The Reborn Lady is Farming

Chapter 869: debate

  Fang Zhiyuan lowered his eyes, but he just wrote a book, so the situation may not be what the other party expected, and Cheng Zhu's theory of being pushed to such a high level is just a deliberate deduction.

  It's ridiculous that many scholars and officials couldn't see through things by a woman.

Fang Zhiyuan thought of the current situation in Jiangnan Shilin, and his heart was like being tormented by fire. Just as Princess Rongjun said, if Cheng Zhu's philosophy is really allowed to flourish like this, I am afraid that in a few decades, there will be no new ones in Shilin. After advancing, everyone just copied Zhu Xi's understanding.

   He wanted to break this rule, but he was afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the royal family. Zhu Xi's fourth uncle's annotations were obviously in the favor of the royal family, because all of the other's annotations implied loyalty to the monarch and filial piety.

   Loyalty to the monarch and filial piety are not wrong, but this emphasis loses the original meaning of the sage's words.

   Fang Zhiyuan looked at Princess Rongjun, who had already gone far, and sighed softly. The princess understood the truth, but I wondered if the emperor understood.

Naturally, Qi Xiuyuan didn't understand, because he didn't have time to pay attention to this. He was really too busy, but no matter how busy he was, when he received Fang Zhiyuan's essay, he still called someone in to talk earnestly, and then gave a reply, and then Hanlin The academics in the academy all know that the teaching time in the palace has been greatly adjusted, leaving most of the free time for the princes.

  The gentlemen in the study were invited by Fang Zhiyuan to talk at home before they could object. He asked people to clean up the big room next to his study and put them on the couch. Everyone imitated the famous people of the Jin Dynasty and expressed their opinions.

Of course, Fang Zhiyuan didn't copy Mu Yangling's words. Ordinary people listened to her words, but the Hanlin scholars who were full of poetry and books were a little disdainful. everyone.

   The Hanlin bachelor who can be selected by Qi Xiuyuan as Mr. Shangfang is naturally not too young, and the youngest one is thirty-eight, so everyone is not an impulsive boy, they will naturally think about what Fang Zhiyuan said.

   Everyone was locked in the room and debated for a day and a night. In the end, they were defeated by the enemy Zhiyuan and had to accept a new teaching time.

   They say that they are fighting for teaching time, rather than teaching methods, and the royal family can influence the family and the powerful, and the family and the powerful can influence the people.

   But the wealthy family and the powerful have the resources and ability, what about the underprivileged children?

  It is difficult for them to even buy a book, let alone adopt such a free teaching method, which is undoubtedly a blow to them.

Moreover, during this debate, many Hanlin scholars expressed their dissatisfaction with Zhu Xi’s Annotation of the Four Books, and the disclosure of the content of the debate would also have an impact on the underprivileged students, because the bachelors sitting in the room were all celebrities, and in Shilin far-reaching impact.

Among them, the insightful people will inevitably be embarrassed, "The poor family has been fighting against the noble family for a long time. In the previous dynasty, when Emperor Sejong was the first emperor, the poor family had the upper hand, and the noble family has always been in the top position. Because today's dissatisfaction with the aristocratic family enclosure, so vigorously support the poor family, but This debate has come out, I'm afraid that next year's imperial examination questions will deviate from Zhu Xi's annotations on the Four Books, which will be a big disaster for the poor."

  Fang Zhiyuan also sighed, and deliberately passed these words to Mu Yangling's ears.

   Mu Yangling said in surprise: "How can there be such a big impact?"

   Qi Haoran said as a matter of course: "Most of the officials who wrote the questions were from the Hanlin scholars, or they wrote the questions themselves. Isn't it natural for them to prefer their own likes and dislikes?"

Mu Yangling sat up straight and said, "I have always believed that the education reform should adopt the method of moisturizing things in a quiet way, not fast, but stable. Because of instability, we may destroy the life of a generation. I don't like Zhu Xi's unified answer to the Four Books, but it doesn't mean that I agree to ban its status and role. Unless the state comes up with a method to resettle these students who have used the "Annotations of the Four Books" as their textbooks since childhood, otherwise I don't agree to change the exam without authorization. scope."

   "Haoran, you have to ask the imperial brother to issue a will, otherwise the people of the world will be uneasy and there will be chaos."

   Qi Haoran stared, "A group of scholars still dare to make trouble?"

   "It is related to their future in life. As long as they don't come home, everyone will fight for it. The imperial decree, we just take this opportunity to break the monopoly of the "Annotation of the Four Books", and show the attitude of the royal family and the Hanlin scholars."

   Mu Yangling pushed Qi Haoran, "Hurry up and enter the palace."

  It wasn't until Qi Haoran entered the palace that Qi Xiuyuan didn't expect this to happen. He just wanted to give his sons a little more free time, how could he offend the scholars all over the world?

  Qi Xiuyuan asked, "They talk when they talk, and they argue when they argue. Why should Zhu Xi be involved?"

   Qi Haoran, how could a warrior understand? He only said, "Brother, don't worry about why they are involved. In short, it has already been involved now. This matter has to be resolved. If A Ling said this, those scholars will definitely make a fuss. I want you to quickly issue an order to calm their hearts."

Qi Xiuyuan had never read Zhu Xi's "Annotation to the Four Books". The Four Books that he enlightened him when he was a child were handed out directly by his teacher. At that time, this book had not yet had such a great influence in Shilin. When he grew up, although he occasionally flipped through the Four Books , but he already has his own fixed understanding, and he is a military general, so naturally he will not read that book again.

   He couldn't quite understand why a book of annotations was so popular.

Qi Haoran told Qi Xiuyuan that most of the students who read this book were poor students, because some could not afford to go to school or teachers, and many annotation books were scattered and incomplete. Zhu Xi annotated the four books, although it was his family's words, But for the underprivileged students in the world, it is considered a great merit.

Even now, Mu Yangling has not denied his contribution, but his descendants and people of Cheng Zhu's school of Neo-Confucianism have other intentions to praise this book, excluding the annotations and analysis of other scholars, so that many Scholars only recognize this commentary, and even if Mu Yangling is not a scholar, it is inevitable that they will be overbearing.

What's more, she clearly knows that the consequence of only recognizing one book is rigid thinking. Mu Yangling wants her sons to go to the universe. She does not restrain the children's whimsy, and now they are still young. , when they grow up, these ideas will definitely collide with the fixed ideas of other people, and I am afraid that children will be classified as different.

Mu Yangling knew the importance of allies, so before Qi Haoran entered the palace, Mu Yangling threw all these worries to him, and asked him to find a way to pull Qi Xiuyuan to their side, as long as the emperor also stood by them Here, what are they afraid of?

   As for the ideas of loyalty and filial piety promoted in Zhu Xi's book, which book would promote the rebellious speech?

   And this book is really useful, why are you brothers rebelling?

   Well, neither of you have read this book.

   Then why did the former courtiers who read this book still work for the imperial brother? Why didn't you see them jumping out and committing suicide with Quan and Emperor Jingyan's monarch-subject relationship?

   In the end, it’s just because people are profit-seeking animals, so don’t believe in the effect of a book, you have to believe in profit.

  The popularity of Zhu Xi's book is based on profit, it allows students from poor families to gain fame at a lower cost.

   Everyone obeys the idea of ​​loyalty to the king in the book because of interests, and it is also because of interests to violate nature.

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