The room was instantly filled with amazement.

"What if you don't take medicine, I'm afraid Grandpa won't be able to hang himself with this tone."

The person who said this was hit on the head, and the children and grandchildren whispered in a low voice, "If you don't take medicine, I'm afraid Grandpa won't be able to last for a few days."

"Is this Doctor Gu okay?"

Lin Shuo stood in the corner of the room, folded his arms and listened to these people's discussions. He squinted at the kid who said whether Doctor Gu could do anything. These people always use their ignorance to speculate about Doctor Gu.

The owner of the house coughed lightly at this time, "Don't talk, listen to Doctor Gu!"

Gu Yunjiao smiled, and then continued: "Stop the medicine, and after the old man has an appetite, let the old man eat some meat every day, mainly fish and shrimp, whatever he wants to eat, you can give him what to do, just a little bit. , to control the food intake, not to eat too much, each meal should be about 70% full."

"The rest of the time, let the old man go outside and get some sunshine."

"As people get older, there will be a lack of yang energy in the body. Sun exposure can also supplement some yang energy."

"Furthermore, if your lover can move, try to let him move around every day, just walk in the yard."

"There's nothing else. In short, it's all according to the old man's mind. Let him do what he wants, and let him eat what he wants."

What people want to eat, most of the time it is the signal sent by the body to you, so you can eat as much as you want, but you can't overeat.

After speaking, the room was silent for a while.

The old man's eldest grandson asked hesitantly, "So, can grandpa live to be a hundred years old?"

Gu Yunjiao glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile, and pointed upward, "This, it depends on the will of God."

At this time, the old man on the bed opened his eyes again and muttered vaguely.

The head of the family rushed over, "Father, what did you say?"

The old man said it again with great difficulty.

The head of the house put his ear to the old man's mouth, and after listening, he got up and said incredulously: "My father said, I already said I wouldn't take medicine, but if you don't listen, it's all your fault."

Seeing that the old man was still awake at this time, Gu Yunjiao sat on the stool and said with a smile, "Don't worry, old man, as long as you don't take medicine, you will be happy every day, and you can live a year or two if you don't say it."

The old man's turbid eyes lit up, and he said very clearly, "Really?"

Gu Yunjiao nodded vigorously, "You are very lucky to be an old man, your children and grandchildren are so filial, the family is harmonious, you are old and longevity, there are very few people in the world like you."

The old man smiled with a toothless mouth.

Gu Yunjiao chatted with the old man for a few more words and came out.

The servant invited Gu Yunjiao and Lin Shuo to sit in the hall again.

The head of the Zhang family, as well as a group of grandchildren, gathered in the front hall of the old man's yard to discuss.

The head of the Zhang family said: "This doctor Gu, you have all heard that the concubine of the Prince Kang's mansion was cured, and the prefect was personally invited by the prefect."

"I mean, from today onwards, do as she says."

The eldest grandson was still hesitant, "She's just a little girl after all, and Dr. Ye didn't say that grandpa is not sick. If the medicine is stopped, what if grandpa can't get on in one breath?"

The second grandson came up with an idea, "It's better to stop the medicine first, stay with Doctor Gu for one night, and check the situation tomorrow morning."

"If grandpa's spirit is better, then continue to stop taking the medicine."

"In case the medicine is stopped, there is something going on tonight. With Doctor Gu here, it should be fine."

This is very reasonable, even the head of the house nodded.

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