Chapter 834 Pirates

  Fortunately, this is the sea.

  Playing hide and seek at sea can be said to be a very easy task.

  Because they have little black, seagulls one by one are their eyeliners at sea.

  They knew where the ships were all the time.

  Led by Xiao Hei, you can avoid them as much as possible.

  Of course, there are times when it is inevitable.

   Just like now.

   was discovered after all, when it was inevitable to avoid it.

  On the sea, with a warm place as the center, there are two fleets of ships in the northeast and southeast, and they are quickly approaching Wen Jiarui's fleet!

  Those ships are not big, and they are downwind, they sail very fast at sea!

  These are pirates who have been at sea for many years, and they are the overlords of the sea.

   is very familiar with this sea area.

  Except for the caravans of Naranuo in recent years, they have never failed to rob merchant ships at sea.

  This time someone deliberately released news that 50 million taels of gold will be shipped from Tanglin to Naran!

  Originally because it was the fleet of Nalan country, they didn't want to shoot, but 50 million taels of gold can be said to be a golden mountain!

  This temptation is too great, they can quit after being robbed.

  They stayed in another place these few days, waiting for the fat to appear, but did not appear.

  They thought that the other side would go here!

  Today, their small fishing boat found the whereabouts of Fatty Meat, and they rushed over as soon as possible.

  As long as you think of the boxes of shiny gold, all the pirates on the ship are very excited.

  The pirate leader, Akagi, is tall, has a beard, and has dark and shiny skin. He looked at the dark shadows in the distance and ordered: "Hurry up!"

  The seagulls in the sky are hovering.

  Some seagulls were frightened by the fast-passing ships, flapping their wings and flying away.

  No one would have thought that seagulls on the sea would be the enemy’s eyeliner!

  Know their whereabouts!

  At this moment, Warm just mixed several buckets of bait. She cleaned her hands in the water in the wooden bucket next to her, stood next to Nalan Jinnian, and looked at the fast approaching ship in the distance.

  Their ships are now lined up to welcome these fast approaching ships.

   Warmly glanced at the distant ship: "That kind of ship, one can hold a thousand people at most."

  Lv Ye glanced at the words.

  Princess Hui'an could tell at a glance!

  He also predicted in his heart how many people those boats could hold. He estimated that it was 800 to 1,000!

  After all, he can probably guess after walking on the sea for a long time.

  At such a long distance, you can see how many people the ship can only hold. Few people under his hand can do it.

  Suddenly, he looked squarely at the warm weirdness.

  He glanced at those baits again, um, looking forward to how those baits are used in a while!

  Nalanjin responded young: "Yes."

  The enemy ship is getting closer!

  This time, Lu Ye can be sure that such a pirate ship can indeed accommodate a thousand people.

   Princess Hui'an

   "Princess Hui'an, did you often go to sea before?"

   "No!" She did often in previous lives.

   "How did Princess Na Huian see that those boats could hold a thousand people."

  "Measured with eyes, calculated." Warm and faintly replied.

  She stared tightly ahead, counting the number of ships.

   "Can this be calculated?" Lu Ye was surprised.

   "Well, yes. Very simple, I have a formula here, do you want to learn it? I can teach you." Warm and generous said.

  Lu Ye: "No, my eyes will count too!"

  For a person who has never attended a school, he does not understand the calculation method of the school!

  He can just look at it with his eyes.

  Anyway, he got used to it, it's almost the same!

  Alas, why didn’t you go to school before!

  It turns out that these schools can all be learned!

  Thanks to him so much for eating at sea!

  He thought it was based on experience.


  The ship was getting closer, and Lu Ye recognized it: "It's the sea lion pirate group! This sea area, the most powerful pirate."

  Those pirates make a living by robbing merchant ships at sea all the year round. They are all wicked people, and they are all fascinating.

   Generally there is no way to survive on land, and then join the ranks of pirates.

  Because of them, many merchant ships and fishing boats have suffered.

  Unfortunately, because they are out there on the sea, they don’t know which country they belong to.

  No country can control it!

  So as long as they don’t keep looting their own nationals’ merchant ships, no country will send troops to sea to find their tracks and destroy them.

  Furthermore, the sea is weird and unpredictable, and it is moody. Sending soldiers out, I don’t know whether to destroy the pirates or to destroy myself.

  Warmly heard the words and asked: "How powerful is it?"

"It can almost be said to be invincible! But a few years ago, after being beaten by my troops until he fell into trouble, they hadn't dared to provoke our caravan from Naran for many years. This time it is estimated to be five thousand. The attractiveness of Wanliang Gold is too great! But"

  Lu Ye counted their ships.

  A total of twenty ships.

   Ten in the northeast and ten in the southeast.

  If every one is full, there will be 20,000 people.

  Each of these pirates can top four or five people!

   and extremely vicious, murderous!

  "Their team has grown a lot! It should be united with other pirates at sea."

   Nodded warmly, this is normal.

  Everyone who is stupid knows that there will be many soldiers when transporting so much gold.

  50 million taels of gold, this is the national treasury of a country!

  Of course, the treasury of Tanglin is richer, while the emperor of Naran is more expensive and always wants to do this and that, so this is the standard of Naran.

  It is estimated that among the five countries, the poorest is the national treasury of Naran.

  After a while, the warm corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "You can prepare to attack!"

  Lu Ye: ""

  He just wanted to call for preparation!

  He now believes that the future hostess is amazing!


  Lu Ye said loudly: "Prepare!"

  Thunder stands on the podium at this moment.

  Thunder quickly waved the bright yellow flag.

  Warm and silent in my heart: ten, nine, eight

  Nalan Jinnian held a longbow in his hand, and he looked at the approaching ships without expression.

  When he counted to one in his warm heart, Nalan Jinnian released the rocket in his hand.

  Lu Ye also opened his mouth and said: "Fall the arrow!"

  Countless rockets flew out.

  Shoot at the approaching ships of the enemy.

  The pirate leader on the opposite side sneered: "Small bugs! Stop arrows! Go ahead at full speed!"

  The pirates on the ship were too proficient to deal with these, they waved their swords and held shields to block the flying rockets!

  But there will always be some rockets falling on the ship, and then the ship will be burned immediately.

  Those people, as usual, twisted the bucket and poured it over.

  I just didn’t expect that the fire was not extinguished, but sparks followed the water and flowed everywhere!

   "It's oil! Don't use water!" The pirate leader said immediately!

  He is experienced!

  (End of this chapter)

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