The Path of Evolution

Chapter 24 The Secret of Evolution

After thirty years of hard work, we returned to before liberation overnight.

Looking at the cleared original genes, Zhao Hao shed tears without saying a word.

Once upon a time, he simply thought that as long as his original genes were at full value, he could evolve successfully in minutes, refine rare genes in a cool way, become a master of a generation, and reach the pinnacle of life.

In the face of the cruel reality, he realized how naive he was.

The path of human evolution is by no means a smooth one.

If the original gene can evolve 100% successfully at full value, then the Ghost Head Gang will have more than ten elders. With the manpower and material resources of the ghost boss, he can train at least a hundred masters.

Zhao Hao learned from the pain and activated the healing bracelet, and most of his internal injuries were healed.

He finally had the strength to sit up and try to refine the evolutionary crystal.

Successfully refined high-grade primitive crystals and obtained 3 points of primitive genes.

Five hours later, Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the worst thing is that we have to start all over again!

He was not knocked down by the tragic defeat and rekindled his fighting spirit.

After refining ten high-level crystals, his combat power was restored to 30 points.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, Zhao Hao wanted to continue refining when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door and Xuelian was looking at him with a smile: Sir, your five-day lease has expired. Do you want to renew it?

Zhao Hao glanced at the sleeping Hei Shuai, handed over the three crystals, and reluctantly said: Rent for three more days.

Xuelian smiled sweetly: Then I won't bother you. If you need anything, you can come to me.

Looking at the back of the F4 eldest sister, Zhao Hao's heart was bleeding.

At this time, he only had fourteen high-grade primitive crystals left in his possessions.

With thirty points of combat power, he was seriously insecure. Zhao Hao spent another two and a half days refining ten crystals.

His combat power reached sixty points, but he only had four high-level primitive crystals left in his pocket.

Nearly eight days have passed, and the sleeping Dahei still has no intention of waking up.

Brother Hei, you are my biological brother. There are only four crystals left. You must wake up soon!

Zhao Hao was under great pressure. If Hei Shuai didn't wake up, he would have to endure the pain and become a warg.

Picking up the first-level membership wooden sign, Zhao Hao went to Evolution Studio.

He had too many questions about the success rate of evolution.

Since Lao Miao in F4 provided some information for free, Zhao Hao was ready to try his luck.

As soon as he walked in, Lao Miao showed his signature lewd smile: Handsome guy, have you considered selling your mount?

Let's not talk about business for now. Zhao Hao looked sad, raised his membership token, and said, Brother Miao, I want to ask you some questions.

Lao Miao was very sincere: Feel free to ask questions that are beyond your authority, just pay me.

Zhao Hao got straight to the point: Excuse me, why did evolution fail?

Are you kidding me? You don't even know this? Lao Miao was shocked.

Zhao Hao scratched his hair in embarrassment and said humbly: To be honest, I came to the evolutionary world not long ago.

About the success rate of evolution, it is the most basic common sense in our village. I will not charge for it. Lao Miao lit up a high-end cigarette and read slowly: The success rate of evolution mainly depends on the level of the evolution technique. .”

Zhao Hao humbly asked: How is this calculated? Is there a pattern?

Lao Miao blew out smoke rings and said: Yes, a fool-like incremental method. E-level evolution, the evolution success rate is 10%. D-level evolution, the success rate is 20%. And so on, if you can get A-level evolution Technique, the success rate is 50%... It is said that there is also an S-level evolution technique, the success rate is over 60%.

Zhao Hao opened his eyes and exclaimed: How did you get the advanced evolution technique?

Every human being who steps into the evolutionary world will receive an E-level evolutionary technique. If you want to get high-end goods, it depends on your luck. Just like combat equipment and combat skills, there is a small probability of hunting various evolved creatures. Falling. Lao Miao said.

Zhao Hao felt excited when he heard this: Does your store have evolution techniques?

There are only two D-level books. Very few people are willing to sell such things. Lao Miao puffed up his smoke and started to sell the business: Don't look at the D-level evolution spell's success rate of only 20%, but it can be refined at the same time. Two crystals, and the refining time is shortened to four hours. Let me do the math for you. E-level evolution can refine 1 crystal in 5 hours, and D-level evolution can refining 2 crystals in 4 hours. There is a difference in efficiency. On a street... If you are interested, I will sell you a copy of D-level evolution at a discounted price for one thousand high-level primitive crystals.

Zhao Hao touched the four crystals in his pocket, tears flowing silently in his heart.

Little handsome guy, don't underestimate the difference between E-level and D-level evolution techniques. Most people rely on D-level evolution techniques to successfully evolve. If you want to use E-level items to evolve, the probability is about the same as buying a lottery ticket, with a 10% chance of success. The rate means a 90% failure rate! Lao Miao seemed determined to get Zhao Hao's Warg, and kept talking about the benefits of D-level evolution.

Zhao Hao was moved in his heart and asked: If evolution fails, your life span will be shortened by ten years. If you spend decades fighting for it, will the success rate be higher?

Ten years of life lost? Boy, you are so naive! Lao Miao put out the cigarette butts and said astonishingly: The side effects of failed evolution are doubled. If the first evolution fails, your life will be shortened by ten years. If the second evolution fails, your life will be shortened. Twenty years. The third failure will shorten your life span by forty years... If you fail three times and lose a total of seventy years of life, how many failures do you think our human lifespan can withstand?

Zhao Hao took a breath, shocked beyond measure by the news.

In terms of the average human lifespan, it is almost impossible to survive a third failure.

As an old bird, let me give you a piece of advice, the world of evolution is more cruel than you think. Lao Miao's voice was very cold, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him: I have seen many people practicing E-level evolution. He failed twice and died when he evolved for the third time.

Zhao Hao was speechless, and his heart sank sharply.

He was now certain that Protector Sun had failed to evolve once or twice and had no guts to evolve a third time.

And the remaining sixty-two years of his own life seemed like a lot, but in fact he could only bear the price of two failures.

After calming down, Zhao Hao said seriously: Brother Miao, I appreciate your kindness. Since the risk of evolution is so high, I will not consider any evolution techniques below C level.

Haha, C-level evolution? Lao Miao laughed and looked at Zhao Hao like an idiot: Rookie, let me give you some common sense. Primitive creatures randomly drop E-level and D-level evolution. Rare. Creatures randomly drop D-level and C-level evolution spells. Mutated creatures randomly drop C-level and B-level evolution spells. The same rule applies to battle uniforms and the like... In other words, you have to hunt hundreds or even thousands. Only with rare creatures can it be possible to explode the C-level evolution technique! If I read it correctly, your combat power is less than 100. Even if you bring pets to help, how sure are you of killing rare creatures?

Zhao Hao captured a detail: How did the A-level and S-level things appear?

Lao Miao said enigmatically: Mutated creatures are not the end. There are more advanced evolved creatures. You don't need to know about it now. Young people, if you know too much, you will lose the courage to live.

Thank you for your advice, I want to try my best!

Zhao Hao thought of a possibility and ignited his ambition.

His evolution technique is the lowest level, but his combat skills can be evolved.

As long as he improves his mad fighting sword skills to level C, he is sure to kill rare creatures.

Zhao Hao also had a bold guess in his heart: Since there are combat skills that can be evolved, is it possible that there is an evolutionary technique that can be advanced?

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