The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 57 Chen Jiaju’s invitation

Although this task took a lot of thought and time, it has been completed perfectly. The police station has captured one of the top ten gangsters without any damage. It is conceivable that some newspapers may rush out an issue to report it in the afternoon. this matter. At this point, his position in the serious crime team is considered secure.

As long as he doesn't make any mistakes, even if he doesn't do anything later, the head of the crime team can't escape.

Zhang Pinzheng was looking for an opportunity to sit and touch fish, but found that Chen Jiaju came over again with a big mouth.

What's wrong?

Zhang Pin was a little surprised. If the two of them didn't quickly go back to the police station to report their achievements, what was the use of staying at the Wan Chai Police Station.

Pinzi, we want to discuss something with you. Do you have time?

Chen Jiaju was a little embarrassed.

Just tell me what you have to say. You are the only injured person in this case, so you must be credited. Both of you are the most dangerous.

Zhang Pin thought that the two of them didn't have enough time to fire a shot in this case, and they didn't think they had enough credit.

After hearing his words, Chen Jiaju waved his hands quickly.

No, no, we are not here to get credit for this case, but we have a case here and want your help.

When Zhang Pin heard about the case, he refused without even thinking. He joked and went across the police station to handle the case. He knew it just by looking at the two people opposite.

He did the most dangerous things and took the greatest risks, but all the benefits were taken away by the Wan Chai Police Department and the people of Bawanghua.

He said that the credit of the two people would not be lost, but when the report was handed in, it would be good to mention their names.

This case is very important. Our target is Zhu Tao. He is a big drug lord, and we have investigated it. He also checked your information some time ago, and it seems that he wants to be detrimental to you.

Chen Jiaju seemed to sense his intention to refuse, so he took the lead and told the news.

Hearing Zhu Tao's name, Zhang Pin immediately thought of him. Isn't this the villain of Police One and Two?

Then the other party said that Zhu Tao was checking him. He was about to laugh, but Chen Jiaju said it seriously.

Do you still remember the gangster case in the Bifa Road warehouse? We found out that one of the parties to the transaction was Zhu Tao. You caught the robbers behind, but the police station did not find the stolen money. Zhu Tao Tao thinks you are embezzling.

Then when we were guarding Zhu Tao last month, we heard from his little brother what they said if they killed you, it would have been a total loss, but it was a pity that you were saved by some stupid boy.

When Chen Jiaju first talked about the stolen money, he was quite calm, but when he heard about it, he and the silly boy were killed.

He immediately remembered the time when he came out of the police headquarters and almost got into a car accident. If Xiao Fu hadn't pushed him away, he would have been hit by the car.

At that time, he was a little nervous because he was being questioned by the Complaints Bureau, and since nothing happened, he didn't delve into it. Now that he thought about it, he was really too careless, and he didn't even notice when he was facing a murder.

Thinking that someone was taking his life, he looked up at Chen Jiaju.

These are just your guesses, and if the Central District Police Station wants to deal with Zhu Tao, it won't be a difficult task, right? Why do you want to invite me?

Naturally, he would not reveal his thoughts in front of the two of them, and he wanted to continue to explore the other party's details.

After hearing his words, Chen Jiaju's face fell.

That old guy is so cunning. I don't know if he got wind of it recently. He didn't make a transaction for several months in a row, which made us feed mosquitoes for a month.

Because he has not taken any action, the police station is temporarily focusing its efforts on other cases.

I saw that you were so good at deploying cases, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor and analyze Zhu Tao's intentions.

Chen Jiaju's words left Zhang Pin speechless. Their feelings were their own.

But that's okay, if it was to cooperate with Zhong District, he would definitely not be able to take the lead, but if it was to cooperate with the two of them.

You guys tell me about Zhu Tao's information first, and I'll give you the total first.

Zhang Pin began to make calculations in his heart again.

A villa somewhere in the Central District. Zhu Tao in Chen Jiaju's mouth was lying on a chair drinking tea. Next to him were his nephew Zhu Danny and his master John Gao. Even his personal bodyguard was not able to participate.

Uncle Tao, we have been resting for so long, when will the goods be shipped?

Yes, Uncle Tao, now because we don't ship, the price of white noodles at retail has increased five times, and even for large customers it has increased two or three times. We lost five million last time.

With our current inventory, if we sell it now, we can not only make back the losses, but also make more than 20 million more.

Uncle Tao, opportunities like this are rare. The supply and demand of white flour in the Hong Kong Island market has always been stable. Now because we have reduced the supply, the price has increased. I heard that the merchants in Tsim Sha Tsui, Yuen Long and Wan Chai are urgently transferring goods from outside. , want to catch up with this market trend.

In another month at most, the goods from the Golden Triangle will enter Hong Kong Island. By then, such good opportunities will be rare.

Both Danny and Master spoke, and they couldn't understand that Zhu Tao, who had been so majestic for most of his life, was actually frightened by a small policeman and refused to ship goods for two or three months in a row. In addition, including those who had been cheated before, The supply of white noodles in Central District has been suspended for almost half a year.

Zhu Tao was a little hesitant. Of course he didn't want to give up such a good opportunity, but he was a little worried.

Uncle Tao, what are you afraid of? That guy is from Wan Chai. Our transaction arrangement can be arranged in the Central District. If we don't need to take action, the Central District Police Department will not let them participate.

Zhu Danny was a little anxious. Zhu Tao was usually stingy. He spent money lavishly. He had been out of work for more than half a year and had long been out of food. He couldn't even go to nightclubs these days. Ma Zi ran away with others because he had no money, so he was eager. Need to start working early to make money.

Although the master Gao John on the side is not short of money, the price of white noodles this time is too tempting, and he doesn't want to let it go.

Okay, then you go and contact the person. I will place the location in the area of ​​the Moth Peak Dyeing Studio in Central. It is a slum and the environment is complicated.

Zhu Tao looked at his nephew Zhu Danny, and then turned to look at his master John Gao.

You are responsible for contacting the seller. Remember, whoever bids the highest price will be the one to whom we will sell this batch of goods.



The two of them showed joy on their faces and hurriedly went down to prepare.

On the other side, there is an office at the Central District Police Station.

At this time, the place was full of plainclothes people. Director Raymond personally took charge. Superintendent Biao Shu of the Operation Department was assisting. Zhang Pin and Song Zijie were sitting in the corner.

This man's name is Zhu Tao. He is between forty-four and forty-eight years old. On the surface, he runs nightclubs, import and export, real estate, etc. We have checked the operating status of all his companies, and they are all in the red.

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