The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 534 Admiration

Although Mu Yangling didn't go out, he still knew from his subordinates how violent the commotion outside was. Not to mention that the people in Lin'an City were in groups at the gate of the Yamen or on the side of the road to ask for the eradication of treacherous ministers, and even the people in several nearby cities and counties were all in groups. Come to petition. It is said that people in other places also expressed to the local yamen the meaning of the Qing emperor's side, and some even went to temples to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Things got worse and worse, both Mu Yangling and Li Jinghua had a wrong intuition, as if there was a hand pushing behind it.

"In the beginning, I only talked about the side of the Qing emperor, saying that Prime Minister Qin did not do anything in Xixia, and later he found out the old account of Prime Minister Qin. Now, he has ordered the massacre of the city in Xixia." Li Jinghua frowned worriedly: "The momentum in Lin'an City is not good Small, I don't know if I will be provoked and confused."

In the past, Lin'an City was always safe no matter how much noise was going on outside, but now it's getting a little noisy just because of a Qin Prime Minister.

Mu Yangling was also a little worried. Hearing this, he said: "I have asked people to make preparations, and my sister-in-law has also put away important things, just in case."

Li Jinghua nodded to express her understanding, then lowered her voice and said, "I'm afraid Prime Minister Qin won't survive?"

"Anyway, he's coming back soon, and we'll know when the time comes." Although Mu Yangling said so, he was sure that Prime Minister Qin probably would not survive.

With the emperor's character, he was already afraid of Prime Minister Qin, how could he not take this opportunity to get rid of him?

As the person Qi Haoran hates the most, Mu Yangling's understanding of Prime Minister Qin is not low.

When Qi Haoran was still half a child, he knew that Prime Minister Qin was a traitor and General Yuan was a hero. This shows how bad Prime Minister Qin's reputation is, not to mention that his popularity is comparable to that of General Yuan.

But Mu Yangling has always felt that it is very powerful for a bad person to be so successful, so when Qi Haoran occasionally scolded Prime Minister Qin, he asked two questions, "Since Prime Minister Qin is so bad, why does the emperor still like him so much?" ? The prime minister only needs to please Jin Guo and Xixia to be a good one?"

If someone else heard this, they would probably think that Mu Yangling was being sarcastic, but Qi Haoran knew that Mu Yangling was really asking a question.

Qi Haoran has always been strong in front of Mu Yangling, so he kept the question in his heart and ran back to ask his elder brother. The reason why he didn't ask Fan Zijin was because he was sure he didn't know, and he just scolded the treacherous officials like him.

Qi Xiuyuan was also a little surprised by his younger brother's question, but he still gave him the answer after thinking for a long time.

Of course, it is impossible for the emperor not to know that Prime Minister Qin is not a good person, but Prime Minister Qin does not need to be a good person, as long as he is useful and loyal to the emperor.

At that time, Qi Xiuyuan had no intention of rebelling, so analyzing the emperor in front of his younger brother challenged his inner loyalty to the emperor, but the emperor was naturally more important than his younger brother.

It's time for my younger brother to get in touch with these political affairs, the officialdom is dangerous, but he is still like a child in his teens, so Qi Xiuyuan didn't wait for him to understand it on his own, and began to teach him in detail, and he also brought Fan Zijin here.

Qi Xiuyuan and Rong Xuan analyzed Qin Xiang's life for them, focusing on Qin Xiang who was captured and fled back then and urged the emperor to negotiate peace.

It can be said that Qin Xiang's purpose is so clear to the point of brutality, it may be for survival at the beginning, and it is for power later.

But this man is very talented. It is undeniable that it is a great skill to coax the emperor who is moody and seldom in one point of his mind. Besides, Prime Minister Qin's ability in government affairs is not weak.

He is the prime minister and the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. When he was the most favored, he even served as the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. With so many government affairs piled up on him, he can handle them in an orderly manner. This shows his talent.

In Qi Xiuyuan's words, Qin Xiang's talent is no less than that of his benefactor Yan Taifu, but his mind is useless. Although Yan Taifu is not a good person, but the bottom line is there, Qin Xiang is doing it for promotion and promotion. A person whose power has no bottom line.

So the first officialdom and life lessons that Qi Xiuyuan taught the cousins ​​were to have a bottom line!

Qi Haoran is not worried anymore. Qi Xiuyuan knows his younger brother well. He looks fierce on his face, but he is kind-hearted and has enough means. Although he is a bit stupid, he has no great promise and no great risk.

Fan Zijin was different. This kid was very smart, but he didn't have the right family. He was probably stimulated when he was a child, so he grew crooked. When he came to Xingzhou Mansion, he found out that his temper had been fixed, and it was difficult to change it.

Qi Xiuyuan could only influence him slowly, let's talk about influence for now.

Closer to home, after being taught by Qi Xiuyuan, Qi Haoran ran to show off to Mu Yangling. Mu Yangling naturally knew many things about Prime Minister Qin. I also believe in him.

Therefore, based on the character and image of Prime Minister Qin in Qi Xiuyuan's words, he must not sit still.

How could such a person who takes his own life and power as the highest goal be willing to come back to die?

These little people all knew that the emperor might abandon him, so how could Qin Xiang know the emperor's mind so well that he didn't know?

So Mu Yangling didn't understand why Prime Minister Qin came back. Ordinarily, shouldn't he escape early and feel at ease?

After returning to Lin'an City, it will be much more difficult to escape further.

"It's probably for the sake of the family," Li Jinghua said with a smile, "Mr. Qin's family is still in Lin'an City."

Mu Yangling frowned in thought, then shook his head after a while and said, "If it's someone I still believe, Prime Minister Qin, he shouldn't be the one who sacrificed his life for his family, the danger of coming back is too great."

There is heartache for losing family members, but Prime Minister Qin will probably be resentful and avenge them, but it is unlikely that he will sacrifice his life for them.

Thinking about it this way, Mu Yangling couldn't help but tense up. Qin Xiang is not an ordinary person. Although he has a very bad reputation, according to Qi Xiuyuan's words, this person's IQ and EQ are far higher than that of Taifu Yan, and he is so ruthless. He is a person who can negotiate peace with two countries by himself, and Mu Yangling doesn't think his disturbance will be small.

Thinking of Qi Xiuyuan's secret letter received two days ago, Mu Yangling began to prepare in private.

Qin Xiang was escorted to Beijing two days later. Although there were constant pleas from various places, he was still the prime minister. The emperor did not ask him for his crimes, so he deserved nothing less.

After Qin Xiang arrived in the capital, he went directly to the palace, but he didn't come out again after entering the palace. For two days in a row, no matter how much commotion was going on outside or how the officials pried, the emperor didn't let Qin Xiang show up.

Until the fifth day, there was no response from the palace. Seeing that the people in Zhongcheng were reacting more and more fiercely, Mu Yangling couldn't help admiring Prime Minister Qin's ability to turn the situation around at this time. She just felt relieved. Come, Fan Zijin knocked on the corner door of Qi's house overnight.

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