The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 391: Anti-water

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

This person is naturally Gu Shao.

He persuaded He Lou Duhan to be very unsuccessful, and the two grandchildren even broke up in the end.

But Gu Shao managed to contact Bo's mother after giving up the convenience of this grandson.

Only in this way, Gu Shao changed his plan. He didn't want to deal with Wei Mengying's confidants, but instead persuaded Bo's mother to go out of his way, and Song Yi laughed alone.

His housekeeper persuaded Bo's mother like this: "The deceased is dead! The reason why Princess Wei has ended in that way is also related to her own life. Even though the mother cares about the old master, compared to revenge, isn't it? Think more about the future of the little master? "

"Although Madam Yan Guo won the favor of Yan Guogong, but Mrs. Yan Guo has no sons so far, she must plan to have a son; after her son, the most important thing is of course her own child-now Princess Wei's new story, Madam Yan Guo is immersed in the memory of her dead mother, and there is only one daughter under her knees, and she still has the power to take care of her younger brother and sister. Madam Yan Guo is sad, but her children are full. How much time and energy does the wife have to share with the mother-in-law? "

"While Prince Hengshan is the father-in-law of the seventh son, but if you look at the situation of the original children left by Princess Cui, you should also know that although the father is not an unkind father, I hope that the third father can treat the seventh son as Princess Wei was still It's very naive. "

"After all, the seventh son can really rely on him, isn't it his mother?"

"So if the mother does not plan for the seventh son, the future of the seventh son is really worrying!"

At first, Wei Mengying knew the relationship between He Lou Duhan and Gu Shao, so he asked the eldest daughter to help him and let his son worship under the door of He Lou Duhan.

Now Lu Guanyun and He Lou Duhan are formal teachers and apprentices, He Lou Duhan is still the champion, so it can be said that Lu Guanyun has nothing to expect from another teacher in his life-he is so young, He Lou Duhan should not intentionally pit him, A wry mind when teaching his homework, and training him to become a mediocre, is enough to make Bo's mothers who hope all in the future rely on Lu Guanyun's hopes!

Of course, He Lou Duhan actually likes Lu Guanyun very much. It is impossible to change his attitude towards this disciple because of Gu Shao's intention, but Gu Sha knows this, Gu Sha's housekeeper also knows, but Bo's mother doesn't know it!

So after listening to Gu Shao's euphemistic threat, she suddenly panicked!

Wei Mengying left such a son, but she couldn't support her son until she died. According to the current situation, there is a rumor in the palace that she is more in favor of his uncle and cousin, and the second son of Wangfu Lu Guanqun is a son. In other words, Lu Guanyun ’s hopes of inheriting the title in the future are very slim. If he wants rich power, he can only rely on reading—even if Song Yixiao has been concerned about this younger brother, it is impossible to raise his younger brother forever?

Song Yixiao is willing to raise, and Bo's mother is not reconciled, but she still hopes that after Lu Guanyun is prosperous, she will follow her brows and exhale!

But although Lu Guanyun's gift of reading is not bad, he can't hold back the teacher to make it worse!

Once the seven sons have fallen into mediocrity, where can the mother Bo and other people go in the future?

At this time, the housekeeper of Gu Shao threw a bait, "If the mother is willing to turn Gan Ge into a jade, not only will the seventh son be able to get He Louxiu to write it carefully, I can also make a package ticket. If he has bad luck in the future and can't win the gold list, my master He will find a good marriage for him, so that he can get the help of Yue family, and he will not be alone. "

In this remark, the loneliness and helplessness are actually two layers of meaning, referring to Lu Guanyun and secretly talking about Bo's mother.

Bo's mother hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded her head-Gu Shao dare to send her confidant to negotiate directly with her, it is also sure.

Mainly because after Wei Mengying's death, as the most powerful person in Wei Mengying's life, Bo's mother immediately went to Lu Guanyun who did not need her at that time.

After that, the principal of Anyang County died, and the principal of Xinling County was ill, and she always followed Lu Guanyun, who was strong and physically raised by King Hengshan himself, and had no intention of taking care of the two county leaders.

In the end, Song Yixiao even took the host of Xinling County.

This is enough to see that Ms. Bo, rather than icing on the cake, would not give charcoal in the snow.

So she won't let go of Wei Mengying's hatred. As long as she convinces her on the pros and cons, she will naturally take care of what Shao hopes to choose.

Of course, Gu Shao personally planned to deal with an old servant, mainly to kill Song Yixiao-Song Yixiao is currently detained in another courtyard, she can't go out, and outsiders can't get in.

But this will be the only bell she can use, which was sent by Bo mother.

The other house is playing with smallpox again, but the bells have already bloomed-Song Yixiao was also infected with smallpox through the thin mother's instructions for the bell to find the opportunity, and then doing her hands and feet while taking care of her, this is the most hidden way to remove Song Yixiao Way up!

After all, even Jianxu was infected with smallpox. Although Song Yixiao was safe for a few days, he did not hide, it is reasonable.

I missed such an opportunity, and wanted to kill a lady without any trace, but it was not so easy!

To be honest, Gu Shao's plan is very good. He asked the housekeeper to promise Bo's things very important to Bo's mother. It has a bearing on the future situation of Bo's family, but it is just a hand for Gu Shao.

And Song Yixiao was trapped in another courtyard, the information was not well understood, and she never thought that Bo and Bell would kill her-but the world is always unexpected, even Bo was not expecting, Bell is against the water It's up!

Not only against the water, but also to tell the thin mother's orders and know what they know!

Bell did so, but she had her own thoughts: "When the princess maiden was there, there was a thin mother in the back house, and the outside was to order our couple. Although our couple often ran for the princess maiden, it is better to stay with the princess The mother-in-law Bo's mother was in front of her. Later, the princess mother was gone, and Bo's mother immediately rushed to the seventh son, and we all became her subordinates! "

Originally, she was not as senior as Bo's mother, and she was always supported by Bo's mother.

The problem is that when she came back, she gave Song Yixiao a helping hand-she came to rush pink roses and red roses and died immediately; followed by Song Yixiao's two other big girls, Chi Qiang and Bai Qiang also hit. Although the meeting was not dead, it was impossible to serve Song Yi with a smile.

So much so that Mrs. Song Yi laughed, but only a bell was in front of her.

And Bell Yi contacted Song Yixiao when she entered the Hengshan Palace. They are old, and they get along well these days-the main point is that Bell saw Song Yixiao's backyard pet and saw her again. Lack of people, don't you just move your mind?

Why did she continue to obey her mother after Wei Mengying's death?

In the final analysis, it is because Lu Guanyun, who is under the care of Bo's mother, is their old servant Wei Mengying's future hope.

In a sense, Bo's mother was killing the emperor to order the princes.

But even if Lu Guanyun admires the No. 1 champion and is recognized as a gifted scholar, he is only seven years old, and it will be hard to say what will happen in the future. Song Yixiao is already Mrs. Guo!

Another thing is that Lu Guanyun is a man, and Bo's mother has a big gap with him. He will grow up in the future, and there is nothing to taboo about taking care of him nearby. Bells are not. She is only ten years older than Lu Guanyun. Even if Lu Guanyun grows up ten years later, she still has the charm.

So even if she doesn't have a thin mother, she will not have the opportunity to serve the little owner.

It's not that Bells have any thoughts about Lu Guanyun, but that the moon first gets the moon near the water tower—especially after having been serving Song Yixiao personally in the past few days, the bell more and more felt that it was better to follow Song Yixiao.

But she also knew that Song Yixiao was very concerned about his brother and sister. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to **** someone from his brother.

Although Lu Guanyun is also good to his mother and sister, how can he give his sister someone at this age?

The bell was tangled. At this time, she received a letter from Bo's mother asking Song Yi to laugh, and she was overjoyed. She sold Bo's mother aside!

At this moment, she held back her ecstasy, made sadness and sorrow, and smiled at Song Yi: "Miss Bo, mother Bo, you also know! Regardless of whether the letter this time meant by her, slaves gave this situation to As soon as you say, let your mother know that you will definitely not miss slaves when you look back, this ... "

"You can rest assured that you are not a person serving Guanyun close to you. I will talk to Hengshan Wangfu when I look back and simply bring your family's deeds together!" Song Yi laughed and understood her meaning, and said, "I think Wang Fang will always give me this face."

She stared, "But why did you want me to murder me ..."

"Ma'am, please rest assured!" Bell immediately changed his name, and said diligently, "Slave immediately went to write a letter and asked if Bo's mother had harmed you, what would happen if the seventh son fell out of favor with the lord? Slave has this worry. It is reasonable to expect that Bo's mother will give an explanation! "

Bo's mother didn't expect the bell at all, but she waited for Song Yixiao for such a long time, she abandoned Lu Guanyun, and did not hide her after receiving the news. Although Gu Shao was not explicitly acknowledged, the suggestion in the discourse also said -Mother Bo is doing this, mainly worried that Bell will not start because of Lu Guanyun's future consideration.

"This old thing is really poisonous!" Bell told Song Yi a smile and filled her with indignation, "You are the eldest daughter of the princess! She was the most powerful person in the princess' life, and she did this! Knowing how she would see the princess in the next day, how could she explain it! "

Song Yixiao laughed and laughed, thinking that the bells were not as important as Bo's mother and his mother-in-law, and she didn't even know that she had been pitted by Wei Mengying—Mom Bo had just learned the same way, and he saw it now. Wei Mengying, master and servant are two and a half pounds to eighty two, who can say who?

"Mother Bo has no words, but although there are still a few people who want me to die in the world, she can tell her to give up on me, but there are definitely not many." She settled down and said to the bell, "I am except Gu Shao. Can't think of anyone else! "

Song Yixiao offended the Cui family, Liu family and Jin family in order to avenge Zhiqin.

In addition to the Liu family, the Cui family and the Jin family are still in the three families. If given the opportunity, it is not surprising that they gave birth to Song Yixiao.

The problem is that the Cui family and the Jin family are not as powerful as the Yan government.

Even if they offer generous conditions, they may not be able to impress the thin mother-the wife is not stupid, knowing that there is no power alone to save money, it may not even save her life, and it may even kill her life, but it is not something you can buy with silver. .

Therefore, she can willingly give up Song Yixiao, in addition to the benefits given to her heart, the most important thing is that this person must have overpowered the state government and had reasons to murder Song Yixiao.

As a result, Gu Shao was the only candidate narrowed down to one.

"This is also tantamount to confirming our guess that Lu's really murdered his mother, otherwise Gu Shao didn't need to kill me with this poisonous hand!" Song Yi sneered with sneer, "This Gu Xiang is really ingenious, in order to kill I even came up with the idea of ​​moving my biological mother's henchmen—it's worthy of being at home! "

Bell heard that Gu Shao was surprised, but she didn't have any regrets. Gu Shao took the power again and again, and promised to give Bo's mother the greatest benefit. The big head is always Bo's mother, not hers!

On the contrary, this matter strengthened her determination to follow Song Yixiao. When she heard the words, she immediately said, "Well, it's famous at home, who can think of the difference between appearances and appearances? Madam, what do we do now? Did you immediately expose him? Conspiracy? Secret letters written by Bo's mother are kept by slaves and can be used as proof! "

"Those letters can only prove that Bo's mother was killing me, but they can't prove that Gu Shao has something to do with it!" Song Yi smiled and shook his head. "Now the husband is still giving flowers, I am alone, and even go to my mother-in-law to complain about my grievances No way-this will expose him. Once he is told to refute successfully, it will be a fight against the grass! Maybe he will bite back! "

Don't look at Gu Shao's design failure this time, it is because even Song Yixiao didn't expect the bell to fail, purely from the design point of view, just thinking of using the thin mother and the bell also shows Gu Shao's old-fashioned With amazing!

And this failure, it is estimated that Bo's mother is also responsible-Gu Shao must have confirmed to Bo's reliability of the bell, so that Bo's mother who is used to the bell will feel that he cannot instruct the bell?

All in all, no matter how good the plan is, it cannot prevent accidents.

But no one can always live by accident.

So Song Yixiao will never escape Gu Shao because of her chance this time. On the contrary, she is extremely jealous of Gu Shao now: "I will not be relieved if this person is not removed ..."

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