The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 781: August

It is no accident that Taobao can become the first.

The other party's reaction mechanism was quick, and Taobao took countermeasures before public opinion reached its peak.

On July 28, Taobao introduced a new anti-counterfeiting policy.

The announcement was released in the morning, and Taobao unilaterally closed dozens of stores in the afternoon, and public opinion was reversed for a while.

Many people clap their hands and say that Taobao is very popular.

Provincial Party Committee.

Li Dong moved back again, and he was really tired and choking these days.

Originally he wanted to take a few days off, but because there is no such independent decision-making manager on the mall side, there was a slight change, and the people in the mall came back again.

Lying on the lounge chair in the small courtyard, Li Dong was helpless.

Seeing Liu Hong's guilty conscience and Shen Qian's helpless attitude, Li Dong couldn't help but say, "Can you find me anything else? Yuan Chengdao, doesn't that guy care about the mall?"

"And you, Shen Qian, can't take any responsibility. You haven't resigned yet, can you help me deal with the problem."

Li Dong said this, Shen Qian was nothing but Liu Hong's heart jumped.


President Shen is leaving?

Shen Qian didn't care about Liu Hong either. Hearing Li Dong complained, Shen Qian also complained: "I want to control, the key is that everyone is not worried about me, what can I do. Now everyone treats you as a straw, my The president is suffocating. "

Li Dong Wenyan glanced at Liu Hong, and Liu Hong quickly screamed, "Mr. Li, don't look at me. We don't doubt Mr. Shen. The key is that Mr. Shen said that she can't compare with you. . "

Shen Qian coughed and said: "Anyway, you are idle or idle, just think about it. Now Taobao makes rectifications and we continue to attack, with little success.

On the other hand, they continue to cut prices, can we keep up?

Following that, our losses will be greater, but not to follow, how to deal with three times the compensation? "

"No more, I've read their prices, and we won't be able to support them anymore."

"What about the previous promise?"

Li Dong said lazily: "What else can I do, I will do it all. Go to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to report their unfair competition and disrupt the order of the e-commerce market. Don't look for anyone this time, we will report it in real name.

Things are going wrong, and the above will naturally be solved.

It is about to enter August, and the promotional activities have hit the present level, and many platforms can't eat it. At this time, we will come forward and everyone will not resist.

The next biggest possibility is the end of the price war, and on August 1st, our full platform promotion will begin.

The price advantage has been smoothed out. If we promote it properly, we will still have the advantage.

In this way, I can also lose a little, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce came forward to stop it. This is an unexpected factor. We restored the price, and consumers have nothing to complain about.

What's more, it has been more than ten days of promotion, and now everyone's consumption is not high. At this time, the time is just right. "

After listening to Li Dong's words, Shen Qian frowned: "Isn't it a complete tear with Taobao's face when reporting real names?"

Li Dong didn't care: "Isn't it before? We have always been thinking about the position of others. We were originally opponents, what we were afraid of. Real names and real names are all meanings, and real names will also pay more attention to them.

Yuanfang Mall is currently the second largest e-commerce platform in China, and Yuanyuan Group is also a top ranked private enterprise.

Reported from afar, SAIC will certainly accept it soon.

And now that the price war is over, many people can't eat it anymore, and others won't object too much. They are willing to bear this black pot from afar, they can't wait to do so.

Since Li Dong said so, Liu Hong nodded and said, "Then I will arrange it immediately."

"Take care of this matter as soon as possible, and it must be online before the number 1. I will not invest again in the mall here, but for this event I have made the blood.

By the way, as of today, how much has the mall sold? "

Today is July 29th, the promotion has been carried out for 11 days.

After the early outbreak, the data should gradually ease over the past few days.

Liu Hong did not answer Li Dong's expectations, "2.5 billion!"

In the first five days, the mall's sales amounted to nearly 1.5 billion, and the data behind it really fell, and it is only 2.5 billion in sales.

Of course, it is a miracle to be able to do this in ten days.

There will be a publicity in the distance behind, plus more than half of the promotion month, it should be almost 5 billion by the end.

I said tens of billions before, that's just bragging, and it's unlikely to achieve tens of billions in a month. The fact that half can be achieved is beyond the expectations of many people.

"5 billion ..." Li Dong calculated it secretly. If he can reach 5 billion, he should not have lost too much.

The main reason is its own operating costs, and there is no subsidy for other areas.

After thinking about it, Li Dong asked again: "How much does our self-operated system sell, how much does other brands sell?"

"Because our own activities are more, the total sales are between 1.6 billion. The sales of other brands are about 900 million."

"That is to say, they will be able to sell 2 billion yuan in a month." Li Dong and Lao Ma also thought of it at this time, if the charges were good.

According to the charging standard of Tmall in the previous life, it is generally maintained at about 3% of sales.

In addition to other expenses, he can charge nearly 100 million yuan in this wave alone, and like now, he can't get a penny.

However, this is also impossible. Far away has just begun to introduce foreign brands. If they don't see the results and say that they will charge, others will not be happy.

Now that I have seen the results, everyone probably won't be too willing because the activity didn't make money.

Only when they really see profits and see the vast potential of the e-commerce market, these talents will be willing to be exploited by the platform.

Without thinking about it any more, Li Dong continued: "How much is Taobao?"

"They ... are slightly higher than us, maybe 2.8 billion."

Liu Hong said that this is a little uncomfortable. After all, this time, the distant place has tried so hard, and he hasn't been able to fight each other. He is afraid Li Dong will blame him.

Li Dong didn't blame him, he casually said: "A little more, a little more, I hope to catch up and come back later. Without the price advantage, I don't believe in Chao, but you go back and deal with it. I haven't had a big deal recently, don't call me You can do it yourself. "

"Then I will go first."

Liu Hong got up and greeted Li Dong and Shen Qian, and then hurried away.

When he left, Li Dong yawned and said, "This time I put too much energy into the mall, which delays a lot of business. Next I don't care about the mall, you can do it yourself.

Anyway, all you have to do now is to consolidate the foundation. By the way, do you really want to go to Fengcheng to investigate the location of the data center? "

"Of course, the schedule is set." Shen Qian asked, "When will Qin Yuhan leave?"

"The summer vacation is over."

"Then I will investigate and come back in September."

Li Dong was helpless, but did not persuade him to take a vacation for a month.

These days, Shen Qian was also tired and relaxed.

After talking about the mall, Shen Qian said: "Recently, banks seem to be tightening their money. On the 20th, the deposit interest rate and loan interest rate were raised. Two days after the news came out, the deposit reserve rate will soon be raised. Is the housing market restricted? "

Listening to Shen Qian talking about this, Li Dong squinted and smiled: "It is best to suppress the real estate market, anyway, we have no land now. But it is not obvious now, although the interest rate has been raised, but because of the impact of the stock market, the real estate boom will not Fades easily.

I'm just waiting for the government to make some big moves to make Xu Shengzhe's guy proud.

In addition, I heard that the scheme of Xinqiao Airport is about to pass. Why hasn't it come down yet? "

Shen Qian casually said: "The plan is a foregone conclusion, but some things still have to go through the process. The documents will only be officially released around September, why, do you want to sell the land in the western city?"

The piece of land in the Xicheng District is now a housekeeping treasure of Dongyu Real Estate, and it is also the foundation of the Far East Group.

8000 acres of land, even if one acre sells 500,000, that is 4 billion in revenue.

If it were n’t for this land, it would n’t dare to expand so wildly in the distance. Beijing and Tianjin were not over yet, and the expansion in Henan, Shandong, and Shanghai was started immediately.

Li Dong Wenyan smiled and said: "It is not ready to sell land, ready to change a few pieces of land to play, of course, it is better to get some cash."

"Are you really going to continue to do real estate?"

Sometimes Shen Qian did n’t know what Li Dong meant. He obviously sold a lot of land and now he wants to continue to do real estate. Is n’t this a waste of time.

"Besides, how about Opper ’s affairs?"

"Chen Yongping only agreed to transfer 15 shares, and the asking price is not low, 200 million, I directly refused."

Li Dong heard some annoyed Olympics: "Why did you refuse?"

Shen Qian frowned: "Although I don't know why you had to buy Opal, but you shouldn't be too obvious. Opper's valuation is not high now, 200 million to buy their 30 shares is enough, now the premium is doubled, we agree It ’s silly!

Once we agreed to this plan, they were suspicious and even cancelled the transaction.

Let them dry first and then say, don't worry about this matter. This time I went out to investigate. If I have enough time, I will go to Guancheng in person.

I don't believe that they can't win them. It's definitely enough to get 30 million in the equity of 200 million yuan. Don't take the money wrong. "

Although Li Dong wanted to win Opper, he also knew what Shen Qian said was justified, and nodded: "That line, this matter is up to you. But if it is a last resort ..."

"I will do it."

Shen Qian said so, Li Dong nodded.

It was August in a flash.

Starting from August 1st, Yuanfang Supermarket stores have opened one after another.

The expansion of stores in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Gan and Lu provinces started last year, and half of this year has passed, and most of the stores have been put into operation.

As of August 5th, the total number of stores in Yuanfang Supermarket reached a huge number of 300!

As the stores were put into operation, distant places have successively achieved bumper harvests.

On August 8, Yuanfang was awarded the title of "Key Contact Enterprise of the State Economic and Trade Commission" by the Economic and Trade Commission.

On the 9th, the China Quality Inspection Association issued two plaques for the distance: "National Quality and Service Integrity Demonstration Enterprise" and "National Industry Quality Demonstration Enterprise".

On the 10th, the Jiangbei Provincial Government rated Yuanyuan as a “Law-abiding Large Taxpayer” enterprise.

A series of honors came one after another.

Li Dong knew that all this was because he had opened up the East China regional market.

In the past, distant places only had influence in Jiangbei and southern Jiangsu, and this time the markets of the three provinces were opened, and distant places completely entered the ranks of top retail giants.

At this time, these honors naturally fall into the distance.

Throughout August, national-level departments continued to visit distant places. Although they were all clear water government offices, some important figures did not come, but they also greatly increased the reputation and honor of the distant places.

On the other side of Jiangbei Provincial Government, Qin Hanyuan personally inspected from afar.

This is the first time in several years. Since the establishment of Yuanfang Group, only Du Anmin has been the leader of the provincial party committee. In fact, this is a bit abnormal in itself.

But now that everything has changed, Du Anmin is about to leave soon, and Qin Hanyuan succeeds and has settled down.

At this time, Qin Hanyuan certainly had to show his sense of existence. As the first private enterprise in Jiangbei, Yuanfang Group must of course show its importance.

In the past, the distance has been trapped in Jiangbei and southern Jiangsu, and the influence has not yet reached that level.

However, when the stores in the three provinces are put into operation ~ ~ everyone understands that a retail giant has risen completely.

The Yuanfang Group with more than 20,000 employees deserves attention no matter where it is at this time.

Distant gains from afar in August, but the subprime mortgage crisis intensified abroad.

On August 6, the tenth largest mortgage agency in the United States filed for bankruptcy.

On the 9th, BNP Paribas announced the suspension of its three fund transactions involved in the US mortgage business, followed by the European Central Bank announced the provision of 94.8 billion euros of funds to related banks ...

The subprime mortgage crisis completely affected the western market!

At this time, this kind of change was also noticed in China. The merchants who hadn't paid much attention to it suddenly suddenly panicked.

Policy regulation emerged. The central bank began to raise interest rates and raise loan interest rates. Mortgage loans were getting stricter and stricter. The previous strategy of maintaining land with land suddenly became difficult.

Although not very obvious, this change can be clearly felt.

Coffee house.

Xu Shengzhe's face was a little heavy. During the past year, Longhua expanded vigorously, not even slower than in the distance.

For the new city, Longhua Investment is an astronomical figure.

In addition to the new city, he was also greedy and swallowed part of the property of Hongtu Real Estate and Menshen Real Estate, and then took over many pieces of land in Li Dong's hands.

In a few times, Longhua has expanded its scale by more than half, and its total market value has exceeded 20 billion.

Of course, the market value is the market value, but the net assets are stretched. Bank loans alone exceed 8 billion, not to mention the arrears of other suppliers.

Seeing him with a solemn face, Li Dong smiled and said: "What's wrong, newlywed Yan'er, you should be in the face of a spring breeze at this time, how does someone look like you owe you money?"

"Let's run against me! You owe me money already, pay me back my 500 million, and I don't want your bonds."

"Go dream!"

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