Chapter 1247 Empty City

  The soldiers of Beiming carried weapons, excited, and were about to make a fortune, cautiously pouring into the various mansions in the city, only to find that these houses were empty.

  The people of Yongping County had already donated their food to the government under the arrangement of the government, and took the donation receipts to settle in other cities.

  Yongping County will fall into the city within the Nalan Jinnian Plan. He had long asked Xiao Hei to pass a letter to Cao Zihao. If Beiming State sent troops, it would lose Beifeng County and Yongping County with all-out resistance!

  So at this moment, the whole county is empty.

  Of course, there are some very passionate people who took the initiative to stay and help the soldiers fight against foreign enemies together!

  So, this city is empty at the moment!

  So, at this moment, every household in this city has opened their doors, welcoming the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom and the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom!

  Open the door to keep home!

  Open the door to protect the country!

  The city is lost!

  The home is destroyed!

   But as long as the country is still there, their home will be there, and it can be rebuilt one day if it is destroyed!

  Nalan’s soldiers and the left-behind people hid in a corner of the house, waiting for the enemy troops from Beiming State to enter the house.

  The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom watched people go to the empty house, and said loudly: "Everyone search around! Don't place an order, at least two people! If the enemy is found, shout immediately!"


  The soldiers of Beiming State rushed into the house, saw something, they smashed it, and soon there was a mess around them.

  They even scattered and searched every room in the house!

  Especially the main room, the first to run in is definitely the captain of this group.

  After all, it’s important to kill the enemy, but it’s also important to take the opportunity to make a fortune!

  The water tank in the yard was broken, the flower pots in the house were pushed, the door and the stool were kicked and broken.

  While destroying, they are looking for people in the house.

   "Fuck, the people of Nalan country are too poor! This water tank has a crack, can it still be filled with water," a soldier from Beiming State kicked the water tank after he finished speaking.

   "What kind of broken house, do poor ghosts live? The gates are all broken! After the search is finished, let's go to the next house, otherwise this siege will not find one!"

   "There isn't even a grain of rice in the rice tank? Qiang!" Kicked the rice tank.

  The soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom hiding in a corner of the room waiting for an opportunity and the people who stayed to help, listened to or watched the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom wreak havoc, and hated them.

   Attacking the city, you can kill the soldiers who guard their homes and defend the country, but you don't have to deliberately destroy the property of the ordinary people and kill the people!

  This is a kind of morality!

Especially those tough guys who stay at home, fight foreign enemies with the soldiers, and guard their homes. At this moment, listening to the sound of "bumping and banging" all kinds of things being broken outside, they clenched their fists in anger and wished to rush out immediately. Beat them up and drive them out.

   Soon, two soldiers from Beiming State broke into a house where soldiers or people were in ambush, and then they were suddenly covered with their mouths, wiped their necks, closed their eyes, and then were dragged into the bed or cabinet.

  In the entire Yongping County, almost a scene is being staged in every house.

  Of course, some people killed one person and were discovered, and then ran away quickly. Dozens of Beiming soldiers chased and killed them.

  The houses in the city are lively!

   Warmly hide in the biggest mansion.

  Because of the largest mansion, it means that the owner of this mansion is the richest in the entire county, and the family's possessions must be the most.

  In a mansion like this, the enemy troops who come to search usually have a bit of identity.

   Attacking an enemy country is an opportunity for military commanders to make a fortune, and soldiers from any country will not miss it.

  This is also a kind of compensation that the imperial courts of various countries give to soldiers by default, except that the treasury and the residences of the second-rank or higher officials of the court belong to the imperial court.

  This is a rule of this dynasty.

  The big house has one advantage, that is, the structure is complex, there are many beams, and it is easy to hide!

   Warmly hid on the beam of the study, leaning on the curtain hanging from the beam, covering his body, waiting for the arrival of a military officer from Beiming.

  She didn't wait long, and soon Bai Dayong, a military officer under Hou Gefan's hand, appeared.

  He walked in cautiously with a big knife.

  There are four soldiers guarding him, and the four are looking around from top to bottom.

  Bai Dayong's martial arts is good, he looked around vigilantly, and then said to the four men: "Search everywhere!"

  The two soldiers immediately began to search through boxes and cabinets.

  Bai Dayong was very vigilant. He didn't search, just watched from all directions and listened to all directions.

  After all, he also knew that Princess Hui'an and generals of Nalan Kingdom were most likely to hide in this mansion.

  So General Hou sent three hundred people to search the house.

  The five of them are in charge of this study.

   Soon, a soldier noticed that a floor was a little abnormal, and he said loudly: "General Bai, the floor under this desk seems to be empty!"

   As he said, he also knocked on the wooden floor at the foot of the desk, and indeed there was a hollow drum.

  Bai Dayong looked over: "Open it and take a look, beware of fraud!"


  Bai Dayong was still worried. He greeted several people: "Monkey, you guys go and protect!"

   "Yes!" Four Beiming soldiers ran over quickly.

  Two of the soldiers lifted the desk aside.

  Then the four looked at each other, two of them held the tip of the spear, aimed at the gap in the wooden floor, and pryed hard.

  The whole wooden floor was pried open, revealing a ladder.

  They looked down and they could see many boxes inside.

  At first glance, those boxes are the ones used for storing silver in the money house.

  Moreover, several boxes were opened, with gold ingots on top of them!

   "A lot of gold!" Someone exclaimed.

  A few people shined!

  There are so many silvers, they secretly know a few, and no one knows!

   is about to develop!

  The moment these people were dazzled by the gold in front of them, the warmth moved!

  Waving his hand, a few silver needles flew out silently, and at the same time they sank into the acupuncture points of a few people, and fell down instantly!

   Warmth jumped off the beam and quickly threw the four of them into the basement: "Take away, hurry!"

  In the basement, there is a secret road. Several soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom lie in ambush here. They quickly picked up the unconscious people on their backs and took them away from the secret road!

  These people are to be brought back to torture the whereabouts of the eight princesses.

  Swiftly sealed the secret passage with a warm action, and then moved the desk to its original position.

  Just after finishing all this, she heard footsteps and voices approaching.

   Warmly jumped up and quickly hid in the position just now, condensing his breath and looked down.

  At this moment, a commander came in with a few soldiers.

  Several people also clenched their weapons, looking around nervously.

  (End of this chapter)

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