It's also the chat room of the top of the Hacker League.

However, the difference is that the chat room at this time has already changed, and the encrypted file in it has been replaced and changed, and this encrypted file was jointly modified by several top hackers of the Xia Kingdom, and they can guarantee that even if they are given ten days, it will be difficult to break into this chat room.

However, even so, everyone in the chat room was still a little unconfident:

"This time it will not be hacked in by the marking teacher, right?"

"This... Made, why do I have some not knowing what to say, I always feel that this grading teacher can do anything.

"Forget it, if I come in again this time, a few of us will lie flat and wait for him to get it, I don't want to boil my hair out in the middle of the night to get this damn encrypted file, do you know how important my hair is, this is the real meaning of my life!"

"In other words, it's the third day soon, what do you say about that gambling contract?"

When someone asked this question, the chat room suddenly fell silent.

A moment later, Dugu Jian took the lead in breaking the silence: "In fact, to be honest, this loophole hunter platform made by the teacher is indeed good, and everyone can see the huge prospects of this platform, but if you really say that a hundred companies will join in three days, I feel that this should be impossible."

"Actually, this is my first and only bet that I want to break the contract, not because I don't want to lose, but because I don't want to win." Leaning on the building to listen to the wind and rain, he also sent his true thoughts at this time.

The little virgin of the mountains and the little virgin of the mountains were not silent at this time:

"It's a pity, the strength of the teacher who reads the papers is high enough, and the idea is also very good, but some are too eager to achieve quick results, if I were him, I would definitely fight step by step, and I would not let go of such big words, after all, as long as such a platform has a good reputation, it is definitely not a problem to become the first formal platform in the hacker world."

"In fact, it can also be said that he is unlucky, the acceptance and thinking of enterprises in the United States are more advanced, if he finds a good lobbyist, it is not impossible to negotiate a hundred customers in three days, but now that the federal government has such a big thing, these companies are estimated to be too busy to take care of themselves, and there will be no consideration in this regard for the time being."

Obviously, for this gambling contract, several people are not optimistic about the teacher who reads the papers.

They do not deny the loophole hunter program, and they do not question the strength of the marking teacher, but they are not willing to believe anything about a hundred companies settled in within three days.

But just as everyone was talking about this, it was the familiar avatar who quietly sent out a line of text:

"Everyone, ready to go to work, next I will share with you the background program of the vulnerability hunter platform, and hope that in the next cooperation, we can achieve a win-win situation and create a better brilliance!"


Deathly silence!

After this message, the entire chat room was silent for up to three minutes.

In a high-end neighborhood in Kyoto, a thin man with thick glasses was looking at the computer screen in front of him with a shocked face.

His name, Stretch, is a very common name.

But on the network, he has a loud and domineering name.

Imperial Road!

The current leader of the Xia Country Hacker Alliance!

He is the existence of itchy teeth that countless overseas hackers hate, he is the god that countless Xia country hackers look up to, he has countless proud achievements, he has led the Xia country hacker alliance to challenge overseas hacker organizations again and again, in order to protect the interests of the motherland, fight on the front line of the Internet.

But at this time, this man with absolute dominance was looking at the computer screen in front of him with a shocked face.

All this, just for one person.

Marking teacher!

This mysterious and powerful existence has once again cracked the encrypted chat room they jointly created!

"Made, is this guy still human?"

Finally, the stretched and stiff face relaxed, and the whole person slumped in the chair, with a bit of a wry smile.

He convinced.

Had to serve.

If it was because they couldn't prepare for An Li's invasion before, then this time he could be considered to have done everything he could to get out of this chat room, originally thinking that even if the teacher could break through, he couldn't be unaware.

But now it seems that your teacher is your teacher....

However, for the words of the grading teacher, Stretch was a little strange, and couldn't help typing the text on the keyboard: "We don't deny that we are willing to join the platform of Bug Hunter, but I think that our boss should at least be a person who does what he says, and you have not finished our bet." "

When the time comes, stretch will not hide it.

There are some things that should be made clear in advance.

Without waiting for the teacher to respond, Stretch Zhan typed the text again: "You have not completed our bet, we are still willing to join the bug hunter, but in terms of conditions, I think we should adjust, at least for the development plan of the platform and some principled issues, we must make it clear now..."

Before you can click Send, a new message appears in the chat room.

"Who said I didn't finish the game?"

There is only this line of words, and the sender is no one else, it is the teacher who reads the papers.

What the heck?


Shu Zhan hesitated to delete the previously edited text, and was about to ask when another message had already arrived:

"It seems that you are a little incompetent, you still don't know the news two minutes ago."

"Tell you quietly..." "

I, won!"


He won?

Stretch frowned slightly, quickly clicked on the browser, originally still thinking about the news that the teacher said, what kind of news, but when he saw the hot news on the browser, he couldn't help but gasp.

This is special... What's going on?

In a series of hot spots, countless news about the vulnerability hunter platform appeared.

"Apple officially announced that it has entered the vulnerability hunter platform, becoming the first technology company in history to join the emerging platform of vulnerability hunter, and from now on, hackers who were once hostile may work together!"

"Walmart officially announced that it entered the vulnerability hunter platform and opened a high vulnerability bounty of more than one million dollars at the first time!"

"General Motors officially announced that it is coming, and today it officially entered the vulnerability hunter platform..." Dense

news constantly appeared in front of Stretch's eyes.

Most of these companies are well-known large enterprises in the United States, and even many of them, Huangdao has led the hacker alliance to invade!

At a cursory glance, the list of densely packed companies is constantly growing.

Don't say a hundred, look at this situation, it is already about to break through two hundred enterprises!

Marking teacher, really did it!

Let these proud Americans, lower their proud heads, spend high membership fees, and become the super gold owners of the platform of vulnerability hunters!

If the entry of these companies is enough to make people stunned, then another piece of information makes Huangdao even feel that he can't sit still....

"The Federal Ministry of Information Security officially announced that they have joined the Vulnerability Hunter Program and will launch strategic cooperation with Vulnerability Hunter..."

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