However, her feelings for him were lost to Hailan.

What should she do?

Does she hate him.



But what, she didn't know.

He walked through a row of glass showcases with his arms around her, and Yu Jian coldly reminded, "Would you like to choose a good place? Everyone will watch wherever they go."

He has a gun in his hand, and two men behind him are holding cameras. If the gun is not confiscated, he must give this guy a bullet first.

She thought very hatefully, but Zhang Qing suddenly quickened her pace, half-hugging and half-dragging her through several rows of shop windows.

Her arm was strangled by him, but she didn't say a word. She just glanced at him hard, Zhang Qing smiled coldly, her hand tightened a little bit more.


"Why, why dodge there?"

Qin Fei whispered, and Yu Jian behind was pulled away, and he cursed and led the two men to follow. At this moment, Qin Fei was suddenly pushed hard by Zhang Qing and fell into the back of a shop window in front.

"Don't come out if you don't want to die!"

At the same time, his cold voice flashed across her ears. She fell to the ground. From the gap in the aisle, she only saw him sprinting sideways and rushing forward. A simple capture was more than Jian’s gun. Yu Jian When he screamed in a panic, he had knocked it over, "bang" and "bang" two shots, knocking down the two men holding the machine, bending down and pulling out the guns between the two men's waists, turning around One of them was thrown to her, and then quickly rushed out——

It was done in one go, she could not compare.

She had never seen him like this.

It was so cruel, it caused death.

He was portrayed as another person by her elder brother.

No wonder he hates her, faintly, secretly, as she likes.

"Zhang Qing, you he. Damn it really is the opposite!"

All over the sky, shouts, gunshots, and the sound of broken glass resounded throughout the wax museum. There was an open space in front of the window. The two sides exchanged fire, stray bullets hit the window, and glass fragments scattered from the air like a bunch of transparent snowflakes...

These scenes seem to have been seen somewhere, but the characters inside seem to be not her and him.

Suddenly, someone rushed over, not Zhang Qing—she shook, clenched her gun, and climbed deeper behind the window. Yu Jian also got up. Together with the man who rushed over, the two of them chased her and looked at her. She was stern and violent, she couldn't wait, her hands trembled, but she firmly pulled the trigger.

Shot after shot, the two fell, and she ran outside without hesitation.

How can he beat these people alone? She didn't want him to return her favors like this.

However, it is strange that no one has come in to look for her except for these two people. As soon as she ran out of the window group from the aisle, a stern voice came.

"Qin Fei, stay inside!"

This voice--

Her heart beat hard, she gritted her teeth, her feet fixed on the spot.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... the voice stopped suddenly, she couldn't hold back anymore and ran out.

She had expected the situation outside.

There were more than a dozen dead bodies on the ground.

Shouldn't talk about corpses. Some people were shot with blood flowing, but they were able to move slightly and never died.

Wu Yi. Fan was also on this list, and he was also lucky. He was hit by a stray bullet and fell to the ground to avoid a catastrophe. At this time, he trembled and tried to stand up.

In addition, Feng's men in the open space in front of the pavilion, including Fang Feng, and Yu Jian, who was shot in the shoulder, stood behind a soldier, holding a gun.

Are these people from Qin Ge?

In front of Fang Feng, Lin Sihan frivolously whistled at her.

It was him who had just raised the alarm.

Qin Ge led Hailan out of the staff room in the hall.

Hailan's face was red and swollen, and Qin Ge's army jacket was wrapped around her body.

Fang Feng looked at Qin Ge, with hatred and fear in his eyes, and he trembled: "Qin Ge, don't mess around, my dad won't let you go, he will come over soon."

Qin Ge chuckled softly and said, "Yes, you are indeed smart. Old man Fang asked me to meet elsewhere and led me away, but you were here secretly doing some dirty things. But since I found this place, you say I still Will you give your old man a chance to save you? Uncle Lin took someone to play with him, you and him... are all over."

Fang Feng was shocked, his body dented like a discouraged ball, and murmured: "Impossible, how could this be the result? You shouldn't know what happened here. The thing was done by L. He committed something. It’s impossible to turn back now. I have installed a mini-bomb and a monitor on him. He can’t surrender to you to commit crimes and meritorious service. Once we find out that he is strange, he will definitely die. His every move is under my control. , During the whole process, he did not have any abnormalities, how could you find out, how could it be possible to find here... impossible...

"Before the coma, I suddenly discovered that Zhang Qing may not be as simple as we imagined. At that time, I said that I always felt that someone was following us all the way. I wanted to send a message to Qin Fei to ask her to leave immediately. These were all deliberately told to Zhang Qing. Yes, I sent a message to Qin Fei, but instead of asking her to leave, I told her to be careful of Zhang Qing. This message was also sent to Qin Ge."

Hailan whispered, Fang Feng was shocked again, watching Qin Ge's eyes grow deeper and deeper, "You have followed Zhang Qing long ago and have been hiding outside waiting for the opportunity."

Qin Ge was noncommittal, and the corner of his eyes flicked from the corner of Hailan's mouth, stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped Fang Feng.

Fang Feng screamed. When he saw Qin Ge's next move, he screamed and knelt down, "You are public revenge. You have no right to execute me. You can't do this. It’s illegal to do this...Don’t, don’t kill me, I beg you, please..."

"You are armed and resist arrest. You deserve to be killed, don't you?"

Qin Ge looked down at the gun that had just been pulled out from his waist, and smiled faintly, Rumo's eyes were cruel, Hailan was startled, and just called out "Qin Ge" with two loud sounds, and the bullets were separated. Shot Zhong Fang Feng's shoulder and leg.

Fang Feng screamed sharply, fell to the ground and rolled around.

"I won't kill you, the justice will give you a fair judgment, but I said, Qiaohailan you can't touch it, why did you forget?"

After listening to Qin Ge's words, he was only slightly relieved, but seeing the chill in his eyes still, his body still couldn't help shaking like a sieve.

Someone is only more surprised than him.

The words of begging for mercy have not been spoken, and there is already a pain in the shoulder.

It was Wu Yifan who was shot while lying down this time.

Hailan understood that Qin Ge was indeed avenging her personal revenge, because both of them had bullied her.

Faced with this cruelty and maintenance, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart. There was sweetness, and there was more trembling.

This man, from the moment she made a promise in the hospital, was destined to entangle with him in the future, cast aside Lin Siwei's hostility, Lin Yu's moral rebuke, and the shadow of Fu Shuyao.

But, would someone like him love him forever? She was a little surprised at his coldness, and she suddenly began to fear losing her future.

When he abandons her, he will be so cruel and resolute.

Qin Ge seemed to see her thoughts a little bit, raised her eyebrows slightly, smearing gloomy eyes in her eyes.

Hailan pretended not to see it, and looked around, looking for someone who hadn't seen her since she came out.

Similarly, Qin Fei is also looking for this person.

"Shit," Lin Sihan suddenly thought of something, and called out, "Don't let this kid run away."

Qin Ge's eyes deepened, and Lin Sihan waved his hand and waited for the leader to search.

At this moment, a faint laughter came from behind the shop window, in the other side of the aisle where Qin Fei had been hiding.

"I'm here, Lin Shao doesn't have to worry, I won't run away, nor can I escape, but, unfortunately, the only thing you can bring back is a corpse."

With laughter, Zhang Qing's figure appeared from behind the shop window little by little.

Her hair was very messy, her hand was covering her right chest, and the bright red liquid dripped down to the ground along the gap.

The white shirt made the big bright red look particularly dazzling.

He turned and walked a few steps, then slowly stopped, and squinted at Lin Sihan, "Sorry, I can't walk anymore."

As far as he can see, he has at least three injuries on his body, his shoulders, chest, legs, his hair is messy, he sweats like beads, his claws are on his forehead, and his lips are blue and white.

He bends slightly, his eyes rickety but he is standing still very embarrassed, he smiles, throws the gun in his hand to the ground, takes off the wrist watch, and throws them down together.

Obviously this person is not a good person. But for a moment, Hailan felt heartbroken, without a trace of joy.

She slowly looked at Qin Fei, who stood beside Lin Sihan blankly, staring at Zhang Qing in a daze.

My mind has long been blank.

Didn't this man still hate and disdain her until now?

In his mind, she was just a young lady who ruined half of his life.

She was shocked to see Lin Sihan also slightly shocked, looking at Qin Ge, Qin Ge slowly shook his head.

She understood that Zhang Qing saw that it was impossible, even if he survived, Qin Ge would definitely bring him to justice.

Their story starts like that, does it end like this.


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