The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 680: Battle of the Mightiest

Kakine Teito was floating above the sea with six pure white wings.

He is like the angel or **** in the mythology, centering on himself and radiating a large amount of pure white light to the surroundings.

These "lights" are the product of his ability - "Weiyuan Matter". If they follow the physical laws of the real world, maybe they can't be called "lights", right?

In terms of specific performance, these whites are more like some kind of paint, dyeing the sky, the sea, and everything around them into the same color.

"Accelerator, welcome to my world." Condescending, Kakine Teitoku bowed slightly, with a smug smile on his lips.

The pure white color quickly invaded Accelerator, but the moment it touched his skin, it deflected away, just like flowing water meeting a rock, it naturally bypassed it.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Kakine Teitoku's face was a little stiff, but he quickly calmed down and continued to concentrate on expanding his field.

Originally, he didn't expect to defeat Accelerator so easily, but Accelerator's relaxed and natural attitude still made him a little shaken.

The pure white world expanded rapidly, and soon covered the entire core area of ​​the "Great Vortex", forming an incomparably huge white light egg.

This is what the observers in the distance saw.

The "pure white domain" was successfully formed, and Kakine Teitoku breathed a sigh of relief—as long as he was in this domain, he was the invincible master.

"Today is the day when the rankings are re-determined!"

"Ah, are you ready?" Accelerator plucked his ears with his little finger, as if he had just recovered.

Kakine Teito snorted coldly: "Accelerator, your arrogance is the biggest reason for your failure... You shouldn't have let me expand my domain."

"So are you sure you're ready?" Accelerator glanced at the scene around him, "If it's not enough, I can wait a little longer."

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"You bastard..." Kakine Teito snapped his fingers, and the white mass around him distorted and deformed, turning into a huge beetle, and fired shells from its horns.

The thick white beam of light almost engulfed Accelerator.

"Since that's the case," Accelerator's voice came from the beam of light, "can I consider you to be ready?"


Strange sound effects sounded, the white light beam disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the huge beetle was also wiped out by Honkai.

"As expected of you, have you already deciphered the new vector?" Kakine Teitoku was not surprised by this.

Any form of attack, as long as it fails to kill Accelerator immediately, it is almost only a matter of time before he uses the "vector operation" to bounce back.

The beam of light and beetle just now annihilated and disappeared with the reflected attack.

It is because of this that Accelerator is so powerful.

"That's why it's worth being defeated by me!"

Kakine Teitoku laughed wildly.

His ability "Wei Yuan Matter" can create matter that does not exist in the real world. This ability itself is equivalent to another universe different from the real world.

Even the most basic laws of physics can all be set by Kakine Teito himself.

Therefore, he was able to redefine the "vector", create a brand new "vector", and then seal the ability of Accelerator.

Of course, Accelerator can also decipher the new "vector" and bring it into its own control.

It is not difficult to imagine that the battle between the two will eventually become a duel of brain power. Victory will be determined by their mastery of their abilities, brain calculations and imagination.

But in the "Pure White Domain", Kakine Teito can obtain the full blessing of the entire domain, and the domain itself has the function of creating new "vectors" by itself.

It is equivalent to confronting Accelerator with one world.

Therefore, Kakine Teitoku now has an overall advantage and is already invincible.

Countless beams of light shot from all directions to one side.

After a few seconds of focusing, the beam goes out.

Accelerator is still standing.

Then Kakine Teito launched another attack.

A hand stretched out from the beam of light, as if waving away the obstructing smoke around him, and waved it left and right twice.

The beam attack then disappeared.

Accelerator took a step forward.

"This is your field?" He asked, "Learned from the puppet master and puppets?"

Kakine Teitoku suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"So, you want to rely on this kind of thing to defeat me?" Yifang Accelerator sneered, "Stop dreaming, this kind of imitation..."

Kakine Teitoku was enraged by his attitude and words: "See how long you can keep your mouth shut, I will definitely kill you today, this domain is your graveyard!"

"Hahaha!" Fang Accelerator laughed wildly as if he had heard the funniest joke, "Why do you think my uncle waited for you to finish all the preparations just now?"

Suddenly, he stopped laughing: "I want to kill you when you show your 100% strength!"

"Ha, ranking...the board of uncle is fed up with you boring clowns."

Accelerator looked at the opponent in front of him: "I don't care about the ranking, because the strongest is the strongest. Come on, come and feel the despair!"

As he spoke, Accelerator stomped his feet lightly.

The sea water under his feet suddenly "freezes".

It wasn't frozen, the sea water was still in liquid state, but for a moment, it maintained the attitude of the previous waves, frozen.

It's not just under the feet of Accelerator, the scope of "freezing" is expanding rapidly.

The vast sea area centered on the "Great Whirlpool", as if the pause button was pressed, the sea water freezes. Even the surrounding ships seemed to be embedded in the sea, and there was a momentary pause.

On the cruise ship Mugino Shenli immediately jumped up from the deck chair, threw off his sunglasses, and rushed to the railing to look at the sea.

Misaka Mikoto had the same reaction as her.

The two who are both level 5 quickly made the same judgment.

"The vector of the sea water... has been pumped away!"

The two of them looked into the distance again—as far as the eye could see, it was the same scene!

Misaka Mikoto and Mugino Shirley looked at each other in blank dismay, and because of surprise, they forgot the conflict between them for a while.

Only they who are level 5 can immediately understand how terrifying the scene before them is.

It's not just the ocean... They even suspect that Accelerator may have directly used the energy of the earth!

"Oh, domain?" Accelerator raised his hand, and a terrifying power that made people feel dreadful was about to come out.

"Even if it's in this world, it's easy to get by with me!"

The huge "vector" that captured the entire ocean, and even the movement of the earth's crust, condensed into a bunch in Accelerator's hands.

Then, in some unimaginable form, it is unleashed.


Using the simplest and crudest form, the domain carefully constructed by Kakine Teito was completely torn apart.

The surrounding environment returned to normal color, and the sea water under the feet also returned to rough.

Kakine Teitoku fell from the sky into the sea.

"That's all." Yifang Accelerator sneered, "But with your aptitude, it's not bad."

After that, he turned around: "It's really's not as interesting as fighting Ling Xingye."

Suddenly, a pure white light shot through Accelerator's chest.

A large white fish jumped out of the sea, and Kakine Teitoku returned to the surface of the sea stepping on the big fish.

"It's not over yet, you don't think you've won, do you, Accelerator?"

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