129 Witch’s Spell

“Come on, let’s hurry.”

The captain of the advance party rushed to the scene where his subordinates were waiting.

Unlike last time, the mice of light are together.

If you can communicate with the mice of light, you don’t have to go back and come back like this every time, but there’s no way you can use His Majesty’s demonic creatures at will.

Besides, there was the most basic problem. Ordinary humans cannot properly communicate their intentions to demonic creatures. Creatures of light understand human words, but cannot accurately communicate them.

If you ask to melt the snow here, the creatures of light may melt almost everything, not just the snow. Grass growing on the ground, earthworms and small insects, and even stones melted away.

It actually happened when I was training. It was when His Majesty said how about using mice to move through the snow in winter.

The head of the advance team shuddered as he recalled what had happened at that time.

What I felt then was a great fear. Who would have thought that small and cute mice could do such amazing things. At that time, if His Majesty hadn’t been right next to me, I don’t know what would have happened. All humans…

‘No. Let’s not even think about that.’

The advance party leader remembers that his shoes were slightly melted at the time. I only found out after a confusing experiment. For some reason, I thought my feet were hot, but I never thought that the soles of my shoes would melt.

The fact that there were no scars at that time must have been thanks to God protecting me.

Thinking about that, I’m afraid to ask the mice for anything. It would be safe to move only according to His Majesty’s orders.

When they arrived at the snowy area, the men were already preparing to leave for the next location with their clothes tightly packed.

It seems that he is going to check the next road as soon as his eyes open. They are proud subordinates who do a better job than the captain.

“Oh, are the mice here?”


“Thank you again.”

The subordinates each talk to the mice.

The mice responded by wagging their tails and immediately jumped into the snow.

This place was like a low hill with rocks on one side, so the snow was piled up long under it.

If you go right across the rock, you will come to a large road.

It is said that it was impossible to penetrate the road with human power, even though it is impossible to fathom how great the benefit would be if the distance in a straight line was reduced by that much in midwinter.

The guide kept reciting words of gratitude that he had to go a long way every time in winter.

“Well, with that much work. Our Majesty is truly the Son of God, there is nothing he cannot do.”

The subordinates show off by sticking out their chests. They are funny children. The credit is with His Majesty, but why are we Seram Yu?

The captain of the guard laughed to himself, but he was also proud of himself. Of course, mice are still scary.

While the mice were working, several subordinates were warming themselves with the stove magic tools in the middle.

That magic tool was named stove by His Majesty, so everyone calls it that, but it’s a really strange thing. There is no fire, but hot energy spreads. Sometimes too hot, but far safer than fire, it was the most popular among the military.

The captain of the guard sneaked up to the stove and warmed his hands.

It hasn’t been long since the mice entered, but it seems that the snow has already started to melt.

The guide who had been staring at me quietly exclaimed in surprise.

“There’s a hole in the hole. The snow is melting.”

The captain of the guard grabbed the guide by the neck as he tried to jump into it.

“Wait! It’s still far. If you go in before the snow melts completely, you’ll be buried in the snow pouring from above.”

“Eek! Will the snow up there melt?”

The guide’s eyes widened. This guide was introduced to the previous guide in this area after leaving the empire. Melting snow has happened many times, but this guide is the first time I’ve seen it.

“Yeah, didn’t you listen to someone first?”

“No, of course I’ve heard of mysterious creatures that melt the snow. But no way, there’s a huge amount up there. How many times more than what’s below? It’ll take a few days, but wouldn’t it be better to just let it go?” ?”

“hehehehe, what are you talking about? If it’s His Majesty’s mice, that level is a piece of cake. Most of all, His Majesty will pass by, so can we leave the eyes on the top dangerously?”

At the guard’s words, the guide’s eyes widened even more.

“Captain! I think it’s almost over.”

As if regretting it, the subordinate who left the side of the stove magic tool shouted.


The guide screamed and ran in front of the rock. Naturally, there was little snow in it. It’s just water flowing on the floor.

“My God! Am I dreaming?”

“I sat down saying something like a dream. Now, let’s check the next road.”

It was the moment when the captain of the guard was just talking. Suddenly, the fur of the mice began to stand up. No, of course he didn’t have real fur, but he looked like that.

And the body of the mice swells several times.

“Oh, that’s strange, boss!”

“What’s going on?”

It’s the first time you see it.

The mice stared into the air and suddenly started climbing on each other’s backs.

One goes on top of one, then another gets on top of it.

In an instant, more than a hundred mice rose like a long line into the air.

“what’s the matter!”

The top mouse stepped on the bottom one and jumped into the air as if jumping from a net.

The body of the mouse, which opened its mouth wide, swelled several times again.

And open your mouth wide

At that moment, the guard captain saw something small and long like a worm going into the mouse’s mouth.

“Uh, what is that?”

While the captain of the guard muttered, the mice returned to their small size as if they had finished their work, and all jumped to the floor.

As if a little while ago, the fierce bristling of the fur was a lie, the appearance of the mice became cute as usual and their behavior became calm.

“Hey, what do you think I just saw?”

The guide who watched the scene together next to him said.

“Uh, hey, it looks like the mouse ate the worm…?”

For some reason, the end of the sentence seems to be asking the chief of the guard.

“Even when I saw it, it looked like an earthworm. But was there such a thing in the air?”

“Well, I saw it for the first time too.”

The guide tilted his head and said.

“There are mice that shine with light, and that melts snow. In addition, they inflate several times. Is that all? They can climb into the air as if they are acrobatic in a single line. If so, can’t there be strangely flying earthworms?”

Hearing it, it seems so.

The mice finished their work, waggled their tails at the soldiers, and returned to the emperor. He runs hard with his ears flat back.

Watching the mice of light run away, the guard captain told his men.

“I’ll report the matter to His Majesty for now, so you guys go first. Leave a mark. I’ll follow soon.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Listening to his men’s answers, the guard captain started chasing the mice alone.

Your Majesty’s demonic creatures exist only for Your Majesty. If they’re angry, it’s obviously a threat to His Majesty’s body. I felt kind of uneasy.


The thin thread of light that had been wound around his finger snapped and snapped.


I got a small cut on my finger. A small amount of blood was oozing from the thin wound. I couldn’t see my eyes, but I could smell the fishy smell of blood.

The Witch of the West realized that everything she had sent was dead.


They are colleagues who have been by her side for a long time. I thought it would be somewhat dangerous, but I didn’t think I would die so easily.

The Witch of the West sent all five. As soon as three were sent, news was cut off, and the other two are cut off now. Losing contact with the caster is death.

The crow lightly pressed its beak to her cheek, as if concerned.

The Witch of the West put her hand on the crow’s head and rubbed it a few times. My heart calmed down a little as the soft feel of feathers reached my fingertips.

‘But what should I do now?’

The location of the emperor of the empire has not yet been determined. Everyone died before they figured it out.

‘The ones next to the emperor seem to have very good abilities.’

The Witch of the West’s face frowned. I thought that if he knew Korean, he would be able to use magic right away, but his power is much greater than expected.

‘At this rate, I’ll soon catch up to the power of the progenitor.’

Of course, there is no one better than Sijo. There will never be such a person before or after.

But somehow I felt uneasy.

The Emperor of the Empire is growing in power too rapidly. The rapid growth of demonic creatures speaks for that.

‘If I don’t hurry.’

You have to get it back before it gets too strong. She used all her available power to summon him. There was no way to summon new people anymore.

The Witch of the West sighed and stammered, grabbing a handful of her hair. After grabbing an appropriate amount of hair with one hand, she took a small amount of hair back with the other hand.

As much as he thought was appropriate, the Western Witch cut off the tip of her long hair with a knife.

The short hair on the hand is left untidy. Careful not to spill it, the Witch of the West held it to her lips and chanted.

[My little alter egos, chase after my enemies. ride the wind and fly Find your master’s enemies.]

Little by little, the long hair of the Witch of the West began to be dyed with a soft light. Her hair, which had been silver, gradually darkened and turned to milky white, and the hair on her palms also began to glow white.

When the West Witch blew, the hair on her palm rose into the air like windblown petals.

However, the short hair did not sink to the floor no matter how much time passed.

[My faithful servant, change your appearance.]

After the Witch of the West chanted, the wind blew again, and her hair changed into a white butterfly.

[Go, go and find the enemy of your master. And kill.]

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Dozens of white butterflies fluttered in the air and flew up. And flew out through the open window.

The Witch of the West looked at the window silently, as if looking at it with invisible eyes, then lay down on the bed.


I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. William was just trying to bring the witch what she needed tonight.

The clothes worn by the Witch of the West were not the clothes worn by women these days.

According to the lady-in-waiting brought by her subordinate, the long robe she was wearing was a style that was popular about a thousand years ago. There are still people who wear it, but it is very rare.

He hurriedly looked for it, but there were no similar clothes, so William ran from place to place to get clothes worn by shamans at the temple. It’s not the same, but anyway, it’s a piece of clothing that has become one. I thought it might be something similar.

In addition, she brought the women’s underwear, scented oil, and a cloth to use when wiping her body.

Feeling ashamed that a man was holding such an object, he wandered in front of the door for a long time and accidentally overheard her words.

‘That language, I’ve never heard of it.’

William does not know every language in the world. However, most of the languages spoken on the continent looked similar. If you listen to it, you don’t know what language it’s from, but you know it’s a language.

But what the witch just said didn’t fit anywhere. Suddenly, it sounded like words that fell from the sky.

I couldn’t even hear exactly how to pronounce it. It certainly sounds smart, but somehow inaccurate. It was a strange feeling beyond words.

‘Isn’t this similar to the magic spells handled by the Corea Dynasty?’

It felt kind of creepy.

The Witch of the West, what is the identity of that woman?

William quietly withdrew from the witch’s room with the things he had brought with him.

There is no need to buy unnecessary suspicion from the other person. It would be good to come back in an hour or so.

‘But should I report this to His Majesty?’

I still don’t know exactly what it is, but in this situation, if I tell the king, I’m sure only nonsense is caught.

The king was such a person.

If you rush to report even somewhat inaccurate information because it seems to be something important, you will make a fuss about not knowing it properly.

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Direct relationship?

That man is worse than a king. Because he was the one who stole the ball from William, who originally served in the Royal Guard, and made him roam the palace without a position. I’d rather just swallow the information than give it to him.

‘Let’s just leave it for a while.’

William suddenly looked at the women’s underwear he was holding and sighed. It’s hard to move anywhere with this.

Squatting down at the corner of the witch’s annex, William blankly stared into space.

It seems that I suddenly saw a butterfly flying away that is not suitable for winter.


Involuntarily, he jumped up and looked again, but the butterfly was nowhere to be seen.

Then it is. It looks like you saw it wrong. I’ve been paying a lot of attention lately because of the witch and the king, so I think I’m tired.

‘Ha, let’s take a break after delivering this.’

yes, that would be nice William sighed and squatted down again.

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