The police of Hong Kong comprehensive world

Chapter 82 Director Huang’s personal reward

Okay, thank you, thank you.

Li Xiuxian was hungry. They also went to bed very late last night. In order not to be late today, they didn't even have time to buy breakfast. So after hearing his words, he grabbed the breakfast from the other party and gave some to Zhou Xingxing.

Zhang Pin:......

Bajie, these two guys don't follow the rules. I'm just being polite. This is my own breakfast. You two deserve not to be promoted. You are so ignorant.

Of course, things had already happened, and he couldn't say much, so he looked at the guy who had just broken his mouth.

Hey, who are you? Didn't you see that the two new colleagues are very hungry? It's already noon. Go outside and get some food to satisfy their hunger.

Damn it, if you talk too much, the money for buying lunch boxes will not be reimbursed to you until next month, leaving you hungry at the end of the month.

As expected, that guy didn't know about Zhang Pin's chicken intestines, so he honestly ran out to buy a box lunch.

The two new members don't need too much introduction. After all, Ah B has worked in the serious crime team longer than him and was the team leader before.

Although Zhou Xingxing is new here, this guy talks nonsense to everyone, and he has already become one with the members of the crime team after just standing there for a whole morning.

After finishing his packed lunch at noon, before he had time to take a lunch break, he was informed by the girl from the administrative department that Director Huang was looking for him and asked Li Xiuxian and Zhou Xingxing to follow him.

The three people came to the employee activity center of the police station.

This place was originally intended to be an area for employees to relax and exercise, but since its establishment, its biggest role has been to hold mobilization meetings for leaders.

At this time, there were several wooden mannequins placed in the empty hall, which looked like the things used by martial arts practitioners in the past.

Hey, our police station still has something like this. Apart from me, the number one master of the Flying Tigers, is there anyone else in the police station who practices martial arts?

Zhou Xingxing is indeed very familiar with it. He went up and beat the wooden stakes loudly. Judging from his posture, he was able to hit them in a decent manner.


Not long after the three arrived, the door on the other side suddenly opened, and Director Huang walked out from the other side wearing a black hat, black sunglasses, and a long brown coat.

Wow, so handsome!

The only one who would say this is the exaggerated Zhou Xingxing.

Director Huang didn't pay attention to Zhou Xingxing's words. He probably heard too much from the flattery. He walked straight forward and stopped after knocking down a wall.

Oh, damn, these sunglasses are too dark.

Director Huang pulled down his sunglasses, touched his forehead and complained, then remembered that there were three other people here.

So he pushed his sunglasses up again and touched the wall, pretending to be thoughtful.

Well, the quality of this wall is good.

Stop pretending, Director, we all heard what you said before. This is indoors, why are you wearing sunglasses?

Not to mention that Zhou Xingxing is always unable to get promoted. He looks weird on weekdays, but at critical moments, he can't help but want to show off. His pushy personality often leads to bad things.

Just like now, when Director Huang was in trouble, Zhang Pin turned around early and pretended not to see anything. Even Li Xiuxian held back his words, but he spoke out.

Director Huang had a dark face, but luckily he put on his sunglasses again, so everyone couldn't see his embarrassed expression clearly.

Ahem, I called you here this time mainly because of what happened last night.

When they heard him talking about business, the three of them turned around and looked at him expectantly.

Well, you also know that this kind of thing cannot be stated openly. After all, it is difficult to explain to the police force and citizens, so I can only choose a private reward.

Ha, you are lucky. If I hadn't retired recently and didn't want my unique skills to be lost, how would you have had such a good opportunity?

After all, as a leader, he always talked endlessly, especially when they heard that they could not reward everyone openly, so the three of them actually lost much interest.

Zhou Xingxing and Li Xiuxian, two upright guys, have their disappointment written on their faces. After all, they are just ordinary police officers now, and they are still thinking about whether they can be promoted to a higher level.

Now looking at Director Huang's intention, it was obvious that he had no plans in this regard. As for the other party's suggestion of teaching them his unique skills, the two of them only regarded it as a joke.

The two of them could blatantly express their disappointment, but Zhang Pin could not. After all, they were ordinary police officers, already at the lowest level, and they couldn't be promoted anyway, so it didn't matter.

But Zhang Pin is the head of the serious crime team. He is young and has a bright future, so he naturally has to cooperate with his boss.

Wow, that's really our blessing. Boss, what do you want to teach us?

Zhang Pin's exaggerated tone made the two people next to him want to vomit, but Director Huang seemed very satisfied.

Deadly scissor kicks, you have heard of them.

This is my personal special skill. I remember when I was young, I would hold two watermelon knives in my hands and cut from Queen's Road East to Bowling Street, and then from Bowling Street back to Queen's Road West. I would lift the knife and drop it. The hand rises and the knife falls...

Sir, were you a young and Dangerous boy when you were young? And what does it have to do with the fact that you stabbed people with a watermelon knife and the fatal scissor legs?

Zhou Xingxing is very capable, but every time he goes on a mission, especially when he is cooperating with others, he always makes a mess. The main reason is that he is too impatient and acts weird regardless of the situation.

So, when the leader is talking about his glorious deeds, he actually finds fault. Although what you say makes sense, the leader is unhappy and will never get a promotion in his life.

Zhang Pin had some doubts about whether he had made a wrong choice in bringing Zhou Xingxing into the crime squad. He decided to kick Zhou Xingxing to the traffic squad again in a few days.

He is still confident about this. Not to mention this guy's ability to do things, his ability to get into trouble is very good, and there will always be opportunities.

Are you worried that others will think you are mute if you don't speak? Director, I think it's enough for me to pass on such a secret skill. Why don't we let the two of them go first?

The immediate boss became embarrassed, and Zhang Pin had no choice but to speak out first.

Director Huang himself was a little embarrassed, but after hearing his words, he was very satisfied.

Forget it, how can I compete with some little guys?

However, he rejected Zhang Pin's suggestion. I don't know whether it was because of his confidence in his ability or because he was really magnanimous.

Seeing the other party like this, he had more expectations. After all, Director Huang looked potbellied, but he was not a generous person. Zhou Xingxing was still allowed to stay after contradicting him like this, which showed that he really had confidence in his scissor legs.

Listen carefully, I will only teach you once. How much you can learn depends on your understanding.

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