Sir Zhang, I'm from Asia Television. According to what we know, when the shooting happened, the suspect was also frightened. You actually had the opportunity to arrest him, but you gave priority to sending the child to the hospital. I want to ask, if something like this happens to you again, will you still choose to save people as soon as possible and give up the opportunity to make meritorious deeds?

Asia Television, no need to think about it, this reporter must know Le Huizhen, maybe he was the one who said hello, otherwise he wouldn't ask such a question intentionally.

Yes, the most important purpose of our police is to protect the lives and property of all citizens. This will always be the first priority in our hearts. No matter how many times it happens again, I will still choose to save people as soon as possible.

After he finished speaking, he saluted.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

For a while, the flash lights and applause below continued for a long time, causing him to turn slightly sideways to avoid his eyes being blinded by the flash lights.

This press conference was actually arranged by the public relations department. The next step was to praise the senior police officers and then end. However, Zhang Pin continued to raise his hand before the applause ended.

He knew that if he waited until the applause ended, it would mean that the press conference was completely over.

A press conference is nothing, but if he doesn't help Lee Xiuxian exonerate him here, then the other party's police career will probably be completely over.

Because the strategy set by the public relations department is to use his high-profile performance to cover up the other party's mistakes.

If this kind of mistake is normal, it would be harmless, but if it is determined now, it will have to follow the other party for a lifetime.

A police officer who does not care about the safety of citizens is naturally unlikely to gain the trust of others.

In fact, whether it was this murder or the subsequent robbery, besides me, there was also my former partner Li Xiuxian.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it forward, indicating that he had something to say, and then spoke.

The head of the public relations department immediately winked at him in the audience, but he looked straight ahead and pretended not to see the other person standing to the side.

The police's handling of the case is not the work of one person. In addition to us in front of the stage, there are also the hard work of countless people behind the scenes. When chasing the case, Sir Li ran at the front. In fact, we had no intention of drawing out our guns at the beginning, but then the suspect held his hand The machete injured several passers-by.

Sir Li actually chose to draw his gun in order to stop the suspect from continuing to hurt other people, because he knew that if he continued to let the suspect escape, more passers-by would definitely be injured.

No one wants to have an accident, especially the person involved, Sir Li. Don’t forget that what we were chasing at that time was the real murderer.

I saw his expression when he accidentally injured the little boy and when he sent him to the emergency room. I was thinking that he would rather be the one shot.

I did not draw my gun, so no accident occurred. Then after the case was over, I stood here and received applause from everyone.

I think we should give police officers who are dedicated to catching thieves a chance.

Everyone's ears probably feel uncomfortable hearing me talk so much, but I'm not saying that I'm great, I just want to say that every policeman has a different personality, and Sir Lee Xiu-hyun is definitely a good policeman.

After Zhang Pin said this series of words, he felt that the saliva in his mouth was dry.

Because it was a spur-of-the-moment idea, he didn't know if he was good at what he said. But the warm applause that followed let him know that the result shouldn't be too bad.

The head of the public relations department didn't slowly press his heart back into his chest until he heard even more enthusiastic applause. He knew that the reputation of the police force would not be damaged. He didn't expect that this guy was really a talent. , speaking quite nicely.


Let me just say that a guy like Zhang Pin who is a good penman will definitely be promoted faster than us in the future, but it is too fast now. Look at the subtitles, he is actually the person in charge of the Wan Chai Crime Unit. This is becoming the boss. ah.

This press conference was temporarily broadcast live by Asia Television. Dazui looked at Zhang Pin talking on the TV and pushed Chen Jiaju next to him with envy.

Because Zhu Tao was arrested, both of them had been promoted to a level. They were still proud at first, but now when they looked at the gap between them and Zhang Pin, they found that not only did they not get closer, but they became even bigger.

Chen Jiaju was not too happy either, not because of Zhang Pin's promotion, but because Ami was talking to him about marriage recently.

Although he loves A Mei very much, it is too early to get married now.


Sister Zhen, the effect of the live broadcast you mentioned this time is really good. The ratings are almost exploded. Many citizens have called us to praise us. The police headquarters also called us and said that they want to start long-term cooperation with us. In the future, the police The news program wants to be broadcast live here.

At the Asia Television headquarters, a girl with glasses looked at Le Huizhen with admiration.

Okay, I understand. I told you I won't harm you. Are you still worried about me messing around before we start?

Le Huizhen's face looked serious at this time, and her usual quirkiness was completely gone.

But after sending the girl with glasses to leave, she immediately lay down on the table, took out her cell phone and started dialing.

Hey, hubby, you are so handsome. Can you come back early tonight? I stole a bottle of tiger bone wine from my dad. I heard it is very effective in that area. No, no, I didn't say you can't do that. It's just that I just want to give you a supplement, ah, I have to exercise five times tonight, oh, I am so scared, so I will go home early and wait for you, no, it is definitely not happiness, but fear, hahaha... .”

Zhang Pin put down the phone and immediately felt a little pain in his waist, but when he heard about tiger bone wine, he felt energetic again.


Tsk, these police officers are all very good at bragging. If they were really that good, how could there be so many young and Dangerous people in Hong Kong Island?

Teacher He, please stop thinking about it. Although our school is an all-boys school, there is absolutely no discrimination against female teachers.

Do you have any grievances? Is it because a student disrespects you? You can tell me and I will solve it. There is no need to mention resignation.

Teacher Lin, don't say that. I know Officer Zhang. He is a good man.

He Min glanced at Zhang Pin on the TV and thought that the other party helped him release all the students arrested by the police last time. But recently, for some unknown reason, his nephew Zhou Xingxing has never come to class since that day. .

I'm not resigning because the students don't respect me. It's just that this is a boys' school after all, and I feel it's a bit inconvenient to be a life teacher here.

It turns out that she came to resign today.

Oh, could you please tell me which school you will go to work in next?

The Smith School.

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