The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 689: Changing situation

Saturday, November 6th.

Today was supposed to be a weekend break, but it was also a longer time for club activities in Shangji Academy, so the campus was still very lively, with students coming and going, running around and being active.

Ling Xingye didn't join any clubs, his spare time used to be completely occupied by endless fights and street performances, or used to prepare for fights and performances.

But today, he had to come to school early, and he has been busy since the morning, almost non-stop.

"...This is our school's library, which has a collection of 100,000 books, and even larger digital materials. To put it bluntly, this is the most comprehensive and largest library in Academy City." Ling Xingye introduced with a little pride, "Sorry, the upstairs is not open to the public, please move to the multimedia classroom..."

Ling Xingye is leading outsiders to visit the campus.

It is worth mentioning that, including the three leading teachers, the visiting group of more than 20 people is almost all foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, and they are not good at Japanese, so they rely on simultaneous translators to ensure communication.

They are teachers and students from European universities.

Affected by the previous "Crusade" and "Angel Calling" incidents, Europe seems to have formed an alliance with Academy City, and they are stepping up communication with each other recently.

Because it is "Academy City" after all, one of the most important items is the planning of "exchange students" and "international students".

A few days ago, a delegation of teachers and students from the outside world suddenly appeared in Academy City to conduct inspections or study abroad for a short period of time to prepare for the next large-scale cooperation.

As one of the top five prestigious schools in Academy City, and also the No. 1 and best comprehensive school, it is natural to set an example and become the first name card of Academy City.

Many important delegations directly called for a visit to Changdian Shangji Academy.

At this moment, there are four more "visiting groups" of similar size in Changdian Shangji Academy.

The entire student union has been fully mobilized, and all members have devoted themselves to the front-line hospitality work, keeping their feet on the ground.

Even Lily Mezzas and Hitomi Shiranui, who are not from the student union but have extraordinary influence, were pulled over to help.

As for Ling Xingye, he is now a member of the student union, and he is also the vice president... Of course, the actual power is entirely the president.

On this Tuesday, the first day back to school, Ling Xingye was immediately called over by the teacher, and then had a meeting with the principal and all the school managers.

Up to now, Ling Xingye's secret "leader" identity has become an open secret - with the number and coverage of the group of armed incompetents, such things cannot be concealed even if they want to.

More importantly, the "leader" Ling Xingye is recognized by the chairman of Aleister. He can almost be regarded as half of the director, and he can be regarded as a real urban high-level.

This status made the school have to pay more attention to it.

Therefore, even if Ling Xingye himself wanted to keep a low profile and continue to maintain his superficial identity as an "ordinary student in Class 3, Grade 1", it would be impossible in terms of actual manipulation.

And it is impossible for the school to treat Ling Xingye as an ordinary student anymore—he is not the kind of Accelerator, he just hangs up a student status, and other students who have almost nothing to do with the school; Attendance rate, "good student" with excellent grades!

As a last resort, the school, after careful consideration, asked Ling Xingye to join the student union, in line with his current status and influence as much as possible.

If it weren't for Ling Xingye's rejection in every possible way, he might have become the president of the Airborne Guild directly.

In the end, Ling Xingye had no choice but to accept the position of vice president.

I thought I was just hanging a name in the student union, acting as a mascot or a strategic deterrent, but I didn't expect a new job to come soon!

For the next four days, there were several waves of exchange students or study groups visiting the campus every day.

So Ling Xingye, who had just taken office, had to lead a team with the president to take charge of the reception.

After going through the same process several times, Ling Xingye was already familiar with it, and he was able to lead this group of foreigners around the campus with ease.

Until the school bell rang at 3:30 in the afternoon, the guests were finally sent away, and they met Hitomi Shiranui at the school gate.

"I'm so tired. I'd rather go to fight the automatic puppet for 300 rounds than do this kind of work again." Ling Xingye complained, "Speaking of which, the past few days are really calm, and there are no major cases on the law enforcement team..."

"Be patient a little longer," Hitomi Shiranui said, "You can rest tomorrow, and the principal said that there won't be so many people coming to visit in the future. Those who can't refuse have been entertained these days."

"Ah, this is the only good news I've heard these days." Ling Xingye waved his hand, and then asked, "Hitomi, do you have any plans after school?"

"Huh? I made an appointment to go shopping with Yuko and the others... If Xingye has something to do, I can refuse them." Saying that, Shiranui Hitomi took out her mobile phone.

"No, no, no!" Ling Xingye said quickly, "It's better to say that it's just right, I also want to resume the street performance that has been suspended for a long time."

Hitomi Shiranui calculated the time in her mind: "Okay, I will rush there as soon as possible, let's go to dinner together after the end."

So, after school, the two said goodbye temporarily, and Ling Xingye came to the streets of the fifth school district with his travel bag, and began the long-lost performance.

Due to the large number of foreigners recently, the streets in the evening seem to be more lively, and there seem to be a lot more people who are attracted to watch the performance.

Unfortunately, due to the natural limitations of venues and street performances, the number of spectators who can really see the performances is limited.

"But that's not the reason why you can't make money, right?" After the performance, Ling Xingye stared at the empty money box, dumbfounded. "It's obvious that the popularity hasn't decreased, and the feedback from the audience is also very good, so why is there no income?"

"Well, it's not incomprehensible." A familiar voice suddenly came from beside him.

Turning his head to look, it was Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

"Could it be that prices have started to rise so people have no money?"

"Because you are the 'leader' now, it must be rude to treat you like a street performer...I'm afraid everyone thinks so." Saying that, Tsuchimikado Motoharu put a five thousand yen ticket in the money box, "Even if you want to give a reward, if the amount is too small, it may be considered as looking down on you. So just..."

Ling Xingye was silent for a moment, and said: "No, I think people have become impetuous."


"The atmosphere has changed. Now people are afraid that they are not in the mood to really enjoy life, let alone spend money on unnecessary things."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu nodded: "Indeed... I hope this kind of day will pass soon."

Ling Xingye suddenly said: "For my performance and the audience, the current situation must be reversed!"

"That's it..." Tsuchimikado Motoharu was stunned, "How should I put it? I admire you very much... Well, I wish you success."

Ling Xingye packed up the performance props and asked, "Then, what's the matter? Haven't you been recalled by Puritanism?"

During Ling Xingye's coma, Kanzaki Kaori and the Amakusa style left Academy City and returned to England.

Even Kamijou Touma changed his luck suddenly, won the grand prize of a ten-day trip to the UK, and took Index to travel.

Ling Xingye thought she was the only one left on the seventh floor of the apartment.

"That's what I said, but the necessary communication cannot be interrupted." Tsuchimikado Motoharu shrugged, "Especially in this situation."

"Still working? From double agent to liaison?"

"I should be called a diplomat or ambassador." Tsuchimikado Motoharu said with a smile, "But I'm not a 'double' spy, and you are too—I'm also a member of the group of armed incompetents, 'chief'."

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