The Path of Evolution

Chapter 19 Getting a Warg

Birds of a feather flock together.

The ghost boss was originally a wanted criminal across provinces who had committed many crimes, and most of the people who walked with him were not good people. These desperadoes are so ruthless that they disown all their relatives, and even pretend to be grandchildren in order to survive.

Protector Sun died and lived again.

Zhao Hao's eyes were opened and he gained insights.

If you want to kill me, kill me; if you want me to cut you, cut me in pieces. If I frown, you are the one who raised me!

These are the heroic words that Protector Sun said before his death, and they sound like a strong tough guy.

However, at this moment, he forced out a flattering smile that was uglier than crying: Little brother, I just made a joke to you, please don't take it to heart. I can see that you are a person with a chivalrous spirit. Both the eighth aunt and the big bald man say that you are upright and keep your word, so we two brothers can have a good talk.

Zhao Hao was happy: There is a saying, I will return it to you intact, why should I believe you?

Based on this.

Protector Sun unbound the wolf, suspended it in mid-air and pushed it over.

Zhao Hao looked at the egg-sized pocket wolf, looked at it carefully twice, and then took it into his body.

Binding successful, warg: advanced primitive mount, never tired, no attack power.

The heart blossoms quietly bloomed, and Zhao Hao immediately summoned the warg.

Riding on the back of a wolf, he felt like General Zhao, who was fighting for his own safety.

If Wild Dash wasn't still on cooldown, he would have wanted to try out the powerful stunts he could perform with the help of his mount.

Looking at Niu Dehua posing on a warg, Protector Sun's heart was bleeding.

The situation was stronger than his own, and he couldn't even pretend to be dead. He knew very well what would happen if he didn't hand over the warg. Being bitten alive by a black dog made his scalp numb just thinking about it.


Zhao Hao held the knife in his left hand and stretched out his right hand.

Protector Sun's face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and he reluctantly unbound the eyebrow-level stick.


Zhao Hao put away the eyebrow-leveling stick, his face fell, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Protector Sun looked at him innocently: I only have this advanced primitive weapon, and my armor was damaged by you.

Really? Zhao Hao narrowed his eyes: You didn't breathe or have a heartbeat just now. Don't tell me that you practiced the turtle breath magical skill in the novel... It should be a special effect of a battle suit. It needs Shall I count down another ten seconds?”

No, stop counting, I'll give it to you!

Protector Sun's face turned pale as he handed over something that looked like a talisman.

Zhao Hao was not polite at all and immediately bound the soul of the thing.

Suspended Death Spell: After activation, it enters a state of suspended animation, with a cooling time of seven days and a durability of 3/6.

Feeling this thought, Zhao Hao just sighed at the magic of this world.

The world of evolution is full of wonders.

He snorted coldly: Only three points of durability left?

Protector Sun said with a bitter face: This thing can only be used six times. I have used it three times, so...

Zhao Hao: Where did you get this thing?

Protector Sun: I got it from killing a high-level primitive plant half a year ago. I don't understand why this kind of thing dropped.

You gave me so many things, I should have let you go. However, you pretended to be dead and lied to me once, so I have to collect some interest. Zhao Hao said slowly: I'll give you ten minutes to tell me something that interests me. News, otherwise...

Protector Sun was under great pressure, and he indeed revealed important information: Little brother, you took so many battle uniforms because you wanted to attend the trade fair in a neutral place, right? I have inside information.

Zhao Hao: What is the neutral ground?

Little brother, stop joking. Sun Hufa felt that Niu Dehua was testing him, so he said bravely: The neutral ground is the territory of Niu, Pigeon, and Pigeon. The three major forces are doing business there. Your little brother, your name is Niu Dehua, if If I’m not mistaken, you are from Niu Ge Ge Ge, right?”

Zhao Hao: Who is Niu Gege Ge?

Hearing this, Protector Sun felt that Zhao Hao was unfathomable even more, and answered truthfully: He is the strongest man in the Endless Forest, and he once defeated the top ten masters of the Crazy Legion with one move. In his territory, no one dares to cause trouble. When you go to a neutral place, you can exchange things for things. For example, you can exchange armor with others for weapons of the same level. You can also do business, and the battle equipment you don't need can be exchanged for evolutionary crystals.

So high-end?

Zhao Hao's heart was pounding. What he lacked most was the crystallization of evolution.

It would be best if Protector Sun's high-level primitive-level eyebrow-leveling stick was replaced by a crystal.

After calming down, Zhao Hao asked: What is the inside information you are talking about?

Guardian Sun: The ghost boss is going to make a deal with the Crazy Legion, and the location will be a neutral place.

Zhao Hao asked: What deal?

Guardian Sun: In the hands of the ghost boss, there is a suit part that Gudra has been looking for for a long time. In Gudra's hand, there is also something that the ghost boss needs. This is a big deal. I don't know what kind of suit it is specifically.

Zhao Hao: They can just trade directly, why choose a neutral place?

Brother, it's not as simple as you say. Boss Gui and Gudra don't trust each other, and they are both afraid of the other party taking advantage of others. Only in a neutral place, there are experts like Niu Pigeon Pigeon who can shake up the scene. Only then do they dare to trade with confidence. Protector Sun said.

Zhao Hao integrated the amount of information and asked: I have a question, why can't people with more than 70 combat powers refine rare crystals?

You don't even know this? Sun Hufa was shocked, not sure whether Zhao Hao was a pure rookie or whether he was playing tricks on him.

Zhao Hao said with a murderous look on his face: I am asking you a question, you are not qualified to ask a question.

Yes, yes, blame me for talking too much. Protector Sun quickly apologized and gave him a popular science education: To refine rare crystals, you need to evolve them once. After the original gene reaches the full value of 100 points, you can refine the rare genes. In the same way, after the rare gene reaches full value, it can evolve a second time and absorb mutant genes.

Zhao Hao's expression changed: How many people in your Guitou Gang have the second evolution?

Protector Sun replied: There is only one ghost boss.

Zhao Hao: How many people have absorbed rare genes in one evolution?

Protector Sun: Among the ten elders, nine have reached that level. The tenth elder was promoted because of his D-level combat skills. The strongest elder has nearly three hundred points of combat power.

Zhao Hao: How is combat power calculated?

Protector Sun: One point of original genes is equal to one point of combat power. One point of rare genes is equal to two points of combat power. One point of mutated genes is equal to three points of combat power... The ghost boss' original genes and rare genes are all at full value, which is three hundred points. He has gained combat power. He went to a neutral place to exchange for a few mutant crystals, and after refining them, he was stronger than us, with a combat power between three and four hundred.

Zhao Hao's knowledge increased again. This torture mode was much better than groping alone.

He secretly calculated that he could not defeat the elders of the Guitou Gang at present.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Hao said: Take me somewhere.

Protector Sun's expression changed drastically: Where are you going?

Take me to a neutral place. Zhao Hao showed a confused smile: You can also try some tricks and lead me into the headquarters of the Ghost Head Gang. Haha, you are a very useful wolf. Before I was surrounded, kill me. Dropping you won’t be a problem.”

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