The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 2330: what's it like to be a big star

The latest website: Zhuxian is on fire!

And it's super hot. When Zhu Xian's box office exceeded 100 million yuan on the first day of its overseas release, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then countless people began to be ecstatic.

Even if Heizi can't black Jade at this time, even if Jade can't surpass Avatar's total box office, but just because Jade has broken countless Chinese-language movies at once, it is enough for fans to shoot these Heizi on the ground.

Some exaggerated media even directly shouted that Chinese films have finally entered the international market, and even Chinese films in Hollywood have a place. After all, the premiere box office of over 100 million is really impressive.

And even those who were able to remain calm on the first day, when they saw Zhu Xian's box office of 130 million on the second day, and 150 million on the third day, everyone was not calm. This is the box office in US dollars. Many movies have a box office of over 100 million in a single day, and there will be a celebration banquet if they can exceed 10 million. Even the total box office of many movies overseas from release to release is not as good as a fraction of Jade Xian’s single-day box office. Do not break the defense.

It can be said that Liu Zongsheng feels like he is flying on the sword when he walks these days, not only with the wind, but also very slippery!

Not only Liu Zongsheng, but the whole Haina company walked up and down with wind, and everyone had a smile on their faces. Of course, there are also a lot of people who gritted their molars and regretted that their intestines were green.

At the beginning, if I insisted on self-recommendation, or walked around more to find the back door, would I have one of the characters in Zhu Xian? If I played a role in Zhu Xian, then I am now a proper international superstar.

"Wow, the big star is here, hurry up and give me my autograph, so I can sell it. Your autograph is very popular now, and autographs with photos can sell for at least a thousand!"

In the box of the Yang family banquet, seeing Tong Yaya and Dong Yao walking in immediately cheered, He Zhang and the others looked at Tong Yaya not too close, with a slightly excited look on their faces.

Tong Yaya has been doing roadshows non-stop during the time of the movie's popularity. Now the Jade Dynasty movie has been released in China for more than half a month. Whether it's on the Internet, the media, or various TV programs, the publicity is basically saturated or even overflowing.

So the crew finally realized that they would no longer squeeze the actors and let them go home. The next thing depends on how Heiner works.

With the sudden emergence of Jade in the foreign film market, there is another wave of movie viewing in China. The domestic box office of Jade's movie has reached 1.2 billion in half a month, and it is certain that it will exceed 1.5 billion. Delayed keys can surpass Avatar.

"No matter how eccentric your words are, you pay the bill for today's meal!" Tong Yaya rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

After all, it's so dreamy that this little unknown actor from the third tier has directly ascended to the leading role in an international hit movie. After such a long time, Tong Yaya feels unbelievable like a dream.

And Dong Yao deserves the most credit for being able to reach the sky in one step. Although Haina said that his casting was fair and just, when he played Baguio, Yang Dongxu, the boss of Haina, was the board.

It's hard to say that there is no relationship like Dong Yao in it, otherwise who is she, Tong Yaya, would a business leader like Yang Dong know her?

So as soon as it was a holiday here, Tong Yaya asked Dong Yao to have dinner as soon as possible, patted her chest and said that her sister had sent a random order, so a group of people came to the VIP room of the Yang family banquet.

It just so happens that this place is relatively private, and you won’t encounter fans frenziedly besieging or anything. Recently, Tong Yaya has thoroughly experienced what it means to be explosive. The nanny car is the basic configuration for traveling, and there are ten bodyguards around her.

Where to go, you need to formulate a route in advance and greet the person in charge of the place where you are going. A little carelessness may cause congestion, which makes Tong Yaya feel overwhelmed and excited.

"If you are a big dog, don't worry about the three melons and two dates in the pocket of our flat-headed little boss. Come here, order quickly, and order all of them in expensive places. The big stars have money!" Dong Yao continued to tease.

The only reason for such ridicule is that Tong Yaya's status has risen too quickly, which made He Zhang and the others who came to eat a meal very cautious. Eating in such an atmosphere is uncomfortable, so Dong Yao wants to break this atmosphere.

In fact, at the beginning, Tong Yaya just wanted to invite Dong Yao to dinner to express her gratitude. After all, she was really not familiar with other people. Even though Zhang Qian was Dong Yao's best friend, the two had a little relationship when Dong Yao got married as a bridesmaid. Afterwards, we had each other's WeChat privately, but we didn't chat a word.

That is, after Jade Immortal became popular, Zhang Qian sent a congratulatory message. She didn't know how many messages like this she received in a day, so she just replied politely with a thank you and didn't continue the communication.

But today was also a coincidence, Hezhang’s prize money from the game some time ago came down, so he wanted to treat him. He couldn’t let Yang Dongjie treat him all the time, and he must express it if he had money in his pocket.

At this time, Tong Yaya called and said that she had booked a table at the Yang Family Banquet and crashed. After knowing about this, Tong Yaya generously said that everyone came over. The crowd is so lively, and He Zhang can invite him tomorrow, so several people gathered together Come along together.

"You still say!" Tong Yaya made a gesture to hit Dong Yao, Dong Yao hurriedly avoided, because Tong Yaya suddenly became a host, and the awkward atmosphere in the room was suddenly broken.

After playing around and taking their seats, Dong Yao still couldn't help but said curiously, "Come on, seriously, I'm not joking, what does it feel like to be a big star?"

Dong Yaya's current popularity can be said to be Dong Yao's longing. UU Reading Although the realm and mentality have improved now, but seeing friends quickly become popular, I feel a little envious in my heart, and I can't help thinking that if I wanted a role at the beginning, would I be considered an international superstar now? ?

"Stupid, tired!" Tong Yaya gave two words.

Although there are few words, it is indeed her feeling after she exploded. Anyway, she is still in a daze until now and feels like she is dreaming.

But in the last half month, it’s really tiring to rush to various shows. Even in the case of rejecting countless commercial endorsements and commercial performances, just rushing around to promote the movie. Ah, I feel that it is not enough to criticize myself into ten petals.

"Pain and happiness, right?" Dong Yao laughed!

Tong Yaya gave her a thumbs up, praising Dong Yao for summing it up well!

At this time, He Zhang, who was sitting next to him, was eager to start a conversation. He was a little nervous when he saw such a big star for the first time, and he was just about to speak when his phone rang.

Originally, I wanted to hang up to check the caller ID, so I smiled apologetically and got up to go outside to answer the phone.

Dong Yao and Tong Yaya continued to chat, and after a while He Zhang came back with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment. Seeing that his expression was not right, Yang Dongjie couldn't help asking, "What happened?"


(end of this chapter)

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