The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 646 Gift list

Liu Dahei rushed to marry Jinhua into the family before the year, and the annual ceremony presented by the Miao Village also arrived in the capital before the New Year's Eve.

When Qi Xiuyuan received the gift list, he finally understood why the officials of the Ministry of Rites looked constipated, because all the gifts from the Miao Village were local specialties in southern Guizhou.

The local products dedicated to the emperor are not ordinary local products. For example, the Lipu taro that Yongzhou presents every year is all taro. Can it be the same as the taro eaten by farmers?

After steaming, just lightly dipped in a little sugar, it can be called a delicacy in the world. Every year, Yongzhou sends a batch of Lipu taro to Beijing. There are so many dignitaries in Beijing. Taro, if other officials want to eat it, they have to rely on the reward from Emperor Jingyan.

It is a great blessing for local officials to have this kind of "local specialties", because as long as there are no major problems during the term of office, and a certain number of "local specialties" come to Beijing every year, then it is not a problem for them to get promoted and get rich.

But it is a nightmare for the local people.

It’s fine if it’s good to grow, but if it’s not good, in order to ensure the quality and output, officials will force people to plant it, but the things they grow will be taken away at a low price, and used as a tool for officials to get promoted and get rich.

However, the people did not grow food, and the income from planting "tributes" was far from enough to support their families, so offering "local specialties" meant that the government began to rot.

Two days ago, when I received a quick package from Qiannan, saying that the Qiannan Miao Village had presented a batch of local "specialties", the courtiers were startled, and then sighed, thinking that Qi Haoran moved quickly enough after arriving in Qiannan. Even being able to get into a group with the Miao Village can make them offer things.

But at the same time, many people are also worried.

Daqi was just established, and it is said that it is not yet time to receive these tributes. Who knows if this will destroy the livelihood of the people in southern Guizhou? However, Qiannan was under the jurisdiction of Qi Haoran, and no one dared to raise objections in court. People with insight could only sigh "time is not waiting for me", and then became worried, hoping that other places would not follow suit.

But some people are eager to do a big job, thinking that there are "local products" that can make the emperor happy.

Qi Xiuyuan knew that his younger brother was not someone who put his mind on this aspect, and suspected that Fan Zijin was in charge, but he also felt that Zijin was smart, so he would not have made such a mistake, because he didn't know the details, so he could only watch the changes with a blank expression.

Today, Qi Xiuyuan received the gift list from Qiannan and the letter from his younger brother, and Qi Xiuyuan realized that it was the fault of his younger siblings.

The "souvenirs" sent here are real souvenirs, things that can be bought for a few pennies on Qiannan Street, not too many.

Qi Xiuyuan let out a cheerful laugh, and said loudly: "This special product is very suitable for me."

The official of the Ministry of Rituals curled his lips, the thing was sent by the king of Rongjun, even if it is a pile of shit, you may agree with it.

Qi Xiuyuan waved away the officials of the Ministry of Rites and asked someone to call Rong Xuan and Yan Du.

Not long after Qi Xiuyuan ascended the throne, he rehabilitated the former imperial matriarch Yan and removed the infamy that had been attached to him. He said that he dared to serve the country when he was in danger and turned himself into injustice. He was admirable and admirable. ".

The ancients and the people of the time believed that Wenzheng's posthumous posthumous title was extremely beautiful, and there was no way to add it; Don't get along with people easily.

In the two hundred and thirty-eight years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there have been countless civil servants and military generals, and only five of them can get the posthumous title of "Wenzheng". .

However, Taifu Yan, a minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was enshrined in Daqi, and he was also the first minister of "Wenzheng" in Daqi. All the ministers with the posthumous title of "Wenzheng" in the past dynasties were all admired by others, passed down to later generations, and became a generation of famous ministers.

And the emperor gave Yan Taifu a posthumous title, which also ended the disputes between the literati and the common people against him, and recognized the peace talks policy proposed by his previous dynasty.

After receiving the imperial decree, Yan Du came out of the Yan Mansion for the first time, knelt at the door and cried bitterly, and then brought his son Yan Fu to kneel at the palace door and begged for recovery.

This is also an excerpt of the famous "father's womb to repay the king's kindness" in later generations.

Qi Xiuyuan was at the time when he was employing people. Needless to say, the talents and characters of Yan Du and Yan Fu, because he was named the Taifu Yan, he was even more loyal to him. Although Rong Xuan was capable, his prestige was not enough, and his actions were always restrained. Qi Xiuyuan simply Let Yan Du be the right minister and work with Rong Xuan.

Rong Xuan already admired the Yan family's style, and Yan Du was also willing to die with Qi Xiuyuan, so the two of them only got along for more than half a month before they cooperated very happily.

The two came hand in hand, but they didn't understand why the emperor was looking for them at this time.

Qi Xiuyuan handed Qiannan's gift list to the two of them with a smile, and said with a smile: "What do you two lovers think of this gift list?"

Yan Du was about to persuade Qi Xiuyuan to put an end to the trend of "local products", when he saw the things listed on the gift list, he was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is the pork and cured meat used in this cured pork extremely precious?"

Qi Xiuyuan laughed loudly and said, "Yan Qing, look at the price behind."

Yan Du was embarrassed when he saw the price of "twelve cents per catty" marked on the back, and he was even more speechless when he looked at the price of the liver grass on the back. He thought about it and said: "Your Majesty, I will formally present the gift list tomorrow. I'm afraid that the courtiers will attack the Miao Village and Rongjun King, after all, this gift..."

Rong Xuan had already thought of Qi Xiuyuan's intentions, seeing Qi Xiuyuan looking at him with a smile, he cupped his hands and said: "The emperor's benevolence is the blessing of the people."

Yan Du came back to his senses with a jolt, his eyes lit up immediately, "Does the emperor want to take this opportunity to abolish the system of 'local specialties' and return farming to the people?"

Qi Xiuyuan nodded slightly, sighed and said: "Not long ago, local products from Yongzhou, Chaozhou, Fuzhou and other places were sent. Because it is a common practice, I didn't pay attention to it. If it wasn't for Qiannan sending these things this time, I would still think about it." Unfortunately, at this time, when I was in decline, I heard that the "local specialties" dedicated to the imperial palace were sometimes raised by the people of a county or even a state. Not to mention that Daqi is recuperating now, even in its prime, it shouldn't be so. Extravagance, this gift list from Qiannan came at the right time, the two lovers should come back and come up with a charter to abolish all these bad policies."

Rong Xuan and Yan Du looked at each other and responded in unison.

Qi Xiuyuan glanced at the gift list again, then knocked on the table, then picked up the letter and read it again, couldn't help laughing out loud.

He returned to the harem with the letter, and the Kunning Palace was bustling with laughter. Qi Xiuyuan stopped the servant's announcement, stepped in, and saw his son running around in a blue Miao suit. From time to time, he punched twice with "haha", making Li Jinghua laugh non-stop.

It was rare for Qi Xiuyuan to see his son so lively, so he asked with a smile, "What is it that makes you so happy?"

When everyone saw the emperor, they saluted one after another. Qi Xiuyuan waved his hands, but Xiao Bao ran over and hugged his father's leg. He raised his head and said, "Father, I'm learning boxing from my younger brother. Do you think that looks like it?"

"Oh? My father didn't see clearly just now, so call again and let me see."

Qi Xiuyuan sat on the couch and looked at him with a smile.

Xiaobao began to fight "huh-huh-ha-ha". Qi Xiuyuan laughed when he saw his substandard movements: "You, you must not be as good at punching as your brother. Your uncle wrote that he can smash a fist with one fist now." There's a table."

Xiao Bao opened his mouth wide.

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