The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 131 130 Going Home

"Laws of the Ming Dynasty": "For private loans of money and debts and pawned properties, the monthly profit cannot exceed three-thirds. Although there are many years and months, it is only one profit per dollar. Violators will be flogged forty times, and the remaining profits will be used to calculate the stolen goods. For serious cases, If you are guilty of taking stolen goods, you will receive a hundred rods."

According to this law of the Ming Dynasty, the government allowed private borrowing, but only stipulated the interest rate, that is, the monthly interest could not exceed three cents. In current terms, the borrowing interest rate allowed by the government was 3% monthly interest, and the annual interest rate was 3%. That's 36%.

There is also a supplementary rule, that is, no matter how long the loan occurs, it cannot exceed one interest per capital, that is, the interest cannot exceed the principal.

This supplementary clause is actually a protection for borrowers who cannot pay back the money after borrowing money.

But regulations are dead and people are alive.

For people who specialize in money lending business, the IOU period will naturally not exceed three years. Most of them sign the IOU on a monthly basis. When it expires, they have to sign a new IOU. How can they really follow the rule of "one profit for one dollar"? Doing business.

Wei Guangde naturally knew this when he was reading. In fact, he was still amazed when he read this paragraph. Many private loans in later generations were mostly one jiao. The monthly interest of two jiao was equivalent to forty lashes in the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that the interest is compounded. In later generations, most of the loans were refinanced at maturity, and the interest that could not be repaid was rolled into the principal. There is a saying in the private sector about water money, well, that is a hundred boards.

Forty lashes will already tear the skin and flesh, and if there are still a hundred boards, the person will basically be gone.

These are all in writing, or officially implemented in this way, but Wei Guangde still knows that a monthly interest rate of five points for private loans is considered fair, because no one will borrow money at a three-cent interest rate.

At this time, Wei Guangde became a little interested in Zhang Hongfu's suggestion of not doing any business and just putting the money out.

"Is there a mortgage?"

Wei Guangde was moved, so naturally he wanted to ask clearly.

"Of course there is. Who dares to borrow without mortgage? The best thing about houses and shops is fields. If you can't pay back, just use things to pay off the debt."

Zhang Hongfu chuckled and said, "If you are interested, I will go back and ask my second uncle to see what he says. After all, there is not always someone who needs money."

Wei Guangde nodded slightly.

When Wei Guangde returned home, his mind was mostly settled.

After getting the silver from my father, I put out five thousand taels, and the interest for the year was also three thousand taels.

In fact, at this time, Wei Guangde was most worried about not being able to borrow money.

On the way home, Zhang Hongfu also talked to him about the current situation of private lending. It was mostly farmers who borrowed more.

Every year during the period from summer taxes to autumn harvest, farmers often have no money or food. At this time, they can only borrow money, hoping to alleviate the shortage during this period.

Businessmen are not always sure when they borrow money. They usually encounter big opportunities and big businesses, but they don’t have enough capital.

In a word, Wei Guangde should not be in a hurry to release money. He also has to wait for the right time.

When I got home, my dad was already back.

Tonight, Father Wei was not as drunk as yesterday. He was sober now and sitting in the main room drinking tea.

When Wei Guangde entered the door, he saw his father cheerful and couldn't help but ask: "Dad, have you got the appointment document?"

"I got it. Your brother also wants to take over the Hundred Household Office. It's not easy. I thought I would stay there for the rest of my life."

Father Wei was in a good mood, and the wrinkles he had seen last night had relaxed at this time.

Well, people feel good when happy events happen, maybe that’s what Dad is talking about now.

"Then you and your uncle will move to Jiujiang City, and your eldest brother and cousin will continue to stay in Pengze?"

Wei Guangde walked to the bottom position, sat down and said.

"Guangde, you are not destined to be a military attache, so you don't realize the importance of that position."

Father Wei did not directly answer Wei Guangde's words, but said seemingly casually, "Next year, we will organize your cousin and your brother's wedding. Your brother was supposed to do it this year, but it was delayed.

You go to the street to buy some gifts and bring them with you in the next two days, and we will go back in two days. "

"Going back this year?"

Wei Guangde asked.


Father Wei answered simply, "I won't take office until next year, why are I staying in Jiujiang City now?"

A few days later, three large ships docked at the Jiujiang City pier, and two hundred-household teams from the Right Army's Qianhu Station were boarding the ships in an orderly manner.

The reason why I stayed in Jiujiang City for a few days was actually because I was waiting for the reward money to come down, and the casualties were the burning and burial of the money.

This time, more than a hundred people went out from the Bengshan Hundred Households, and three of them died, all during the later attack on Dinghai County. More than ten were injured, and they were completely disabled. They had to recruit new people from the family to take over. .

Fortunately, because Father Wei treats his people fairly well, and there are still mature men in every family who can fill the gap.

At this time, the imperial court did not give a higher reward because the Japanese invasion had not broken out. Therefore, although they killed a lot of Japanese pirates, the reward money they received was allocated according to the rules. It was not much, but Wei Guangde did not Don't know this.

"That's right. A total of about ten people died and more than twenty were injured."

Knowing that the money he received this time, Wei Guangde curled his lips and thought it was a bit too little. His uncle Wu Zhankui said to him with a smile.

"It is also customary to give three taels of silver to the dead. If you are happy with the money, we will pay it back."

Because Jiujiang Wei had a little trouble with the adults in Nanjing City this time, the reward money was paid out relatively quickly, although it had to be withheld as usual.

"Those who have gone will receive ten taels of silver per person. We will make up for the shortfall."

Wu Zhankui shook his head. The little money given by the court was gone after two deductions.

Thinking about how they would be able to take care of people in the future if they were given too little money.

"Okay, ten taels of silver for each person alive, and an additional three taels of silver for the dead."

Father Wei also nodded in agreement.

After all the soldiers got on board, the big ship set sail. Because it was going downstream, it could reach the Pengze County Pier in half a day.

When the fleet arrived in Pengze County, there were already many people waiting at the dock.

When the fleet returned a few days ago, all the family members of the guard station already knew that those who had gone out had returned, and it was only then that the names of the disabled and dead soldiers were made public.

Those whose family members were alive were naturally overjoyed, while those whose family members were gone were crying and scrambling. There were also many people watching the excitement, blocking the dock with water.

When Wei Guangde got off the boat with his uncle and father, he saw his eldest brother at a glance. He was following behind his cousin, but the first people to greet him were Tang County Zun and Liu Cheng, Deputy Qianhu. Wu Dong could only follow them, although In Qianhu Office, Wu Dong is the talker.

After the greetings, everyone was about to go to Qianhu, but on both sides of the road where the soldiers and government officials forcibly separated, the family members of a dozen families whose relatives had died in the battle were holding a black jar and howling on the roadside. Wei Guangde was beside his eldest brother, watching with his own eyes. Arriving at the families of the three people in Bengshan Fort.

Although he had been away from Bengshan Fort for almost a year, Wei Guangde still recognized those people. Among them was a young woman who was crying with her one-year-old child in her arms.

Wei Guangde knew her. He was Cai Da's daughter-in-law who had just married the year before last. She gave birth to a baby girl at the end of last year.

Seeing their pitiful appearance, Wei Guangde not only thought of an imperial edict he had read.

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