The Pinnacle of Life in the United States

Chapter 200: : Arrived in the magic city

Lu Ning and the officials from Modu paid their respects at first sight. The deputy secretary-general of the municipal government led the team. This kind of welcome lineup was already very high.

After all, Lu Ning is still an 18-year-old student who is about to enter the university.

But that's it, Magic City still sent a deputy secretary-general of the city government. When the American ambassador to China Pedermus found the head of the Magic City, Lu Ning's visit had already entered the government's attention.

Collecting a piece of information about Lu Ning, the result surprised the leader of the magic city.

It is no exaggeration to say that this upcoming Lu Ning is definitely regarded as the number one overseas power in China, and the highest-achieving Chinese is not too much.

Think about it, the Lu's Consortium, which ranks third among the ten largest consortia in the United States, and Lin Zhen, one of the veterans of the American Democratic Party and one of the nine permanent justices of the U.S. Federal Court.

Grandma is also the core member of the Rothschild family, the world's first mysterious family. The only heir to come out of such a family comes to the Demon Capital, and the top leaders of the Demon Capital attach great importance to it.

Of course, according to Lu Ning’s family background, it’s not an exaggeration to receive a reception from a vice mayor, but now I don’t know what kind of philosophy Lu Ning belongs to. After all, Lu Ning was born and raised in the United States. I really don’t know. What is his attitude towards the motherland.

Under such circumstances, the Chinese government should not rashly approach Lu Ning. In case, Lu Ning is an out-and-out pro-American who has no feelings for the motherland. Isn't that a joke?

However, when these officials heard Lu Ning's first words, they knew that they were right.

The crowd exchanged greetings and introduced the main officials present.

This time, the Modu government came to a deputy secretary general of the municipal government, a deputy director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Office, a deputy director of the Municipal Tourism Bureau, and some directors and staff of various offices, including some translators. For fear that Lu Ning does not understand Mandarin, it will be bad if there are language communication problems.

However, obviously, their worries were unnecessary. Lu Ning's Mandarin spoken very authentically, and even the Modu dialect was sloppy.

Lu Ning's humorous, welcoming people are like a spring breeze, quite like a general.

Everyone sighed unintentionally. They were indeed children from a big family. They were just extraordinary. Finally, after dealing with officials, it was his uncle and grandfather's turn. Lu Ning's smile became more sincere.

"Grandpa uncle, I'll introduce to you, this is Paris Hilton, it's mine, uh, mine..." Lu Ning also racked his brains to introduce Paris's identity.

"Haha, I know, your little girlfriend, right." Unexpectedly, Grandpa Uncle was very open and winked at Lu Ning humorously.

"Ms. Paris, welcome you to the magic city of China. I am Lu Ning's grandfather. You can call me grandfather like Lu Ning." Wang Dehuai remembered America in his early years, speaking authentic American. There is no difficulty communicating with Paris.

"Ah, hello, grandpa uncle." When she heard that she was Lu Ning's relative, Paris immediately became very respectful.

On the side of the Magic Capital Government, an interpreter is translating the dialogue between Academician Wang Dehuai and Paris for the leaders.

Hearing Paris's name, everyone's eyes lit up again, yo, a special reward, Paris Hilton, another top-notch white rich and beautiful.

The towering Hilton Hotel on the side of Jing'an Temple is erected there, and it is this family property.

After talking for a while, everyone got off the plane together. At this time, the Hongqi CA72 that Lu Ning had brought was also taken off the plane.

When everyone saw this car, they were also taken aback. Oh, it's incredible. There are only a few cars in Huaguo now, all of them are in museums.

Back then, the deputy national leaders didn’t necessarily have one. This is considered a gain in knowledge. Think about your own government. I wanted to use a Mercedes-Benz S600 as a reception car, but now it’s worse than others. More than one grade.

Moreover, we still use our own brand of Huaguo, which can also prove that this young master Lu is definitely a patriot, isn't he?

"Mr. Lu, you have come all the way. Our government wants to invite you and Miss Paris to a government dinner tomorrow, don't you know if you can?"

"Well, Deputy Secretary-General Chen, my visit to China this time is just a personal act. I don't think I will accept the government's invitation for the time being."

Deputy Secretary-General Chen's expression was not very good, thinking that Lu Ning had declined the government's invitation, but he didn't know that Lu Ning had something to say.

"Of course, if it is a private gathering, Paris and I are still very interested, aren't they?"

After speaking, Lu Ning blinked his eyes mischievously. In one sentence, Deputy Secretary-General Chen understood. After all, the American ambassador to China is still nearby. Lu Ning cannot openly participate in government gatherings. Of course, personal feelings. It’s just two different A meal with a friend is normal, isn’t it?

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I will bring your opinion to you." As expected of a child from a big family, who is just playing some tricks, Deputy Secretary-General Chen sighed.

At this time, the bodyguard brought by Lu Ning had an accident with the policeman maintaining order at the scene, and the two sides confronted each other.

"What happened?" Deputy Secretary-General Chen asked hurriedly. We are talking well now, but there must be no accidents.

It turned out that some thermal weapons were found when getting off the plane.

This is okay. All of these are expressly prohibited by the State of China. The police stepped forward to negotiate and asked the other party to hand over all the equipment, which was sealed and kept by the local police. When they left China, the equipment would be returned collectively.

"Deputy Secretary-General Chen, Shao Lu’s bodyguards all have certificates. Look at whether they can be exempted from handing in, after all, we must ensure Shao Lu’s safety." As the American ambassador to China, Pedemsti Stand up for a while and negotiate with the other party.

"Well, Mr. Ambassador, you know that these equipment are strictly prohibited in China." Deputy Secretary-General Chen resolutely insisted on his opinion.

"Ambassador Pedems, there is no need to discuss it. I think we should abide by the laws here in China, and I absolutely believe that demons are the safest place in the world." Before the two sides could say anything, Lu Ning took the lead.

And Lu Ning's remarks once again won the favor of everyone.

Lu Ning exchanged a few words with the bodyguard captain. The bodyguard captain shrugged and expressed acceptance. Soon, all the equipment was handed in and sealed up by the Chinese police.

Lu Ning has expressed his opinion. Of course, the bodyguards will not defy and are very cooperative.

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