Atie quickly closed the door.

Gu Yunjiao couldn't help but twitch her mouth, "What is this person thinking, he knocks on the wall when he eats!"

In normal times, Mrs. Chen would have gone out to scold people long ago, but she can't scold them now. It's her own business.

Gu Yunjiao thought of something and called A Tie again, "Cover your nose and go out, and shut up those who are going ahead, so that the shop won't be covered in dust for a while."

Ah Tie opened the door and closed it quickly, covering his nose and running to close the door.

In the afternoon, my aunt really came over to get medicine.

Because there are three kinds of medicine, and the way of taking medicine is complicated, Gu Yunjiao did not let Shen Qing take it back, for fear that his child would not be able to explain it clearly.

Gu Yunjiao asked Ah Tie to bring the asthma cream she had cooked up last night.

Asthma cream comes in a blue and white porcelain jar.

Gu Yunjiao explained to her aunt, "This thing, eat a tablespoon every morning when the cock crows, and drink boiled water if you can't eat it."

"Just eat this meal a day."

"During the use of this medicine, my uncle can't eat raw or cold food, can't drink alcohol, and can't eat shrimp and crab."

The aunt listened attentively and nodded again and again.

Then there are two pill packs.

Gu Yunjiao said, "Take ten pairs of this medicine first."

"Once in the morning and once in the evening, and the time of taking it is slightly staggered from the asthma cream."

Then she pointed to another jar the size of a tea tin, "Here is Zihe Chefen. After finishing the decoction, eat this every morning and evening, half a tablespoon."

"After all these medicines are taken, it will be about a month before I ask Ah Qing to bring back the new medicine."

Gu Yunjiao pointed to a piece of paper sandwiched between the medicine bag and said, "I wrote the recipe on it. If I don't remember it, show it to Ah Qing."

Gu Lian carried the medicine bag and jar, thank you so much.

Gu Yunjiao saw that she had so many things difficult to handle, so she asked Ah Tie to call a carriage to take her back.

She went on to give prescriptions to see a doctor.

There were fewer people in the store than in the first few days.

But there are still people in line.

At this time, Zhang Shun shouted to her at the counter, "Boss, Baiyao is almost sold out, I'm afraid I have to prepare some quickly."

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "Got it."

While eating dinner, Gu Yunjiao couldn't help sighing, "I'm dying of exhaustion. I see a doctor during the day and have to dispense medicine at night."

"When there was no business in the past, I just wanted the business to be good. Now that the business is good, I just want to rest."

The new guy Zhou Shaoping's eyes flashed, "Is the owner going to prepare Baiyao tonight?"

Gu Yunjiao was about to nod when Zhang Shun said again: "Master, there are not many boxes of Liuwei Dihuang Pills left, and the Babao eye drops are also selling fast, so I'm afraid I have to make some quickly."

Gu Yunjiao said weakly, "I don't have time to make Liuwei Dihuang Pills. It's very troublesome to refine just the white wax that seals the pills."

The big honey pills are sealed with wax, so that the sealing degree is high, which can effectively isolate the air, and the shelf life of the honey pills will be longer.

Lao Jiu nodded beside him. The last time he saw Gu Yunjiao refining white wax with yellow wax, the process was very complicated.

He reminded: "The white wax made last time has not been used up."

Gu Yunjiao patted her head, "Looking at my memory, I will make Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Babao Eye Drops, and Baiyao today."

After she finished speaking, she sighed again, "There are still few people, so I can't be busy."

"We have to find another pharmaceutical master."

At this time, Zhou Shaoping's eyes lit up, and then he lowered his eyes and slowly cooked the rice.

After Gu Yunjiao finished eating, Tuolin Shuo wrote a notice for her to recruit a pharmacist and posted it.

He hurriedly got into the west wing and planned to dispense medicine.

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