Alice understands that turning into a Super Saiyan with hatred is a tricky way, look at Boroli, and the later Monkey King Vegeta and others, who can transform at every turn, what does this mean? This shows that Boroli can instantly transform into a Super Saiyan state through the adjustment of their own combat power, rather than based on that ethereal anger.

Steadily increasing its own strength is the most perfect method that Alex can find at present, and the effect is very good, in the past three years, due to the solid foundation, the annual combat effectiveness has increased more than the previous year.

For the weakness in the tail of the Saiyan, Alex overcame it as early as the first year. It’s just that this planet is different from Earth, and the moon has seen nearly a thousand times in the past four years, but there has not been a full moon. This made Alice, who wanted to know if he could have consciousness after his transformation, depressed for a while.

“It’s the first quarter of the moon again… Ay…… But I should go out for a walk! Now that Saiyan is still there, the spacecraft contact device has been sending messages, but the planet has never sent anyone. Maybe they think I can deal with the inhabitants of this planet,” Ales said to himself through the cosmic window looking at a bright moon in the sky, “Based on my combat power of thirty or forty when I was born, turning into an orangutan can increase my combat power to three or four hundred.” According to the increase in combat power after growth, the strongest creature on this planet will not exceed four hundred… Haha, with my current strength, it’s too easy.”

After hesitating for a long time, he finally decided to leave the forest early tomorrow morning and head for the indigenous land.

Yawning, Alice thought: “First look at the appearance of the indigenous people, if it is not much different from me, I will melt in and become a party elder, and use everything they have to create training conditions for me.” As it is now, it is a waste of time to cook your own meals and heal your injuries naturally. Cough…… Slept, slept, slept…”

Just after dawn the next day, Alice couldn’t help but feel excited to get up early. Looking at the sky, it was three or four o’clock at dawn, and although he got up earlier than usual, he did not feel any discomfort; On the contrary, he is very energetic.

Using the flying technique told by the Saiyan information, he ascended into the sky, and then increased the “horsepower” like a sharp arrow, and headed into the distance. After more than ten seconds, the figure turned into a small dot and then disappeared.

Flying in the air, Alice couldn’t stop sighing in his heart: “The forest is too big, it’s really big!” In the twenty-first century, there are only a few places where you want to see large forests, and you can’t compare with this place. ”

Alex didn’t fly out in four years, but he didn’t see the edge anyway. Besides, he has a plan at ordinary times, and it is impossible to “go for a ride” outside doing nothing.

Alex only moved six layers of force, after all, he didn’t know what the scene was outside. In case you are physically and mentally tired after going out, and the other party is not good at talking, you will really have a knife and a gun when you meet. Although Alex looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, if something really happened, it would be a loss of his face, wouldn’t it? So, saving energy for the unexpected situation that may arise next is what he is doing now.

I remember the first time he flew into the sky, Alice said when he saw the forest extending to the line of heaven and earth: “Wow! I flew so high that I haven’t seen the edge of the forest, this won’t … It won’t be that half of the continent is forested! ”

At that time, there was indeed an exaggeration, but at this time Alex really had this idea. With his current combat strength, he didn’t fly out of the forest for two hours, even if he only used six layers of strength, it was enough to see the huge extent of this forest.

“Hell, when will you get to the edge of the forest in this situation,” Alice, who impatiently clenched his hands and increased his speed sharply, the air shock caused the ground air to bend the treetops vigorously, and he himself had already left, “It’s a big deal to leave the forest and rest for a day and not contact the inhabitants of the same place.”

After another hour, Alice, who was extremely depressed, finally saw the people. He didn’t want to alarm them, and although it was easy to kill these people, there was no reason for peace of mind that would make him feel uneasy?

There were only two families here, and seeing the structure of the houses, for a moment Alex thought that he had returned to the ancient times: low huts, chimneys extending from the walls, and children playing with mud outside, everything made him feel incredible.

He descended from the air and observed the object in front of him under an unnamed tree. The plants are very lush, and because of this, they provide good cover for Alice. Even if you stand in the distance, you can still see clearly, which may be the difference between ordinary people and warriors! Or these two differences are common to this world, except for some special peoples, ordinary people and warriors are very different.

Those children look very similar to the earthlings, but unfortunately the children’s bodies have not grown after all, and they cannot be based on this.

Probably hearing Alex’s expectation, a grown man came out of the room—no different except for a lump of beard-like flesh on his chin.

Seeing this, Alex felt a pang of nausea, and the testicle hanging from his chin touched him a lot.

Unwilling to believe it, he stood there for a long time, and when a man and a woman came out with such a thing, Alex shook his body. He was going to find something to replace him with this?

“It’s stupid, I haven’t observed their social form yet, and I actually came to such a conclusion.” Careless, careless! Alice, who suddenly turned the corner, shook his head, “Besides, if it’s soft, it’s hard.” I want to see which is more worth defending when choosing between life and freedom. ”

Pay attention to Alice’s immediate action, having been playing himself as an ordinary planet invader. But just like this, he remembered that he was a “super soldier” who could completely destroy the creatures of this planet, how could he show such a nest of ideas!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had thought of the world too complicated.

This is a world of strength! Like Skrula, Dr. Koro, Dr. T, Frieza, Gula and a group of others, which one does not want to rule the entire universe with their own strength? Those cosmic powerhouses did not have thousands of people around them, like Frieza and Gura’s subordinates gathered hundreds of millions, and a planet and a race were subject to their coercion. Although many people are dissatisfied and even want to replace it. But at that time, apart from Sun Wukong, who could kill him….

Thinking of this, Alex noticed another place that slammed his heart: “It seems that Frieza did not introduce much about the movements of his forces after his death, and if—I think if, accept all his forces… Ha ha… Sent it, absolutely sent it…”

He stood there alone and giggled for a long time, and then came back to his senses, found that his current self only had less than two thousand combat strength, shook his head helplessly, and lamented repeatedly. Then he quickly took to the skies and flew towards the crowds, only at this time he was not hiding. The urgency of time and the low combat power made him suddenly breathless, and he also deeply felt the imminent crisis.

“You must catch up with the speed of the Monkey King! My advantage is that I know many cultivation methods, which are summed up by their group,” Alex thought while flying, “Don’t end up becoming a first-class Tianjin meal, and you don’t even have the qualifications to watch the battle.” ”

The town of Montasia is an ordinary town on the planet Loleigh. It is far from the bustling city, and although it has been affected by them, it is not a big problem after all, and it still maintains a quiet and peaceful environment.

Due to the unification of the kingdom a few years ago, the Lolais Starmen began to intersect on a large scale. In addition to political unity, business is now merging, and the forces on the dark side of society will not give up this opportunity.

In fact, many underground forces had the desire to unify the underworld as early as the war. Unfortunately, political forces, or warlords, would never want a force in their territory that they do not fully control. Therefore, these black roads cannot be unified at all.

Compared with the four or five warlords that existed at the same time, the underworld forces were obviously much more dispersed. Often there are several or even more than a dozen underground forces in a warlord’s territory.

Now that the country has been unified, some adjustments must be made to the underground forces. In clearing out groups that might threaten him, the ruler did not hesitate too much and immediately used his army to attack the selected targets. In just two months, the number of large gangsters existing in the country has changed from seventeen to six, and as many as 120,000 people have died in the process.

Garner used to be a member of the Skyrim family and was the number three of them, while his other identity was the younger brother of the number one boss.

The government’s crackdown has caused them great damage, with family members dying and scattered, and others either becoming government prisoners or joining families who cooperate with the government.

At this time, there were only eight people around him, all of whom were his direct cronies. More than a month of escaping life has made this big guy who is used to cleanliness and decency embarrassed, not to mention his untidy clothes, and his hair is a mess, tied on his head like a chicken nest.

After such a long escape, Cana was confident that he could hide his eyes before government officials entered the town. Besides, this is a border town, if there is any danger, you will plunge into the forest, although it is also dangerous, but it is much better than the pursuers you face.

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