The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 216: Acting for the sovereignty of the Iraqi government

Regarding the Israeli air attack on the Future Technology Group, the whole world was arguing. Even in the early morning of the next day, all kinds of discussions about the matter did not calm down.

Although some countries have begun to control the direction of public opinion, they have not extinguished the heat.

The press conference that was already eye-catching has just ended, and then there was such a thing. Combining the two, various topics are naturally indispensable. People who watch the excitement and are not afraid of big things abound.

However, as both parties to the incident, on the second day, Future Technology Group officially announced to the public.

In view of the naive interpretation of the Israeli official, Mirae Technology Group expressed great disappointment and decided to list Israel as the most unfriendly country.

From now on, all Future Technology Group products will be strictly prohibited from opening to Israel, and will not have any commercial contacts with Israel.

At the same time, the Future Technology Group also stated that once an Israeli fighter jet enters Iraq’s airspace and approaches within a 100-kilometer radius of Marin Town, the Future Technology Group will respond to the Israeli fighter jet being shot down without warning in order to ensure its own safety. means.

Almost immediately after the Future Technology Group made its statement to the outside world, the Iraqi government also made serious representations to the Israeli government. It severely condemned the Israeli Air Force’s violation of Iraq’s airspace and the missile launch of the Future Technology Group.

The Iraqi government also expressed support for the Mirae Technology Group’s statement. In the support statement, the Iraqi government also stated that Cai Ruichen himself is an Iraqi citizen and belongs to an Iraqi national. Mirae Technology Group is a legitimate enterprise registered with the Iraqi government and has the ability to maintain national image and interests. s right.

The Iraqi government supports Future Technology Group’s assistance to the government in the form of national sovereignty.

The Iraqi government’s protests and negotiations are all clouds, but the subsequent support statement made Cai Ruichen feel a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the Iraqi government, which was so frustrated, would dare to say such things.

As long as this statement continues to be effective, that is to say, the Iraqi government supports the Future Technology Group to fight back against any violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.

Only when Cai Ruichen thought about it all. Immediately shameless to the Iraqi government. Have a new understanding.

The Iraqi government does not have the power to manage those aircraft that violated its airspace, and all fighters from various countries can enter Iraq’s airspace as if they are going home.

In this regard, the Iraqi government is already very annoying.

Especially for the country of Israel, the Iraqi government is also very hot. Government forces have also been attacked by the Israeli Air Force, often with heavy losses.

now. With the announcement of the Future Technology Group in the front, the Iraqi government naturally cannot remain silent.

And also took advantage of the Future Technology Group. After all, the Iraqi government is really unable to deal with the planes that invade its own country's airspace every day.

The Future Technology Group is emerging. He was directly pushed into the position of the early bird.

It's just that after Cai Ruichen was upset with the behavior of the Iraqi government, the corners of his mouth immediately rose.

He is not afraid of such trouble. Since the Iraqi government wants to let the Future Technology Group be the leader, it must give the leader the best name and rights.

He took a fancy to the words in the Iraqi government's support statement, if the Iraqi government does not take it back.

The Future Technology Group has the right to shoot down all fighters from other countries that enter Iraq’s airspace.

If the comments of the Future Technology Group were a bit pale. Now it is tantamount to having a Shangfang sword to replace the Iraqi government in exercising sovereignty.

At this time, let alone Israeli warplanes entering the town of Marin with a radius of 100 kilometers. If the Future Technology Group is capable, even if the other party has just entered Iraq’s airspace, it will have the right to shoot down directly.

Just this shot down. It must be carried out in accordance with the rules of the international game.

In Cai Ruichen's view, the two parties' statements are actually mutually beneficial.

On the other hand, Bashar, who is under pressure from home and abroad, really can't sit still, especially after he learned that the pressure on the national power grid in neighboring Iraq has eased.

After seeing the content of the future technology group press conference, with the help of supporting the future technology group in this event, the Syrian government formally put forward a cooperation request to the future technology group.

After quickly obtaining consent, the Syrian government stated immediately that it would send a dedicated team to Iraq to discuss power and energy cooperation the next day.

Cai Ruichen naturally welcomed this, and he even exchanged phone calls with Bashar, and the conversation atmosphere was pretty good.

During the call, Bashar kept condemning Israel's barbaric behavior and expressed support for the Future Technology Group.

Cai Ruichen also stated that as long as the price is right, the power plant can be built in Syria and put into operation in just one month.

If it weren't for the national power grids of Syria and Iraq, or because of the inability to connect between countries, Bashar would want to get electricity right away.

Fortunately, when he heard Cai Ruichen's expression for a month, he was also relieved a lot.

Because relying on diesel power generation can barely maintain social stability and will not cause long-term large-scale blackouts. And these are all provided to him by Russia.

However, this is just a helpless approach and cannot last for too long.

After all, the high temperature of more than 40 degrees is still in a state of long-term power outage every day. If it were placed in other countries, it would have all been upset.

It is not easy for Bashar to temporarily stabilize the situation.

In the afternoon that day, while Cai Ruichen was studying, he happened to receive a call from the elder Mohammed.

When he heard that Li Nan wanted to see himself in the he groaned for a moment, and then agreed.

If it were not for the Israeli air strikes, the Future Technology Group has indeed been advancing all the way from yesterday to now.

Various prepared plans can also be implemented gradually, but now Cai Ruichen has to consider more issues.

Before, he did take it for granted and thought what would happen to his opponent, but in fact many things were beyond his expectations.

In order to avoid such things from happening again, Cai Ruichen also intends to start to change some of the previously formulated strategies.

At least when facing those world-class hooligans, you can no longer take it for granted as before.

Sometimes, public opinion and commanding heights are indeed useful, but they are not absolute.

However, just after he hung up, Chao Leizhen's call came.

"Commander, the Chinese-American has just arrived in Baghdad, but is in big trouble..." (To be continued.) New website

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