The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 244: Business with Yi Xu

Hearing Cai Ruichen's decision, Lin Zhongxian did not continue to say anything. Instead, he nodded and accepted his first task. He also began to prepare the words for the meeting tomorrow.

After explaining Lin Zhongxian's affairs, Cai Ruichen turned his gaze to Chao Leizhen and said, "How are things going on today?"

Chao Leizhen immediately replied: "At present, a preliminary agreement has been reached with the Syrian people, but it is only because Iraq's current main roads to Syria are all within the occupied zone of the Islamic State.

The Syrian side expressed the hope that we can lease freight passenger planes and airlift the power plant modules directly to Syria before being assembled.

But the negotiations are still going on and will continue tomorrow. "

"It is not impossible to transport the building blocks of the magnetic energy reactor by air, but it cannot be realized in a short time. In the negotiations tomorrow, you will tell the Syrian side that even if the price and all the conditions can be negotiated, it must be available in a month. The plan has officially started to build power plants in Syria.” Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"Okay, it's just that the Syrian side is unacceptable for the 30 square kilometers of power plant construction area we requested, and the armed security and warmth." Chao Leizhen said.

"Then tell them that this is our bottom line, and the bottom line cannot be changed. If they really agree, they can agree to lower the price." Cai Ruichen said.

"I will try, but if we can guarantee that the power plant will be built quickly, I think the Syrians will quickly accept it. After all, their current power supply is too tight." Chao Leizhen said.

"How to say it, you can arrange it yourself! If it is really settled, then even if we really rent a heavy transport aircraft, there is no problem." Cai Ruichen said.

"Okay, I understand." Chao Leizhen nodded.

Cai Ruichen is also very concerned about the issue of Syria's power supply, which is related to the expansion of the influence of the Red Police Corps in the future.

Under the primary technology authority. There are naval units and shipyards, but no matter whether it is wasteland or the present, within the construction range of the base, there is no place near the sea.

If it is really drawn to the shipyard. It is impossible to build in a lake! That is pure waste.

However, it also depends on the situation. After all, the two major rivers in Iraq lead to major regions of the country.

It would be good if some small ships and small warships could be built.

It's just that these are secondary. The real main thing is that the real role of the shipyard is to build the large warships used by the Red Wine Navy. Not those river warships used by inland lakes and rivers.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a place to repair and build a shipyard before that, even if the navy cannot be assembled in a short time, arrangements must be made in advance.

It is not Cai Ruichen's habit to hold Buddha's feet temporarily.

After all, if it is taken every seven days, who knows whether it will be taken to the shipyard or naval unit next time.

Moreover, the necessary rights and interests must be fought for. After all, there are still many problems with building shipyards in Syria.

but. Some things are not done overnight, and it is necessary to proceed step by step.

According to Cai Ruichen's plan, it is to do everything possible step by step. First, build a power plant so that the future security company can have a legal presence in Syria.

It's just like the garrison of various countries outside, and then investment is used to build shipyards in Syria.

After all, shipyards need not only build warships, they can also build ordinary ships and develop ports.

However, to build a power plant in Syria. It is also to make money. After all, a technological expansion station has gone out, so there must be some gains.

Currently, the Iraqi government pays 200,000 U.S. dollars in electricity bills to Future Technology Group every day, and Syria has a greater demand for electricity. It is conservatively estimated that once the electricity is put into use, at least US$300,000 in income can be earned every day.

Moreover, these are only in the early stages. The Islamic State is currently very annoyed by the Syrian and Iraqi governments' actions to cut off water and electricity, and has warned several times that they will blow up power generation facilities in the two countries.

If the Islamic State really blows up those power plants, Cai Ruichen is naturally very happy.

Because the power of the two countries will require more support from him in the future. At that time, it will not be hundreds of thousands a day, but a daily income of millions.

Although compared with the general profit direction of the future technology group, such electricity revenue is not very much.

But if the Islamic State is really ruthless, the power of the two countries will have to rely on the Future Technology Group to provide it, and that year will also be billions of dollars in profits.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is r, and this kind of income is the most stable. After all, no one can refuse such benefits.

Even Cai Ruichen thought about whether he would help the Islamic State when the electricity supply is sufficient.

"The Iraqi government intends to buy the warrior assault vehicle, how did the talk go?" Cai Ruichen asked Zhao Long again.

The Iraqi government forces are now using armed Humvees left by the U.S. military. However, since they are all stocks of the U.S. military's withdrawal, many years of war have also been destroyed, and there is a big gap.

Just buying a new Hummer from the U.S. military is not only very expensive, but also the maintenance and parts replacement will be slaughtered by the Americans again.

In addition to various other military trades, the Iraqi government has really been slaughtered by the US military in recent years.

Therefore, after the emergence of the war fighter assault vehicle, the Iraqi government was also very excited.

After all, compared to those armored vehicles and tanks this assault vehicle is very suitable for use in a battlefield environment like Iraq.

And the most important thing is that, at least if you buy it domestically, you won't be slaughtered by the Americans.

"We offered a price of US$250,000 for each warfighter assault vehicle. The Iraqi military agreed to this price, which is about the same as the price of a U.S. Hummer. However, the Iraqi government disagrees with the logistical maintenance costs we requested." Zhao Long said.

The price of the U.S. military's own purchase of Hummer is almost US$100,000 per vehicle. The purchase price of the enhanced version of the Hummer is only US$170,000, but the selling price has always been above US$250,000 and US$350,000.

And the U.S. Hummer can't withstand weapons like rpg, but the warrior assault vehicle can resist rpg attacks.

If it were not for the fact that the Iraqi government forces were indeed poor due to the continued decline in international crude oil prices, Cai Ruichen would dare to sell them at the same price as the bmp tank.

Therefore, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is already very cheap. After all, the purchase price of each of the latest armored Hummers of the US military has reached two hundred thousand dollars. To be continued. Enable new URL

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