111 Has the witch failed?

Not a single one of those many barbarian warriors escaped. Not a single one has turned their backs. Everyone gave up their lives and rushed in.

In the end, the slaughter ended only when every last warrior died.

The only people standing in the open field were the imperial soldiers.

wow! Loud shouts rose from the bloody ground.

The imperial soldiers each raised their weapons to the sky and waved them up and down.

I am blinded by the corpses scattered all over the vast land. I feel like throwing up.

However, Rudy suppressed his emotions and raised his shining sword high.

The shouts of the soldiers increased even more.

“Long live Putegrin! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!”

Hearing the shouts of the soldiers, Rudy turned his horse.

He smiles brightly, makes eye contact with the soldiers, and once again raises his sword high.


With a roar that pierced the sky, the war in the grasslands was completely over.

Passing leisurely among the cheering soldiers, Rudy headed to the place where the Red Hawk tribe was waiting.

A strong smell of blood rises from the blood-soaked clothes.

Boris, who had been following behind, pulled his horse aside. spoke in a low voice.

“Your Majesty, are you in trouble? You’d better go and wash in the nearby river.”

The experienced Boris seemed to know that Rudy was almost pushed to his limit. But in a place like this, you can’t show weakness to the soldiers.

“are you okay.”

“Your Majesty is still a young boy. Even if you look somewhat like that, you don’t look weak to the soldiers. It’s okay.”

‘Well, actually, I’m not that kind of kid.’

Maybe he’s actually a very weak person. Rudy returned the smile to Boris.

“It’s really fine.”

“If it’s too hard for you, tell me anytime.”


I’m glad Boris is by my side. Without him, this war would have been a little more difficult for Rudy.

“Thank you, Boris.”

When Rudi said, Boris smiled and slightly bowed his head.

When I went near the tent, the Red Hawk Chief, the Great Warrior, and several warriors were waiting for me.

Goruka is also there.

I thought it would be a nasty atmosphere, but it doesn’t seem to be like that.

From now on, it is necessary to discuss the issue of reparation, or rather post-war negotiations.

When Rudy entered the tent, Boris, Goruka, and the Red Hawk chief followed him.

Entering a place cut off from the outside, the smell of corpses that filled the field weakened. What seemed like vomiting calmed down a little. Even the mind that had been sharp until just now seemed to have softened a little.

Inside the tent was a clean carpet. A cloth product made a little thick like a cushion was placed in the seat that was thought to be the seat of honor.

A young-looking girl is standing in the corner of the tent.

She was wearing simple clothes that were pulled over from the top and tied at the waist with a string.

When the people came in, the girl knelt down and bowed, then got up and untied the belt around her waist. And started undressing.

“Wait! Wait! What are you doing?”

When Rudy said this in surprise, the girl stopped moving. It seems frightened.

It was only then that I noticed, but the girl’s fingers were trembling.

Goruka opened her mouth.

“He’s the one who’ll wait on you during the meeting. Taking off his clothes is to show he’s not hiding a weapon.”

Goruka glanced at the chief and the girl before continuing.

“It seems to be the chieftain’s daughter.”

Rudy shook her hand to indicate that it was okay.

“Put on your clothes. Just looking at it, you can tell you don’t have a weapon, and even if you had one, no one here would die from it.”

The girl slightly turned her head and looked at the Red Hawk chief.

The chieftain nodded, and hurriedly put on his clothes again. That will be too. Who would like to take off their clothes?

When Rudy went to the center, the girl quickly made a seat with a cushion.

It’s like sitting there.

As Rudy sits down, others take their seats too.

But instead of sitting down, the Red Hawk Chief prostrated himself in front of Rudy, some distance away. It’s the surrender sign I saw yesterday.

When Rudi saw Goruka, he lowered his voice slightly.

“Yesterday there was no chieftain, so the Grand Master acted on his behalf. Today, the Red Hawk Tribe officially expressed their intention to surrender. If Your Majesty accepts, compensation negotiations will begin.”

Rudy looked at the chief and opened his mouth.

“I will accept the surrender of the Red Hawk Tribe.”

“thank you.”

The chieftain relaxed, sat down, and bowed his head once more.

“My tribe would like to give a hundred women and half of their livestock as compensation. Please be generous.”

Rudy inadvertently looked at Goruka.

I heard that cattle and women in the meadow are very precious.

Livestock is directly related to life, and women are essential for increasing the number of people in the tribe.

In a place where labor is power, such as grassland, if there are fewer people, that too will be directly related to survival.

I heard that even this year there was a severe drought, and there were cases in which livestock withered to death.

In such a state, if half of the livestock were given up, wouldn’t the survival of this tribe become fatal?

It seems that Goruka noticed Rudy’s thoughts. Goruka lowered her voice.

“Compensation is a little bigger than in other places, but compensation is important in the grassland. If you don’t receive this or reduce it, it will be considered ridiculous by other tribes, even if it’s not necessary.”

Goruka said that, adding that it is not good for the victor to impose too harsh conditions.

In such cases, it is said that they are perceived as stingy and harsh by other tribes. No one wants to have a relationship with such people. As a result, he said, he would be isolated and looked down upon.

Rudy thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

“Should I receive the contents of the compensation as it is presented from the other side?”

“That’s not the case. The reason why the Red Hawk was a bit overbearing and offered good compensation conditions is to ensure that Your Majesty doesn’t present harsher conditions to them. Your Majesty doesn’t care what you want.”

Goruka paused for a moment. He lowered his voice even more so that the Red Hawk chief couldn’t hear him.

“The other side doesn’t know that Your Majesty is generous. If they knew, they wouldn’t have paid so much compensation.”

weird. Why does this man tell me all these details?

“Goruka, you’ve just met me. Even the country is different. Why are you so sincere to me?”

Goruka smiled at Rudi’s question.

“Because you let every member of the Blackrock tribe die. Originally, my revenge would not have come true.

just with that? The lack of meadows is strange. Maybe Goruka is an eccentric.

Rudy looked at the Red Hawk Chief.

“Women and livestock from other tribes are sufficient. I want other than that.”

The chief kept his expressionless face, but sweat was dripping from his brow.

Goruka expresses Rudy as generous, but he is not.

Rudy just doesn’t like seeing someone die in front of his eyes or suffering for what he did.

It is different from being generous or benevolent.

just a coward

He’s just a selfish person who doesn’t want his heart weighed down by the fact that someone is suffering because of him.

If you consider that kind of a genuinely generous person, it would prove that these people’s lives are so miserable and hard.

Besides, what Rudy is saying from now on is probably more painful than giving away livestock and women to these people. So the word generous is not appropriate.

Rudy opened his mouth with an expressionless face.

“I no longer want the people of our empire to be trampled on by the steppe tribes. You must become our empire’s watchmen. That is my condition.”

The chief clenched his fists.

“What exactly are you talking about?”

“We want your tribe to settle down close to the border city. If they invade from the steppe, you will be the first to fight, and if a major war is likely to break out, let the Empire know. summer solstice.”

Can I give up my nomadic life?

At Rudy’s question, the chieftain was speechless for a moment.

After a long time, he finally bowed his head.

“Our lives are yours anyway.”

“Okay, the rest of the details will be negotiated by someone else.”

The chief bowed his head deeply and looked at the girl who was serving tea in front of the people.

“She is my daughter. I give her to you as proof of the oath.”

Before he could say he didn’t need Rudi, Goruka quickly interjected.

“If I don’t accept that child, I won’t keep my promise. The oath means that I will refuse. After accepting her, it’s up to His Majesty to deal with her, so you should accept it here.”

“On what terms does she come to me?”

When Rudi asked, Goruka answered.

“The woman offered as a condition of surrender in the grassland becomes the lowest-ranking wife. In the Empire, it is more like a concubine.”

Rudy sighed inwardly, being careful not to show it on his face.

After nodding his head in agreement, the chief finally exhaled as if relieved.

After that, the oath drink was handed over to Rudy and the chief by the girl.

It is said to be a drink made in the meadow. It’s thick like makgeolli. It gave off a peculiar smell.

He is still a young teenager, but no one stops him.

Rudy drank a fairly strong drink in one go and emptied his glass.

It was then that there was a commotion outside.

Someone shouted outside the tent.

“Your Majesty! A creature of light. A creature of light is approaching from the distant sky.”

The voice is urgent.

Rudy jumped out of his seat and ran outside.

“What is that!”

“Is that also your Majesty’s?”

“No. Something is wrong.”

The bewildered soldiers were shouting raucously while pointing their fingers at the air.

On the other hand, all the women of the Red Hawk tribe and other tribes were lying on the floor.

“It’s the Earth Spirit! It’s the real Earth Spirit.”

Chief Red Hawk murmured and fell to the ground.

Rudy saw it approaching from the distant sky.

A creature full of brilliant light was flying with its large wings flapping.

It is undoubtedly a demonic creature.

Flying from afar was a huge dragon of light.

However, it was different from the demonic creatures Rudy had created so far.

Originally, it was a demonic creature that should have no mass, but whenever the dragon of light flapped its wings, a tingling light spread in all directions and the air seemed to be pushed out.

The dragon flew in, closing the distance to the nearby in an instant.

As they got closer, the wind actually picked up and hit the soldier and Rudy.

‘My God, whose demonic creature is this? Was there anyone in this world who could create demonic creatures other than me?’

can not believe it.

While Rudy was staring blankly at the dragon, the phoenix and the mice of light stepped forward, generating electric shocks.

He opposes the unknown dragon and inflates his body to protect Rudy.

Two phoenixes spread their wings wide to block the dragon in the air.

The Empire’s soldiers also gathered around Rudi, each holding a spear. Boris was very nervous and obliquely blocked Rudy’s way.

The dragon blinked its big eyes.

The reptile’s narrow, long eyes caught Rudy first, then looked at the phoenix. People don’t seem to care.

The dragon opened its mouth.

[Young bird, step back. I understand the admiration of trying to protect the owner, but you guys are not my opponents.]

Rudy’s eyes widened at being able to talk.

The phoenix did not back down despite the dragon’s words, but rather approached him closely.

no. It’s exactly what the dragon said. The phoenix would not be an opponent of that gigantic monster.

“stand back.”

Rudy gave orders to the phoenix and the mice, and beckoned Boris.

“All soldiers of the Empire, retreat.”

“No, Your Majesty.”

Boris shook his head.

But even if all the soldiers here fight, they can’t defeat the dragon.

Even phoenixes can kill people for fun. It won’t take a second for the dragon to kill all the people.

“It’s okay. If it tried to kill us, we wouldn’t be alive anymore.”

Before Rudy finished speaking, the dragon’s expression changed.

The energy of the dragon, which had been calm like a moment ago, suddenly thickened and a sense of stuffiness spread in all directions.

The air becomes heavy.

It was as if there were stones in the air.

The light that made up the dragon’s body began to tremble slightly. It looked like it was crying because it was sad, because it was sad, because it was so sad.

[Has the witch failed?]

The moment the dragon said that, more than half of the Empire’s soldiers fell to the ground, crushed by the heavy air.

The horse groaned and fell to the ground.

Boris barely managed to stand still, but his face was blue.

Only Rudy stood still.

His surroundings are still. The stuffiness in the air that I had felt a while ago was gone.

The dragon looked up at the sky and said as if howling.

[Everyone gave strength by sacrificing, but did the witch really fail?]

the dragon is sad

The phoenix and the mice of light looked at the sky trembling as if they were being led by the dragon.

The eyes and mouths of the phoenix and the mice were wide open.

I couldn’t see it, but I knew it.

‘I’ve heard this voice before.’

The moment I thought so, my consciousness was cut off.

Rudy felt his body roll backwards as his legs gave out.

I’ve definitely heard this sad voice.

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