Xie Pinggang also felt aggrieved. If this is his own younger brother who slaps him over, how can he dare to do things?

Facing Xie Qiao, he felt softer, gritted his teeth and nodded: "I don't have any money. You have enough money. I will take care of those children in the future. I will raise them as sons. Isn't it all right?"

"Yes, thank you sir." Xie Qiao nodded convergently.

His eldest brother is fierce and has a reputation for bluffing, and he will often associate with those children in the future. There will be no more bullying children who have no parents or relatives. It would be even better if he teaches a little bit of guardianship.

Of course, the reason why he came to Xie Pinggang was because his eldest brother's fate was not very good.

It's too hard. If you can raise a few children, it will be good for him.

That Gu Chen's life can be changed, but it has to be consumed slowly.

In addition, people are getting older, less irritable, less impulsive, and less angry, and their tempers slowly recede, and their fate will naturally become softer.

She looked plain, and Xie Pinggang sighed: "If your body is not well raised, are you worthy of those gold? How can raising other people's children compare to your own? I'm still going to hold my nephew, you..."

Halfway through Xie Pinggang's urge, he felt the prince's gaze, and immediately changed his words, "You let my girl work harder..."

"..." Xie Qiao gave him a silent look.

Fortunately he can hold it, if she really misses her mouth, she will remove all the yellow charms and kill him!

The time to speak came to the water jail where the man in black was imprisoned.

The place is... dark and humid, there are a lot of snakes, insects, rats and ants, and it makes people get goose bumps just by looking at it.

Xie Qiao did not have time to sympathize with dead men. In these dynasties, the class was strict, and some people bought their lives and others sold their lives. She was a Taoist priest, and she was powerless.

Moreover, these people? But they almost killed her and the prince.

"How? Can you see anything?" Xie Pinggang asked concerned.

Zhao Xuanjing also stood on the side? Two large human-shaped pillars gave Xie Qiao a lot of peace of mind. He was less afraid of the ghost floating in front of him.

The ghost of Sixing Temple? More terrifying than anywhere else.

The appearance and resentment are scary.

"I can see it, that is... there are many souls, I have to distinguish it." Xie Qiao motioned to them to wait.

The souls here are quite manic.

It's not hard to find? There is indeed a ghost, very different from the others, a man about forty years old? His face was pale, his eyes were dumb, and he followed one of the men in black.

Xie Qiao pointed at him? Let Xie Pinggang carry the person up.

This black-clothed man has been abused and is a little out of breath? Almost like a dead person, Xie Qiao is also frightened to see.

No wonder people outside here feel terrible when they hear the name of Sixing Temple...

Entering here, I am afraid that there is no good skin on his body? However, the Si Xing Temple generally does not care about ordinary cases? Most of the people who have been severely sentenced have already been convicted? They are not pitiful.

In this prison? Xie Qiao almost couldn't breathe.

At most, the prince and Xie Pinggang felt that the smell was a little unpleasant here? She was different? In front of her, there were those filthy fouls and evil spirits, as if they could enter their body with a breath.

The officials and jailers here are protected by the righteousness of the officials. If they smell too much, they are fine, but the prisoners are different. The longer they stay in the place, the worse their spirits will be. Even without punishment, they are here. After staying for ten days and eight months, I am afraid that my body will not recover after a few years.

Zhao Xuanjing asked people to prepare a clean cell.

There is no one dead in it, and there is sunshine, which makes people more comfortable.

It was the man in black. After he came to this cell, his breath seemed to have eased a little, and he looked less miserable.

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