The Path of Evolution

Chapter 60 Entering the Ice and Snow Castle

The village in the Neutral Land surrounded by countless giant trees is astonishing to human wisdom and craftsmanship.

The ice and snow castles on the ice fields are also amazing for the strength of human beings.

Seeing the magnificent ice and snow castle, it is easy to think of a group of people on earth: the Eskimos.

Legend has it that the Eskimos can survive in the Arctic Circle, and the ice houses they built are a miracle of mankind.

The humans in Ice and Snow Castle drew on the wisdom of the Eskimos.

In the Wanli Icefield, there is inexhaustible ice and inexhaustible water. The founders of the Ice and Snow Castle used local materials and first processed the ice into regular rectangular parallelepipeds, which are bricks; they used water as mud. After the materials were prepared, they poured some water on the selected place to form a barrier. Serve with some ice cubes. The front is constantly built up, and the back is constantly frozen. The completed house becomes an igloo frozen into a whole.

This kind of house is very sturdy and can be called a masterpiece of art.

First of all, because the igloo is strong and airtight and can keep the cold wind out of the house, people living in the igloo can be protected from the cold wind. Secondly, ice is a poor conductor of heat and is a good insulator. The heat in the house can hardly be conducted to the outside through the ice wall. Thirdly, the frozen igloo has no windows and an animal skin curtain is hung at the door, which can greatly reduce the convection of air inside and outside the house.

At a glance, ice walls tens of meters high formed a castle.

Inside the castle, which can accommodate ten thousand people, there are various ice houses of different heights.

Some of those ice houses are rough and simple, while others are exquisite, symbolizing the identity of the owner.

On the spacious street, the primitive evolutionaries who were reduced to servants, wearing animal skin clothes and pants like aboriginals, were sweeping snow in the cold wind. And those ancient warriors who looked like nobles, dressed in gorgeous cold-warming uniforms, ignored the flying snow in the sky. There were also some noble men and women laughing and playing, and some women were wearing cool skirts to keep out the cold, showing off their charm on the street.

Just take a casual stroll on the street, and it's not difficult to see how polarized Ice and Snow Castle is.

Most ordinary evolvers struggle to survive for food, clothing, housing and transportation, while a small number of ancient warriors are so idle that they look for fun everywhere.

The Ice and Snow Castle has two gates in the north and south, and a large number of evolvers are waiting outside the gate.

The south gate is under the jurisdiction of Longhutang, while the ownership of the north gate is in the hands of the European and American Group.

Ever since this place was built, there has been an unwritten rule: no fighting inside the castle.

Even when the two major forces executed disobedient servants, they were taken outside the city gate and beheaded in public.

The evolvers guarding the city gate are not to resist foreign enemies, but to make money.

Every month, there are always some outsiders who come to the Ice and Snow Castle. Except for a very small number of strong people who can break in, most outsiders have only two endings: either they are killed outside the city gate, or they hand over all their belongings. Join one of the two major factions.

Today, the atmosphere at the south gate of Ice and Snow Castle is particularly gloomy.

Two of the three captains of Longhutang were killed in the battle, and less than five of the thirty squad captains were alive. Half of the more than two hundred rare team members escaped. The other half may have concerns or lack the courage to walk out of the ice field. They gave up the opportunity to escape and returned to the Tigers to continue being enslaved.

Some of the vice-captains were lucky enough to be promoted to captains.

After the reorganization of Longhutang, there are only ten teams left, under the unified management of captain Deng Liang.

The situation in Ice and Snow Castle is quietly changing.

In the past, the five mutant powerhouses of Longhu Hall had superior overall strength and occupied most of the Ice and Snow Castle.

Now there are only three mutant evolvers left in Longhutang, while the European and American teams have four mutant powerhouses. In addition, the number of two hundred rare evolvers in the European and American groups also exceeded the number of the hundred-man brigade of Longhutang.

Invisible undercurrents are quietly raging in the Ice and Snow Castle.

Once the undercurrent breaks out, the situation in this castle will inevitably be reshuffled.

Deng Liang personally led two newly formed teams to guard the south gate, carefully checking everyone who entered the city.

There were two people he had to find.

One is a masked liberator, and the other is a white-haired birdman who killed all the ancient warriors in the third group.

The two teams guarding the city gate suddenly burst into laughter.

I saw a snow-white lion, larger than a horse, galloping from a distance. The person riding the snow lion had deliberately slowed down, but the snow lion was still astonishing, and its gorgeous and majestic appearance deeply attracted everyone. That snow-white fur immediately captured the woman's heart. And that majestic appearance, even men can't resist.

Riding on the back of the snow lion was a person wearing a snow-white princess dress...

At first, everyone thought it was a beautiful woman and watched the excitement with wide eyes.

Gradually, people discovered that he was a handsome and slender man with short hair. The black hair and black eyes revealed his oriental identity. The two calves that could not be covered in the wind and snow, and the flying leg hair, aroused everyone's attention. Eye.

Hahahaha, men wear skirts?

Nah, it's still a princess dress, ahhh, my eyes!

This child is amazing. How can he keep out the cold with a skirt?

Everyone in Longhu Hall burst into laughter. These little people have not yet realized the undercurrent of Ice and Snow Castle. They think that they are still the overlords of this land and can live their lives how they want.

One of the squad leaders greeted the person on the back of the snow lion in a grandiose manner: Sawadika!


Zhao Hao was angry. It was obvious that the other party regarded him as a special group in Thailand.

Haha, captain, don't do this.

I can't do it anymore, haha, my stomach hurts from laughing!

At least seven or eight team members followed him and laughed at Zhao Ritian mercilessly.

Shut up, everyone!

Captain Deng Liang shouted loudly, which shocked everyone into silence.

As the third person in charge of Dragon Tiger Hall, Deng Liang had already felt the undercurrent of Ice and Snow Castle and was in no mood to laugh or play. According to his observation, the thin skirt the other party wore could withstand the wind and snow, and the princess skirt must be a high-end battle suit that could keep out the cold. As for the opponent's snow lion mount, although he had never seen it before, he judged from its speed that it was at least a high-end and rare item.

With a thought in his heart, Deng Liang immediately blocked the only way into the city and said loudly: Where do friends come from?

Endless Forest. Zhao Hao said, neither humble nor arrogant.

I also have old friends in the Endless Forest. Which mountain top do you come from? Deng Liang didn't look as ugly as his younger brothers. He wanted to find out the details. To put it bluntly, he was picking on the weak.

If Zhao Hao is from a neutral place, Deng Liang will have to think about it.

Zhao Hao was quite honest: Just one person.

Young man, you are lucky to have met me today. Deng Liang pulled his mount and burst out with the aura of a mutant strongman, deliberately shocking the other party, and then said: You can walk here from the endless forest, I think you are also a talent .Hand over your mount and join the Dragon Tiger Hall. I will make an exception and promote you to be the deputy captain of the team. If you perform well, I will promote you to be the team leader in the future.

Get away!

Zhao Hao shouted coldly and his momentum surged.


Wild dash!

He held an advanced mutant weapon, the Ice and Snow Saber, in his left hand. The man, the sword, and the mount merged into one, turning into a stream of light and rushing away.

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