue City in the early winter is quite cold, and the cold wind that blows from time to time rolls a lot of dust to cover the sky.

This garden city that was once taken care of by the semi -elf has also been cleaned up for a long time.

Since the coup half of half a month ago, the clouds of war have been shrouded over Yinyue City, causing residents in the city to breathe.

Today, this depression seems to be a heavy point, and even the semi -elves who have always been adverse can’t help but want to vent their inner fear and dullness.

Although the skulls accumulated outside the city, although many semi -elves were panicked, they also lit more anger in the heart of the elves.

The behavior of Marquis Vincent completely torn off the hypocritical veil of the East Army and exposed the bloody truth in front of the semi -elf’s eyes.

At the same time, a gossip spreads in the Yinyue City at an amazing speed–

The Eastern Army has to slaughter the city!

Since the beginning of its birth, those who believe in the attachment and believe that money can be exchanged for shelter. At this moment, they finally felt the fear of the destruction.

As the semi -elf was frightened, confused, and angry, a message suddenly came -Queen Aisha was about to make a public speech in the city center square.

As if they had found the backbone, the semi -elves in Yinyue City poured to the central square, looking forward to their queen can lead them out of the predicament at such a crisis.

At noon, the Central Square had been squeezed out of water.

A high platform was temporarily set up in the center of the square. In the eyes of all the expectations, Queen Aisha finally slowly appeared on the high stage.

Aisha Miller, who is wearing a queen of the semi -elf, looks so beautiful and beautiful, and so noble and dignified. At this moment, she seems to be the incarnation of the goddess of destiny.

The semi -elves gathered on the square seemed to be moved by that perfect figure, all of which held their breath, looking forward to their salvation.

“My people …” Queen Aisha said.

The beautiful face was full of strong and quiet, and the unbelievable look seemed to be showing that no one could make her lower and proud head.

“I know you are afraid, in fear.

However, the enemy will not have compassion because of our fear and fear.

On the contrary, this will only make them lift up the butcher knife without hesitation!


Wars cannot tolerate fear and fear, let alone tears and prayers.

Only the sharp sword in our hands can be awesome!


The semi -elf clan can never rely on the asylum of others.

Only a powerful army, not afraid of sacrifice warriors, and never words of unbeatable faith is the real backbone of the semi -elf family!


Faced with the intimidation of the enemy, we will never surrender, never succumb!

We will fight to the end!


Please pick up the weapon and go with me,

Fight in the city of Yinyue City!

Fight on every street, every house!

Fighting in front of the church of glorious Lord, fighting in the eyes of the goddess of destiny!

We will never surrender!

Even if Yinyue City is occupied by the enemy, we will continue to fight every inch of land in the semi -elf kingdom!

Until the kind and fair god was moved by our unyielding beliefs, and his power was reduced to save this race worthy of his great grace! ”


Queen Aisha’s speech seemed to fall into the dry wooden pile at all, and instantly ignited the anger of the semi -elves for a long time.

For a while, the entire center square was completely boiled.

The enthusiastic semi -elves seemed to vent their anger and depression completely, and shouted that they finally gathered into a firm slogan-

“Fight to the end! Never succumb!”

“Fight to the end! Never succumb!”

“Fight to the end! Never succumb!”


The magnificent voice echoed in Yinyue City, and the stagnation atmosphere shrouded in the city has been swept away.

The dark clouds of darkness seemed to be so vibrating that the momentum was so vibrated, and it quietly dissipated, revealing the sun that had not been seen for a long time.

The bright sunshine fell on the high platform in the center of Yinyue City, and put a layer of dazzling halo to Queen Aisha, looking at the goddess who seemed to be as good as the world.

The wonderful scenery of this heavenly induction made the semi -elves on the square even more enthusiastic.

Many people have tears in their eyes, and they worship the chaotic prayer in their mouths, and they worship the shadow on the high platform.

However, at this moment, the change is protruding!

A dark arrow seemed to be a poisonous snake out of the hole, and shot lightning towards Queen Aisha.


Li Jian passed through the chest, and blood sprayed out.

The sacred and inviolable goddess in the eyes of the semi -elf just fell back in the eyes of the public!

Time seemed to be pressed on the pause keys. For such a moment, the world seemed to be quiet and there was no sound.

But the next second, the square will boil again!

“Protect the queen!”

“Grasp the East Assassin!”

“Revenge for the Queen!”


All kinds of messy sounds have completely lost control in the square.

How could the semi -elf could not believe that Queen Aisha who had just brought them the hope of salvation just fell to the high platform like this.

The last rational strings finally collapsed.

Under the guidance of the people who sprayed thin, it instantly pointed to the east.

The sound of revenge for the queen was taller than a while.

At this time, even if the weak semi -elf is unwilling to put the word surrender, it seems that it is an insult to them, but a blasphemy for Queen Aisha.

Countless red eyes rushed to the recruitment office. They will adhere to Queen Aisha’s will, fight to the end, and never succumb!

The recruitment office of Menke Rakin has never seen such a lively and even enthusiastic scene. Just five hours later, the 30,000 preparation of the Yinyue Guard was supplemented.

Those semi -elves who could not join the army were unwilling to leave, and they asked for the military weapon to give them a weapon. Even if they could not join the army, they were willing to kill the enemy for Queen Aisha.

The semi -elf clan, who has always been weak, was promoted by the intention or unintentional promotion of various factors, and was finally inspired by the bloody hidden in the heart.

At this moment, they seem to be unstoppable and fearless.

With the further fermentation of this fanaticism, Collin even had to ask the officers of the Yinyue Guards to restrain the men, which barely prevented the crazy semi -elf soldiers who wanted to rush out of the Yinyue City, and the terrible battle with the East China Decisive battle was terrible. idea.

However, the semi -elf who had nowhere to pour in anger still burned a fire in the city of Yinyue City.

Of course, this is not that they want to burn the city when they are crazy.

It is to destroy the wisteria on the wall.

These wisteria, which originally decorated the city wall, will obviously become a staircase for enemy climbing in the siege war.

This line of the semi -elves seems to be solemnly announced ——

In the past, the weak race that was weak and greedy to enjoy it again was gone.

The careful arrangement of Queen Aisha and Collin, and the “God Assist” of Marquis of Vincent successfully stimulated the blood of this race.

Although this bloody is still fragile, as long as it is guided reasonably, the blood and heads of the east are used as a sacrifice, maybe it can really cast the soul of the semi -elf clan.

(This chapter is finished)

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