The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 255: Bundled America

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Kakashi's Nightmare" for the bonus of 10,000 starting points! Then today, the ten change is expected to be uploaded and released before 18 o'clock in the evening.


Marin Town joined the war.

This news did not appear in the media reports, but it immediately appeared on the desktops of the intelligence agencies of various countries.

The true supporters behind the armed forces of Marin Town are all well aware that the participation of the troops in Marin Town is equivalent to the participation of the Future Technology Group.

Because everyone knows that it would be almost impossible for Marin Town’s armed forces without the support of the Future Technology Group.

The Israelis are naturally highly concerned, but what is beyond the expectations of the Israelis is that the United States does not seem to have much reaction to such actions by the future technology group.

Although the reason behind the participation of the Future Technology Group in the war was the request for assistance from the Iraqi government forces, in the eyes of the Israelis, there must be the operation of the Future Technology Group behind this incident.

Can Americans sit back and watch Future Technology Group behave like this? This is impossible in the eyes of the Israelis.

Even the Israelis expected that the Americans would definitely come to discuss this matter for themselves, to see how they would deal with the Future Technology Group.

However, waiting for the left and the right, the United States responded mediocrely, even without special response.

Soon Mossad obtained a very critical piece of information, and the CEO of Future Technology Group visited all parts of the United States for a week.

Before he left, he signed hundreds of billions of dollars worth of high-tech cooperation projects with many consortia and companies in the United States.

As soon as I saw the content of the cooperation, the Israeli high-levels were silent. No wonder the United States was silent. Instead, it was Israel. If the Future Technology Group also came to Israel to list those cooperation, Israel would not move the Future Technology Group.

The whole world knows that the United States has been facing an employment crisis, and is also undergoing economic transformation to increase domestic manufacturing.

This time the Future Technology Group went to the United States to bring comprehensive commercial cooperation to the United States.

The general direction of cooperation includes global cooperation in e-commerce. Signed a comprehensive cooperation in the field of international e-commerce with Amazon.

Invest in the construction of a machine housekeeper production plant in the United States. In addition, it has signed agreements for supplying machine butler parts with many domestic manufacturing companies in the United States.

These two major cooperations are just stepping stones. Lin Zhongxian was in the United States. It also said that in the future, the scale of cooperation will be increased based on the initial cooperation and the effect.

According to the survey. Future Technology Group can bring at least 300 billion US dollars of direct investment to the United States, and can directly solve the employment problem of more than 20,000 people. Provide thousands of high-paying positions.

And these are only some of these benefits, and there are many aspects of cooperation waiting to be unfolded.

and so. The United States is silent because it seems to the United States. Future Technology Group's attitude towards the United States is still very close.

Having such an attitude is enough for those American companies to change their attitude towards Future Technology Group. When consortia and enterprises receive actual benefits, the government will also change its attitude.

If the Future Technology Group is close to the United States. The United States will also relax some of the normal activities of Future Technology Group in the Middle East.

Just as the United States supported the Pahlavi dynasty of Iran in those days, if there is a large enterprise in the Middle East, it can fully cooperate with the United States. It is vital to the US global economic strategy.

Cai Ruichen saw this, so he did not hesitate to release part of his interests and tie himself to the United States.

As long as the United States acquiesces to the behavior of the Future Technology Group, NATO countries will follow it in silence. As for Israel, Cai Ruichen is really not very worried.

Because his ultimate goal is to isolate Israel, otherwise if the United States is eyeing the Future Technology Group, then... just raise your hand and surrender.

When the Marin Town officially sent troops to Samarra, Lin Zhongxian just finished signing cooperation agreements and intentions with many American companies, and formally left the United States for his hometown.

After finishing his business investigation in the United States, Lin Chongxian will stay in his hometown for almost a week, and will travel to India and Japan in the next four days. The rest of the time will be the last stop in Europe.

All things are slowly unfolding according to plan, and Cai Ruichen can gradually relax.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. According to the development of the current form, the difficult beginning has already begun.

The next thing to do, just step by step.

At ten in the middle of the night, on the battlefield of Samarra, the battle lasted for a day, and there was a brief calm in the middle of the night.

But this calm was soon broken by the exclamation of the Islamic State.

In the ruins of Samarra in the dark, fifty sniper teams sneaked into Samarra quietly.

A sniper team that is fully armed with teeth is absolutely world-class.

The yellow and white auspicious clothes can make them blend well with the ruins of the city.

The sniper rifles in hand are all the most professional silencing sniper rifles. Unless they are within three meters of the sniper rifle, you will definitely not hear the sound of shooting.

Even the flame of the muzzle will be completely offset.

Type 20 muffler sniper rifle, a high-precision sniper specially developed for night special operations.

Because the muffler will affect the ballistic accuracy of the bullet, many sniper rifles cannot be equipped with a muffler, especially for long-distance sniping. The diffusion surface of the trajectory of a sniper rifle with a muffler will be more than three times larger than that of a sniper rifle without a muffler.

The Type 20 muffler sniper rifle is a special sniper rifle specially developed to overcome this precision. The caliber is 7.62 mm. The high-precision barrel is replaced with a professional muffler barrel.

Although the accuracy is a bit worse than the normal high-precision but it is only relatively speaking. Compared with those sniper rifles with silencers, this professional noise-cancelling sniper rifle is already considered to be High-precision snipe.

The cost of a muffler barrel alone has reached five hundred dollars, and a professional bullet has also reached ten dollars, which is definitely a premium level.

The nightmare of the ISIS soldiers appeared. In the dark, heavily armed sniper teams appeared in various places in Samarra, and then launched targeted hunts.

Under the guidance of the base map function, Natasha took command and staged what is called a micro-operation professional sniper command in front of Cai Ruichen.

Natasha, like a god, macros the entire battlefield, and none of the ISIS soldiers escaped the eyes of the base.

All ISIS soldiers who were on guard outside the ruins were silently killed.

It was not until the shift in the second half of the night that the Islamic State soldiers who came out of the only remaining house in the ruins discovered that all the comrades on duty outside in the middle of the night had been silently killed.

A shrill whistle sounded in Samarra. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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