Comparing the two yin and yang ancestors, one is a phoenix and the other is a pheasant. They are worlds apart.

How great the hope is, how great the disappointment is. One can imagine King Pan’s mood.

However, King Pan also thought that it would be very difficult for the ancestors of Yin and Yang in this world to be able to cultivate and become enlightened.

Chapter 51 The Demon Ancestor’s Plot

The ancestor of Yin and Yang wore a half-black and half-white face, smiled stiffly, and made a special sound like that made by grinding metal, which made people shudder.

"I am Taoist Yin Yang. Brother Dao entered the Land of Eternal Calamity with his body intact and killed a Chaos Demon God with just a raised hand. His cultivation is as high as that of Mr. Hongjun."

"You are so polite, fellow Taoist Yin and Yang. Although you have entered the land of eternal calamity, your grace remains the same as before."

King Pan smiled and said humbly: "I admire Taoist fellow Taoist Hongjun's cultivation, and I don't deserve fellow Taoist's praise."

After hearing this, Patriarch Yin Yang did not take it seriously. He looked at Zu Long and clasped his fists at him.

"Fellow Daoist Ao Long, after the decisive battle between the three clans, we met again, and it turned out to be in the Land of Eternal Calamity. What a trick of fate!"

Zulong's expression was complicated.

During the period of the three clans, even if his cultivation was not as good as that of Patriarch Yin and Yang, it was not much different. Unexpectedly, after all the changes, Patriarch Yin and Yang became enlightened, and he was still a quasi-sage.

"That's what Fellow Taoist Yin and Yang said. In this land of eternal calamity, it's difficult to move around, and I haven't even congratulated fellow Daoist Daoist on his enlightenment!"

"Where there!"

When the pair of former friends met, they immediately started chatting, which eased the tense atmosphere a lot.

After three snaps of the fingers, the Demon Ancestor Rahu who everyone was waiting for still didn't come. He seemed to be watching in secret, or maybe he was afraid.

However, this is normal.

The war between Tao and demons has continued from the ancient world to the land of eternal calamity. There are various conflicts of ideas and entangled interests between Tao and demons, which can never be clearly distinguished.

Nowadays, most of the powerful people here are Taoist powerful people. The ancestors of Qiankun, Yin and Yang, and King Pan are naturally very afraid of Demon Ancestor Luohu.

He, Rahu, is not afraid of the sky or the earth, and he has no confidence in fighting against three powerful men of the same level.

Ancestor Qiankun, Ancestor Yin Yang, and Demon Ancestor Rahu are not afraid.

He lost the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and the God-killing Spear, but he wasn't too afraid.

But King Pan, killing the enlightened Chaos Demon God at will is easier than eating and drinking. Demon Ancestor Rahu asked himself, he is definitely no match for King Pan.

Ancestor Qiankun saw that Demon Ancestor Luohu had not appeared for a long time, so he figured out the key. He said: "Friend Demon Luohu, show up quickly! In this land of immortal tribulation, there are still demon friends Are you worried?"

His voice shook the infinite void, and the entire void in the Demon God's hunting ground became turbulent.

At this time, Demon Ancestor Luohu no longer wanted to come out.

A dignified demon ancestor doesn't even dare to show up. How can he convince his subordinates in the future? None of his subordinates trusted him. Even if he left the Land of Eternal Calamity, he would not be able to avenge his shame and compete with Patriarch Hongjun!


A wave of fluctuations was transmitted from the distant void, and a huge echo resounded in the Land of Eternal Calamity. Finally, it converged into a rolling sound wave that shook the earth and the earth.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

Countless demonic sounds and countless murmurs were transmitted from the void. A millstone full of destructive power and a huge black shadow condensed from the void.

On the black millstone, there is an infinite world-destroying divine sound. As it rolls in the void, countless worlds will be destroyed as soon as it is ground.

The Great Mill of Destruction!

Of course, this is not the real world-destroying Great Tribulation, but the product of Demon Ancestor Rahu’s own cultivation and hard work.

In the ancient world, there were divine weapons that opened the sky, and naturally there were also divine weapons that destroyed the world.

The artifact that opened the sky was the Pangu Ax. After the creation of the world, it was broken down into Tai Chi Diagram, Pangu Flag, Chaos Bell and other innate treasures.

The world-destroying artifact is the world-destroying Great Mill.

According to legend, when the life span of heaven and earth comes to an end and countless calamities break out, all the negative forces in heaven and earth will condense and gather into a supreme world-destroying artifact, the world-destroying Great Mill, to destroy everything in the world.

Demon Ancestor Rahu originally practiced the Great Way of Destruction, but he refined his Tao form into the Great Mill of World Destruction. One can imagine how lofty his ambition is.

Of course, Demon Ancestor Rahu is different from Ancestor Qiankun and Ancestor Yin Yang. What he follows is the path of harmony. If you want to be in harmony with the Tao, you have to cultivate the path that is close to the great road of heaven and earth.

Boom! Boom!

The void continued to explode, with one sound and one wave, causing the world to sink and everything to be destroyed.

"Friend Rahu, since you are here, show your true form! Who among you here will be scared by the demon friend?"

Ancestor Qiankun said angrily towards the Great Momo of Destruction.

In fact, the relationship between the ancestors of Qiankun, Yinyang and Demon Luohu is not a life-or-death relationship. During the endless years in the Land of Eternal Calamity, they became one and the same. They were both rivals and comrades, enemies and friends, and their relationship was very complicated.

But then again, there will be no permanent enemies among the mighty. The long and ruthless years can change everything.


There was a strange laugh in the World-Destroying Great Mill, and then, the World-Destroying Great Mill squirmed like running water, and a black twisted object appeared, and finally transformed into a person whose whole body was wrapped in a black robe.

Demon Ancestor Rahu has achieved enlightenment. The enlightened person himself is the avenue, which is invisible. His current form is just an image wrapped in a black robe, and has no face.

When King Pan saw this person, his eyes shone brightly.

This Demon Ancestor Rahu, who is a stunningly talented character in any world, has actually cultivated two heretic ways.

Yes, not one, but two.

In addition to his own Avenue of Destruction, there is also the Avenue of Killing Immortals and the Avenue of Killing Immortals. His cultivation and magic power are very powerful.

"Brother Panwang, I have never obeyed anyone, including Mr. Hongjun, but I am convinced by Brother Taoist. That Mr. Hongjun acted despicably and was the most shameless powerful man. But his The cultivation level is incredibly powerful. Brother Dao can cultivate to this level under the nose of Mr. Hongjun, and then break through Mr. Hongjun's obstruction and enter the land of eternal calamity. "

Demon Ancestor Luohu didn't know what his psychology was. As soon as he came out, he praised King Pan greatly, which greatly exceeded the expectations of Ancestor Qiankun and Ancestor Yin Yang.

You must know that the arrogance of Demon Ancestor Luohu is countless times more powerful than that of Daoist Guo Qing, the disciple of Ancestor Qiankun. It can be said that Demon Ancestor Rahu doesn't take any notice of all living beings in the heavens and the world.

Even the ancestors of Hongjun and Demon Ancestor Luohu have always been disdainful, thinking that the ancestors of Hongjun can only play conspiracy and be a shady person of Voldemort.

King Pan frowned. As soon as this Demon Ancestor Rahu appeared, he used the supreme magic secrets to confuse him and invade his mind.


His heart moved and he let out a cold snort.

Suddenly, a big sun lit up above his head, blooming with endless light, shining in all directions and falling on the demon body of Demon Ancestor Rahu.

Tsk! Tsk!

Suddenly, Demon Ancestor Rahu's body was ignited with many great avenue fires, and the bright fire, the black robe covering his body was actually dispelled.

Chapter 52: The Plan to Defeat Heaven

Demon Ancestor Luohu deserves to be called the Demon Ancestor. Even though he knew that his strength was far different from that of King Pan, he still went his own way and tried to test him.

I, who came from ancient times, was as weak as an ant in front of Jidu Demon Ancestor. However, Jidu Demon Ancestor tried his best and couldn't destroy him.

Nowadays, Demon Ancestor Rahu is absolutely immortal in this land of eternal calamity. No one, no matter how terrifying, can destroy him, so he is naturally confident.

However, what Demon Ancestor Rahu doesn't know is that the most terrifying thing in the world is not death, but not being able to die or live.

The sun above King Pan's head was shining more and more intensely. Even the calamity aura in the Land of Eternal Calamity was forced to retreat and was on the verge of being resolved. Demon Ancestor Luohu was exposed to the light like a fierce ghost. Under the scorching sun, the entire Taoist body was burning and melting.

This simply overturned Demon Ancestor Luohu's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

He is the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor who has become the Tao. Logically speaking, there will be no force in heaven and earth that can restrain him.

However, as soon as King Pan took action, Demon Ancestor Luohu felt that he was being pulled into another world, and the concept that should not exist was knocked back into his body again.

Stinging pain, swelling pain, cracking pain, burning pain, numbness pain, itching pain, all kinds of pain were infinitely magnified, becoming an existence that was hundreds of millions of times more terrifying than the calamity in the Land of Eternal Calamity, and descended on Demon Ancestor Rahu.

"Damn it!"

Demon Ancestor Rahu, a lawless man, finally couldn't help cursing in his heart, and then he felt endless regret.

He never expected that King Pan's counterattack would be so violent.

Generally speaking, monks test each other in secret, at least to maintain a semblance of harmony.

However, Panwang didn't play his cards according to common sense at all and dared to plot against him, so he fought back openly.

"Friend Rahu, demon, if you come to discuss important matters, I will welcome you. If you come to discuss Tao with me, I will not be polite."

King Pan stared at the devilish body of Demon Ancestor Rahu, which looked like a fallen flower, and he squeezed his fist.


With a loud bang like the creation of the world, the demonic body of Demon Ancestor Rahu exploded directly, exploding into a piece of decaying demonic energy that filled the sky.

You can vaguely see an innate immortal true spirit and a Daluo Dao Fruit, rising and falling in the billowing demonic energy.

Suddenly, the consciousness of Demon Ancestor Rahu became a canoe moving forward in the wind and waves, swaying from side to side and in danger of capsizing at any time.

The expressions of Ancestor Qiankun and Ancestor Yin Yang changed. They fought with Demon Ancestor Rahu, and even if they joined forces, they could only maintain an undefeated situation. In other words, after they separated, they would definitely not be a match for Demon Ancestor Rahu alone.

Taoist Guo Qing, who was behind Ancestor Qiankun, lowered his high head. Fortunately, Fairy Wenli held his hand tightly, giving him warmth and support.

Taoist Guo Qing and Fairy Wenli once stood at the foot of Mount Zhou and swore to Pangu that they would live forever and become Taoist companions no matter which time, space or world they were in.

The love between the two was the first love in the world, older than that between Di Jun and Xi He.

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